The Parkers

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Percy's pov:

I must've slept through the whole night without any dreams, because I woke up to bright sunlight in my room and I smelled the promising scent of Mom's cake.

I got up, stretched and started to look for some clothes.
Wasn't there something planned for today...?

I shrugged, decided to go for a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Once I entered the the dining room, my Mom gave me some plates. "Good morning, Percy. You woke up just in time! Help me set the table, please."

I looked at the plates in my hands... five?

"You forgot, didn't you?" Mom smirked.

"Forgot? Wha- Oooooh, the Parkers!"

If my hands were free, that would've been the perfect situation for a facepalm. Oops.

Mom laughed. "I really missed you."

I flashed her my famous smirk and started to put the plates on the table.

Paul wished me a good afternoon and just as he finished washing the dishes, the door bell rang.

My Mom shouted from the kitchen. "That must be them! I'll get the door!" With that she scurried past me.

"Hey May!"
"Hi Sally! Thanks for inviting us over."
"You're very welcome. Hello Peter, let me give you a hug!"
"Hello Mrs. Jackson."

After they were done with their greetings, they entered the living/dining room, where Paul and I were already waiting for them.

A pretty, slender woman around 40 years old with auburn hair walked towards my stepfather. "Hello Paul," she greeted and pulled him into a quick hug.

Then she looked at me. "You must be Percy," she held a hand in my direction; I shook it. "I've heard a lot about you."

She winked and I immediately liked her. She just had this friendly, genuinely nice aura.

I smiled back at her. "I sadly can't say the same about you, I haven't been home long enough. But it's really nice to meet you, Mrs. Parker."

"Oh, please call me May," she laughed.

I nodded, and then my gaze fell upon a relatively short boy with curly brown hair and warm chocolate brown eyes. He wore a t-shirt that said "If you believe in telekinesis , raise your right hand". (Thanks to the manufacturer for printing white on black; for some weird reason I can read that easier.)

"Peter, right? I'm Percy, nice to meet you."

We shook hands (what was it with me and formalities today?) and he nodded. "Yeah, and you, too."

In my demigod years I'd gotten quite good at reading and analyzing people. I needed that to survive. It was possible that your pre-algebra teacher turned out to be a fury (believe me, I know what I'm talking about), and to avoid that, it was helpful to take your time and estimate or rank the person opposite you.

Long story short, Peter looked as if he carried the weight of the sky on his shoulders (again; I know what I'm talking about!). Not literally, of course, but maybe carrying the pain of horrible fate or something.
A relatively happy person, but with deep sadness in his eyes...

Apropos, did I mention that he was eying me as well? Well, now I did.

"Sorry Bro, I have a girlfriend."

His gaze met my eyes, visibly confused. "What?"

I laughed. "Forget it. It's just... you were staring as if you were checking me out. Nevermind."

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now