Of Spidey Sense And Monsters

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Peter's pov:

Today was the first day I'd see Percy after finding out all those strange things about him. And I was overwhelmed, to say the least.

How was I supposed to behave normally when I knew that he'd been lying to me the whole time?

He apparently was a swordsman, had never been to his grandmother's burial and a Hera had kidnapped him and 'put him to sleep'?

I'd been constantly brooding over that since the day I'd snooped around. I'd called MJ and Ned and discussed with Wanda. I'd done my research online, to see if there were any entries on sword fighting teenagers in a Camp Half-Blood. Nothing.

But when I typed 'Percy Jackson' in the search bar, there were shockingly many articles.

'Boy and mother missing after car accident'

'Twelve-year-old boy kidnaps his mother'

'Children have a gunfight with their kidnapper'

The only unsurprising things were various entries of schools, from which Percy had been suspended, and the most recent articles, with headlines similar to 'sixteen-year-old boy missing'.

He actually went missing, even though all the reports were checked off in February. But he'd only arrived here in August. What the hell had happened?

I'm pretty sure that Percy noticed how I was avoiding him at school. I was scared to spill too much.
Percy gave me weird looks, but didn't tell me that he thought my behavior was strange.

To distract myself from class when we were talking about the Infinity War, I looked around. I couldn't bare to listen, especially today, when we were covering Tony's return and Captain Marvel's arrival. It was interesting, but I couldn't focus on it without starting to cry.

While looking around, something weird happened. Mr. Smilling was just using the words "biggest battle in world's history" (or something like that), when Percy stared into nothingness and touched his nose, lost in thoughts. That itself wasn't suspicious, of course, neither was the snort coming from Lester, but a shiver went down my spine.

Alarmed, I started up, but my spidey sense disappeared as quickly as it came.

This whole thing was frightening me ridiculously much. My sixth sense had never warned me about Percy. And especially after the most recent discoveries, that was worrying me.

But why now?

In the exact moment I realized that I should probably stop looking at Percy, he noticed me staring. But he just looked at me as pensive as I was looking at him.

Even in the cafeteria, it was gruesomely quiet at our table, and Lester was the only one contently blabbering. There were no animated conversations, instead we just asked curt questions to fill the silence. The answers, except for Lester's, were just as curt.

Whatever was going on on both sides, Percy apparently didn't tell Lester...

"Peter, are we going home together, again? Because I have to buy drinks." Percy and Lester shared knowing glances, and again, I felt this irrational fear.

Percy had known me for quite some time and we've always gotten along great. I knew that, whenever I needed it, I could count on him. I didn't want to lose this friendship just because of an unreasonable fear, when I could simply ask instead.

Also, my peter tingle could've been triggered by something else.

There's no reason to panic, you don't have to be afraid of Percy!

"I have to go to Stark Industries after school, but I actually wanted to talk to you when we're both home again. Can I come over at six?" This answer was ridiculously nerve-wracking, which animated me even more to talk to Percy.

My impulsive acts had never gotten me anywhere in the past.

"Um, yeah, sure."


I swear, I wasn't spying on Percy.

The fact that I saw Lester and Percy on their way home was a coincidence.

I was on my weekly patrouille, when I heard the loud sound of many falling and clattering things and decided to look for the source of the noise.

The source was Lester, hoisting a huge box of 7up, which was apparently too heavy for him. It appeared that the box had slipped out of his hands already, because some cans were missing.

"If you continue doing that, we wont have anything left when we arrive." Percy was scolding right at this moment. He himself was carrying two boxes without any problems.

Lester cursed in this strange language and Percy let out an amused chuckle.

I didn't want to eavesdrop. Really.

But it couldn't do harm if I wanted to persuade Percy to talk to me.

"Consider it training," Percy said with a glance at the struggling Lester. "You need it."

"Hey!!" Lester snapped, almost dropping his box again in the procress.

"I'm just saying." Percy shrugged his shoulders. "Not everybody gets muscles just because they're in the mood for it. Humans actually have to work for them, you know?"

"You don't say," was the snippy reply of Percy's companion. "As if I needed more reasons to hate being human."

The black haired boy sighed. "Complaining doesn't help. You should know that. That is probably something else I am supposed to teach you. We learn that the hard way.
Now, come on, before we get sensed. It's a miracle that only four monsters have found us throughout the whole time we've spent together. And when the next one arrives, I don't want to fight alone again. And I don't want to fight with exhausted arms from carrying boxes, too."

Sorry, what?

Monsters? What?
He was getting sensed by monsters?? Where was the logic in that??

I was so overwhelmed and lost in thoughts that I only caught the end of Lester's reply. "- half-blood."

Damnit. I had the feeling that I'd missed something vital. Although the monster part had already revealed enough. Or not, that depended on how one thought about it.

Percy got more and more mysterious with every passing minute. It was time for answers!

A police siren in the distance ripped me out of my thoughts and I was reminded of my actual job: Fighting crimes.

I would deal with Percy later.

With that, I shot a web onto a near skyscraper and swung into the direction of the sirens.

I'm so excited for the Disney+ series, even though i don't even have Disney+ -- i'll probably get it just for pjo, and i'm so exciteeeedd!!! They started the casting for Percy and I really hope that they find the right actor- i really don't want the actors to be 12 now, or even older, because once they start shooting they'll be too old and it won't fit with the (hopefully also coming) following seasons!

I just really hope that the series will be good, but I have faith in Rick.

and i'm really excited and jealous of everyone living in the US or Canada, because they can actually audition..... It's so boring where I liveeee.

Until next time, idky when that'll be, i actually should do more for school.

Stay happy!

xoxo, your fangirl

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