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Percy's pov:

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Jason said. "Don't get me wrong, the offer is really nice, but how are we supposed to explain Percy's powers, and why he can't train alone?"

Annabeth sighed. "True. He's right. We're supposed to keep the mythological worlds a secret under any circumstances. If we practically out Percy by presenting him and his powers to a group of superhumans, we'd do everything but the thing that should be our main priority."

To all our surprises, it was Apollo, of all people, who scoffed from the corner he stood in. "I think Poseidon wouldn't want Percy to become unstable for the godly world. He has to train, and if the only way to do that is at the Avengers Headquarters, then so be it."

I had to smile a little, when Apollo mentioned my dad. But that didn't change my doubts.
"But even my dad doesn't have power over the ancient rules. So, as nice as your approval is, Apollo, really, it doesn't change anything about the problem."

All of a sudden, Annabeth snapped her fingers and I almost jumped into my top bunk bed. "Horrible Hera!", I cried, pressing my hand over my heart. "Don't surprise me like that!"

However, my girlfriend ignored me (- I'll remember that one). "We have to keep the mythical worlds a secret, but not one hundred percent of them!"

All of us gave her confused looks.

"Huh?" Nico finally said after a short moment of silence.

Annabeth sighed as if our intelligence was exhausting her (although I can't imagine, why). "The Aesir!!"


"No! The Aesir! Norse gods. They partly exist in this world. And since Percy is a demigod, we wouldn't even lie if we introduce him as such. We'll say he's Norse!"

Nico grinned and picked up on Annabeth's train of thoughts. "So Percy can present his demigod powers without drawing attention to our mythological gods, and without raising suspicion! I like that idea."

I grimaced. "Probably a good idea, but do you seriously believe that this could work? Hello?" I pointed up and down on myself. "Do I look Norse in your eyes? I'm neither blond nor do I have blue eyes! I am the greekest Greek you could ever meet! The Romans have called me Greek before I even knew that I actually was one!"

Nico suppressed a laugh which ended in a little grunt, and I stuck out my tongue at him instead of acknowledging Peter's very irritated expression. "Yeah, I'll still punch you because you didn't tell me anything."

Now, Nico rolled his eyes and snorted, but he didn't say anything, so I let it be. We didn't want to confuse poor Peter even more, did we?

Suddenly, Jason held his face in his hands and started to laugh uncontrollably.

We dumbfoundably waited for him to explain what was going on. - Why were so many people acting weird today?

Jason didn't let us wait long. He took a deep breath and managed to get a sentence out between his chuckles. "You... Bro, you really don't look Norse, so... Let's change tha-"

"I won't dye my hair, what the frickfrack!?"

Now, Annabeth was starting to chuckle quietly, too. "That would be a sight though, oh gods."

Yes, yes. Was it 'let's -bully -Percy -day', or what?

"I won't dye my hair blond! I'll leave the whole being- blond-thing to our goldilocks over here!"
I pointed at Jason, Will and my girlfriend, who didn't look too happy with the nickname I'd just given her.

Well, she deserved it.

"Back to the original topic, guys," I said, shaking my head. "What are we gonna do?"

"I think this whole Norse story is a good idea," Peter said. "They'll barely think about your appearance, they've got better things to do. Also, they'll surely be too fascinated by your powers to pay attention to anything else."

"You think?" I hesitated.
"Yes," Peter reassured.

"Very well!" Annabeth grinned. "So we know the where. I can also ask Magnus for a few more information on Norse mythology. That way we won't be completely doomed in case they ask questions."

Oh yeah. She had told be about her her not-so-mortal cousin once. He could really be helpful. But something else irritated me a little bit.

"Of course, we," Annabeth said. "You don't think you can actually learn how to upgrate your abilities without me! You won't manage it on your own."

Although the assumption was mean, I had to smile. She'd promised that she'd be there for me, no matter what.
I ignored my friends' quiet and annoyed groans after I'd leaned in and gave Annabeth a quick kiss.

Her offer may not seem like a big deal, but it meant the world to me. "Thank you."

She smiled back at me. "Of course, don't mention it."

Peter quietly cleared his throat. "Then we should start this weekend. Because that's really the only time Annabeth can come with us. Happy usually picks me up straight after school, and it would be suspicious for him if we always made an effort to take someone with us who's not even from our school and seemingly doesn't have any special abilities that have to be trained. Don't ask me. Since I've told Happy about the problem with a certain Mysterio, he's gotten pretty suspicious."

I didn't really know what he was talking about, but I gave in. If the  Avengers were kind enough to let us train with them, we shouldn't overstretch their hospitality.
Annabeth sighed, but nodded, too.

"But I'll come with you," Apollo spoke up. His tone of voice made us understand that he wouldn't take no for an answer. "If someone can help Percy, it's obviously me. I'm from the same school, too. And who knows, maybe I'll rediscover a few of my own powers."

Peter thought about it for a few seconds, but nodded. "Okay."

I looked around. "Are there any more objections, anything else we have to talk about? Or is that it?"

Slowly but surely, everyone shook their heads.

"Alright. So I'm Percy, a Norse demigod and I have the power of hydrokinesis. We'll start on Saturday morning, that's when Happy will pick up Annabeth, Apollo, Peter and me. Did I forget anything?"

"I don't think so," Peter replied. If I interpreted his fidgeting and grinning correctly, he was pretty excited. "We'll start on Saturday."

With that, our little meeting was over and we all stood up to get some fresh air. Apollo, Peter and I had to go home soon, too, before aunt May and mom started to worry.

Then there still was a quiet whisper.

"The Stolls have to hear about the blond hair!"


(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now