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Percy's pov:

"Damn, what was that!?"

I ignored the angry god opposite me, like I had done the whole day at school, after the incident.

He'd never cared about me before, so he didn't have to start now.

"Hello!? Percy!"

Without a word, I rushed into my room and banged the door shut before Apollo could follow me.

I fell backwards onto my bed and pressed my palms against my forehead.

Schist. Schist. Schist.

The others wouldn't forget about that for sure... And they wouldn't be able to understand what had happened. I mean, even I couldn't understand it.

"Percy?" Apollo's voice was muffled by the closed door separating us.

I groaned. "Just leave me alone, dude!"

It was quiet for a short moment. Then: "You wouldn't have said that if I still were a god." He sounded hurt. Of course, everything had to be about him.

Actually, I should've welcomed that, because then he wouldn't have continued to annoy me with his questions, but somehow that sentence made me even angrier.

"If you were a god you wouldn't care!" I snapped at him and he finally kept quiet. I heard steps and supposed that he disappeared into his room. Good.

I sighed deeply and rolled on my side. The photo of Annabeth and me caught my eye, the one that had been taken a few days after we'd found the Golden Fleece.

I couldn't help but smile. I was so lucky to have her. She meant so much to me, more than anything else in the universe, which was exactly why I didn't want to tell her about the problem.

She'd only be worried. And worse, I'd scare her again. There simply were things you shouldn't be able to control as a mortal being. Was it possible that I'd scare her so much that she'd flee from me?

I couldn't lose her...

I angrily grabbed my pillow and used it to muffle my frustrated scream.

Why was it always me?!

If I weren't a demigod, I wouldn't have problems with too much power!

If I weren't a demigod, I wouldn't have been in two wars already, with the tender age of seventeen!

If it weren't for Poseidon, I would've never fallen into Tartarus!

But... If I weren't a halfblood, I would've never met Annabeth.

I took a deep breath. Once. Twice.

Then, my breathing got even and I fell asleep.


I was rudely awoken by the apartment bell.

While I was stretching my muscles and getting up, I checked the time and realized that I'd been asleep for almost two hours.

I exited my room, just to see that Apollo had already opened the door. "-r coming," he was just saying. He stepped aside and I could see whom he'd opened the door for.

Oh gods.

I sounded as if I had just run a marathon.

"Sure, just forget me," a mop of blond curls muttered, who had entered the apartment after Annabeth.

I waved quickly. "Hi Will. You should try that whole 'greeting thing' again. I think Nico's rubbing off on you."

As a result of this, he smiled exaggeratedly and opened his arms as if he wanted to hug the whole world. "Percyyyyyyy!!! HIIII!!!!! Gods, how I've missed you!"

He ran past Annabeth and Apollo with a short "Hi Apollo", and threw himself into my arms. Ooookay.

"This greeting didn't have to be like this, but fine, I guess," I murmured.

Annabeth approached us, pushed Will aside and hugged me briefly. "Hi Seaweed brain."

"Wise girl," I nodded at her.

For a few seconds we just smiled at one another, until Will exchanged a quick glance with his father and cleared his throat. "As much as I appreciate your hetero-romance, that's not why we're here."

A cold shiver ran down my spine. I quickly turned to face Apollo and gave him my best wolf's glare.

"You didn't!" The words were dripping out of my mouth like poison. "That's none of your business!"

Apollo tried to not cave in under my stare. "Yes it is. Someone had to do something, after things escalated the way they did today!"

"You have no idea! Nothing escalated!"

"Didn't it? It looked different to me, when you fainted and had a spasm for ten minutes!"

"Ten minutes?!" Will interrupted our argument.

Annabeth's eyebrows furrowed, which, by the way, looked really cute. "Percy." Her voice was calm. "I think you need to tell us something."

My gaze returned to Apollo. "Errete es korrakas!"

He ignored my malediction.

"We should go to your room, Perce," Will said.

I didn't want to obey, but Annabeth pulled me with her and lead Apollo and Will into my bedroom.

Both of us sat down on my bed, whereas Will and Apollo occupied the chairs in front of my desk. Annabeth looked at me with request in her eyes. "Apollo sent us an Iris Message. He said we should get to your apartment as quick as possible, but claimed that we didn't have to worry. What happened?"

When I didn't answer, Apollo started to tell them. "Everything was completely normal, but during lunch Percy suddenly started to sweat and fainted. He had a spasm for ca. ten minutes and several glasses of water around us exploded- but glasses filled with coke as well. And once I gave him Ambrosia, that didn't help at first, too."

He turned to Will. "I would've healed him, but someone thought it necessary to withdraw all my powers." He briefly glared at the sky before continuing. "I think you can do more than me. And Annabeth should help us with making him cooperate."

My girlfriend sighed. "Thanks for calling us, Apollo. I'm sure he would've never told us anything."

I continued to keep quiet and stared at the floor. For outsiders, it probably looked as if I was defiant and cold, but honestly, I was mainly trying to get my fear under control.

Will tilted his head and looked at me through the eyes of a doctor. "Has that happened before, Percy?"

I didn't reply. They just couldn't find out. I couldn't lose Annabeth! And my friends would turn their backs on me as well, if they found out the truth.... I couldn't risk that!

Annabeth pinched my arm, which was an effective way to get my attention.

"Ow!" I rubbed my arm.

"Percy", Annabeth sighed with worry filling her grey eyes. "Talk to us! Or should I've taken Piper with us?"

I looked at her quietly for a few more seconds, before lowering my eyes in defeat. With a quick glance towards Will, I closed my eyes.

"Yes," I admitted.

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now