Cold Realization

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Peter's pov:

"We know he lied, right?"

"No question," MJ agreed.

I was currently on my bedroom ceiling, walking back and forth with my phone pressed to my ear. I had really tried to understand the incident that had happened at school, or at least tried to forget it. But every time I almost managed to do that, I saw one glass after another shatter into pieces. It just didn't make any sense!

My first thought was to call Mr. Stark, but...

Instead, I called the smartest person I knew now.

"I've been thinking about it the whole time, but I always come to only one conclusion: That's not possible."

"Me too. Did Percy not say anything at all on your way back home? Or Lester?"

I shivered at the thought of the strange, uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding us on the way back from school. "No. Not a single word. That was really uncomfortable."

MJ snorted. "Circulatory collapse. Something's wrong there! Do you remember how he and Lester were arguing as if Lester was the reason for Percy's misery? Today, Lester fed him with some bar and all of a sudden he's fine again? Glasses were exploding! Let alone the fact that he went missing without a trace for eight months straight! Something's wrong there, I tell you! Did your peter-tingle really not say anything?"

"That's not my - never mind, no. Nothing."

For a while I just heard the buzzing of the telephone line. "Maybe he's ... like you?"

Somehow, that idea was surreal to me. "What? No, I can't imagine that. Have you heard of anyone on earth being an anonymous superhero, apart from Spider-Man? Because I didn't, and I'm close to the sources. And I didn't see him at the final battle, too, where every superhuman in the whole universe was fighting."

"And?" MJ replied. "Just because he's got superpowers, that definitely doesn't mean he uses them."

"He doesn't seem like someone who would oppress his powers, though."

"How would we know? Maybe that's exactly why this thing today happened? Maybe he's had an accident eight months ago, that gave him powers, and Lester's got something to do with that! He's scared of these powers or something and oppresses them, which leads to accidents like today! And Le-"

"Wowowowow, MJ stop!" I interrupted my girlfriend before she'd get riled up even more.

I jumped off the ceiling and lay down on my bed instead. "You know I like you, really much, but that just sounds crazy. That's pure speculation, and so unrealistic and absurd!"

My girlfriend sighed. "Maybe, but you know what's really absurd as well? Exploding glasses and healthy Percys that suddenly have spasms and lie on the floor. So, something's going on there!"

"You're right." I took a deep breath. "You know what, I'll just go over there now and see how he's doing. Some time has passed now and he should have calmed down by now. There's probably a really logical explanation! I'll just check in on him, yeah?"

MJ let out a loud breath. "Sounds too unspectacular and hopelessly optimistic to me, but it's the next best option. So yeah. Bye, Pete."

"Bye, MJ."

I still heard a mocking "Go get 'em, tiger", that she'd gotten from some old movie, then I hung up.

Let's go.

I walked over to the door of the Jackson-Blofis- Apartment and pressed the bell.

It didn't take long and a tall, blond, curly headed boy with sky blue eyes opened the door.

Well, I did not expect that. "Um, hi?"

The boy raised his eyebrows. Then he turned to the side. "Erm, Ap- Lester?"

A second later, Lester joined us at the door. "Peter, hi, what made you come over?" Then he turned to the teenager. "He's a friend from school, and a neighbor."

After the stranger nodded slightly, but without letting me out of his sight, I gave Lester an answer with an insecure glance at the blond.
"I wanted to check on Percy, after... you know."

"Come in, first, Peter." Both of them stepped aside and we walked into the apartment. But before I could approach Percy's room, the stranger stepped in front of me, effectively stopping me in my tracks.

"That's not a good idea."

"Sorry, but who are you?" I hoped that didn't sound conceited, but his sudden reappearance reminded me that I had yet to learn this person's name.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm Will." He reached out his hand and I shook it. "Pleasure."

Lester smiled at us tensely. "Let's go to the living room, shall we?"

We followed, although I still really couldn't imagine why it would be such a bad idea to go to Percy. When we all arrived at our seats, I broke the silence. "What exactly is it that happened to Percy? Why can't I visit him?"

Will was already opening his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the sound of an opening door.

Once I turned around, I instantly recognized the blonde hair: That must have been Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend.

I was already thrilled to finally meet her, but then she turned her gaze away from the door and our eyes met.

A cold shiver went down my spine and my pulse quickened. My peter-tingle was going crazy!

Immediately, I could only sit there, frozen, and watched how Annabeth approached us. "I told him to rest and sleep, after the incident."

So Annabeth knew of it?

Will spoke up. "Good, he should. Such a spasm takes incredibly much energy. I'm honestly surprised that he didn't fall asleep right after the attack."

Annabeth nodded and turned her eyes to me. It felt as if she was looking into the depths of my soul and read all of my deepest secrets. Together with the fact that my peter-tingle/ spidey sense was going crazy, it was difficult to hide the panic in my posture and body language. I doubt that I succeeded.

"Peter, right?" She smiled nicely and I attempted my best to mirror her action.

I didn't trust my voice, so I just nodded.

It was Will who released me (at least a bit). "Could you get some more information out of him?"

The girl shook her head and sniffled once. I just noticed now that she must have cried. "But, by the way he talked, I assume that it has to to with the pit."

What!? What was she talking about?

Will nodded, whereas Lester looked as confused as I felt. "The pit?"

"Another time, D- Lester, okay?" Will responded, but his tone of voice made it clear that it wasn't a question.

Once I partly trusted my voice again, I spoke up. "What was that today? There were exploding glasses! Lester shoved a bar of cereal into his mouth and everything was fine again? He's behaving as if nothing happened?"

Annabeth shrugged. "We don't know more than you do, but..."

Then she raised her hand, and it looked as if she was going to snap her finger, but Lester stopped her movement.

"No Annabeth, don't! That'll cause more problems than it'll solve."

The blonde instantly dropped her hand and looked shocked, as if she couldn't believe what she'd been about to do. "Oh gods, yes, of course, I don't know wh- yes"

The snapping movement reminded me too much of Thanos and his gauntlet, so that didn't help my anxiety.
I forced out a short chuckle, trying to not meet her eyes, in order to not strengthen the feeling of danger even more. "Yeah, well, I just wanted to check how Percy was doing, but apparently, not much has changed. Then, bye y'all!"

I practically ran out of the apartment and lost no second with getting my phone and calling MJ, when I was in the closed hallway on my way home.

"MJ? You're right, there's something really fishy going on...."

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now