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Peter's pov:

Slowly but surely everybody began to start their own training, and from the corner of my eyes I could see how Percy and Annabeth took their positions on karate mats.

But I was actually focused on Lester. As incredible as I still thought it was, he was a God.
Once again, I tried to suppress this nagging curiosity inside me... What had to have happened to get Apollo - one of the most famous ancient gods - banned from Olympus?
Aside from that, I was excited to see what he could do. As far as I knew he was also a God of archery - how much of his power did he have left in this category?

My question got answered as Apollo set the arrow to his bow and breathed out, concentrated. He was incredibly quiet for a ridiculously long time. Then he let go.... And the arrow shot past the target by at least five inches.
He looked very frustrated, lowered his bow and looked at his hands. I heard him curse in this strange language again - although I realized right then that it had to be an ancient language; his mothertongue. Maybe ancient Greek? Latin?

I probably would have watched Apollo for way longer, as weird as that may sound, but I got torn out of my thoughts by Rhodey.

"Weird friends you made there."

I had to smirk. He was quite right. Out of all the people I could've met, of course it had to be the son of an ancient, supernatural deity.

"How exactly did you befriend them, again?" Rhodey continued.

"I had lunch with his family, 'cause his mother wanted to ask whether he could come to MidtownTech with me. Apparently he's been expelled by many schools already, and his last one was no exception either."

"Seriously? He doesn't seem like a High School Jock to me." Rhodey raised an eyebrow.

"He's everything but that, or he would've never befriended me."

Rhodey squinted at me. "I keep forgetting what a Nerd you actually are. So you're telling me it's just as bad at school?"

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and shrugged. My gaze darted the room insecurely.
"I'm... keeping a low profile. So no one will suspect me. Being Spider-Man, I mean."

I think Rhodey forgot that I had super hearing when he murmured: "Cause that worked so well on your girlfriend, too...."

My jaw dropped, but I didn't find the right comeback.
"Shut it," I said instead, but Rhodey was chuckling his ass off beside me.

"Ouch," I said after a few seconds, when I saw how Annabeth had thrown Percy over her shoulder.
The man next to me followed my eyes.
"Where've they been all this time?"

Sadly, I immediately knew what he meant. I didn't know an answer, so I'd hoped no one would even ask.
"I mean," he continued, "everyone was there. I barely knew five percent of the people there personally."
He paused for a short moment. "And I know that all of Asgard has been there. Have they been blipped? Did they have to reform first?"

I took a deep breath.
"They didn't blip," I said, hoping he'd drop the questions regarding the grand battle.
But with this, I only pushed myself deeper in the dirt.

"How?" The General next to me wanted to know. "Not a single one of them?"

I bit my lip. Talking about it like this, it really was strange that apparently no demigod had been affected by the snap.
"No," I said deep in thoughts.

"Well, they were crazy lucky then," Rhodey replied incredulously. "Aside from Pepper and Tony, I don't know a single couple where both made it. And... Percy and Annabeth are together, right? And if not, they'd really have to make a move on the other."

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now