Conversation With A God

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Peters pov:

"Oh no, what do we do!?"
I desperately looked at the teenager in front of me- who, apparently, had been the God of the sun, Apollo, this whole time.

He first looked at the unconscious Percy on the floor, then at me.

"Pick him up," he finally said.

"Excuse me?" I replied. "Why me, exactly?! You're the god here, or whatever!"

Judging Apollos murderous expression, that had been the wrong thing to say, but hey, I was panicking!

"Because you are the one with super strength," he just hissed.

I felt betrayed. Percy had told him? "How do you know that?"

"I thought your GPA was goin- ehrm, I thought you're the smart one! Of course I know who you are, I'm a god!"

I blushed crimson red. He had a point- and what exactly did he want to say about my GPA??

"Peter!" Apollo impatiently snapped his fingers in front of my face. "There's an unconscious Percy lying around, who has to be brought away quickly, before he attracts monsters!"


"For goodness sake, pick him up and follow me, we don't have time for questions!!"

"Ehm, okay," I hurried to Percy and threw him over my shoulder - he was heavier than he looked.
Once I regained my posture, I turned to Apollo. "What now?"

The whatever in front of me seemed to be staring holes in the air, very concentrated. "School won't be happening today. Give me your phone."

I hesitated, but then fished my phone out of my jeans pocket and layed it into his outstretched palm. Apollo started walking and asked for my password. I followed and told him.

"Just asking," I said, slightly out of breath because of the boy over my shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"I'm calling someone who can help Percy, or at least tell us how we can help him."

Apollo stared at the display for a moment and then approached the demigod thrown over my shoulder. He reached into the pocket of his jacket, took out a little snippet of paper and breathed out in relief.
"Annabeth, you genius. Thank Athena."

He read from the paper and typed something on my phone. It dialed and he took the phone to his ear. After a few seconds, a girl answered.
(It's my cellphone, so I'm allowed to know with whom and about what Apollo was talking.)


"Annabeth, it's Apollo. I found your note."

"Oh gods, did it happen again?"

Apollo grimaced. "Yeah. Peter's carrying him right now, what are we supposed to do?"

On the other side of the line, Annabeth sighed. "In his condition, it's probably better if you come to camp. I'm sending you a car. We'll meet you at 63rd street, okay?"

"Alright. See you."

Apollo hung up and faced me. "I would tell you the details, but I'm pretty sure you eavesdropped anyway."

I felt the heat rising to my face, but I knew that there was no point in denying it.

"To camp?" I asked instead.
"Mhmm," Apollo just answered and kept typing on my phone.

Apollo answered my question before I could even ask. "I told Ned and MJ to excuse us at school; we're getting Percy to the hospital. It's not even a lie."
He smirked a little.

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