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Peter's pov:

Percy opened the door with a smile and gestured for me to already go to his room, whilst he was closing the door and wanted to follow me after that.

While waiting for Percy, I looked around and noticed that Lester wasn't in Percy's room, and that they kept the three boxes they'd carried earlier in here.


With a "You can sit down", Percy closed his bedroom door behind him and took a seat on his bed, while I was sitting down on the chair.

"So, what is it?"

I took a deep breath. I had no idea how I was supposed to address this, or how Percy would react.

"Where is Lester?" I attempted smalltalk.

Percy hesitated before answering. "In his room... It's not like we share a bedroom."

"Oh. Sounds logical."


It was quiet for a moment.



"It was you who wanted to talk to me! I thought that's why you're here. So, what's going on?"

I nodded and took another deep breath. "I want to be completely honest with you."

Percy raised his eyebrows, irritated. "Oooookay?"

I was carefully forming my next sentence. "I know that you're hiding something from all of us."

Percy snorted and faked a laugh. "What? Nonsense! How'd you get that idea?"

I sighed and ignored his attempt to make me lose my suspicion. "I'm really not proud to say that, Perce, but I was worried and... did my research."

Percy jumped onto his feet indignantly. He looked pretty angry. "You mean you were snooping around behind my back!! You spied on me!"

"No!" I automatically contradicted... Then I realized that that wasn't true. "Yes."

Percy looked extremely hurt and disappointment was visible in his seagreen eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but I was quicker. "Please, let me explain!"

Percy's mouth closed again and he sat down on his bed with crossed arms. "I'm waiting."

It was in this moment, that I realized that my possibility to explain only included my superpowers. "It's... complicated," I finally said.

Percy's eyebrows furrowed. "You don't say. Second chance."

I sighed. "I... I noticed something about you, and when you had this attack I was really worried. I wanted to talk to you, but you didn't let anybody!"

"Because there was no reason to!" Percy almost growled at me.

"I'm sorry, okay? But you're my friend and I want to help you, even if you don't want to accept it!" I was raising my voice now, too, which seemed to surprise Percy.

"My uncle died right in front of my eyes and-" I bit my lip and took a shaky breath. "I want to help the people that mean something to me. Just once, at least."
My eyes were burning and I took deep breaths to get rid of the tears.

Percy seemed calmer and loosened his arms, so they weren't crossed over his chest anymore. "I understand you, Peter. Really. Probably more than you can imagine. But I simply cannot tell you."

But I refused to give up.

"Yes, you can! You don't know how much I can take! And I want to be there for my friends, just understand that. You can trust me! I found out that you went missing several times and that you were kidnapped and your memories were stolen? Why did you have that spasm? What's wrong with you? Let me help you!"

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now