Strange Visitor

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Peter's pov:

After the incident yesterday, I noticed how Percy often gave me strange or worried looks when he thought I wouldn't notice. Well, supersenses, I did notice it.

I knew that my behavior and especially my burst of strength confused him immensely. But he didn't ask any more questions, and I was really thankful for that. Keeping quiet was easier than lying.

My meeting with Wanda that evening had really helped me. I had told her about the new topic, a.k.a. my new problem, and what had happened. In general, how overwhelmed I was, the grief, the anxiety attacks since Beck and my fear of getting betrayed and loosing people I loved.

Wanda always listened, and she was unbelievably wise and mature for her age. She always gave me helpful advice; what had helped her, how I could open up, and she told me stories.

This time, like always, she understood how I felt. The Avenger helped me to forget my worries and encouraged me- She definitely was right when she said that, "hey, at least you'll get an 'A' on that topic."

When I asked Wanda about her good advice and maturity, she smiled at me. "Being a superhero does that to you. You learn how to cope with your problems the hard way. I grieve, as you know very well, Peter, but I carry on. It may seem easier to get swallowed by the darkness of the situation, but I know that it will be worth it to search for the bright and positive sides of life."

Something in her expression told me that she was hoping for something, although, with her terrible fate, I couldn't imagine what. But I knew that she was on her way to recovery, and that I would start to heal, too, someday.

We were strong and we had each other. And there always was hope, even for people like us. Our wounds would leave ugly scars and itch from time to time, but all in all, they would heal, somehow, sooner or later. Although at this moment, I couldn't imagine how they could ever reach that point.

I made it my goal to follow Wanda's advice even more, and 18 hours later I was sitting at Ned's, MJ's, Percy's and my usual lunch desk. We talked about this, that and everything under the sun.

After we had finished the discussion of yet another topic, Percy asked me a question. "You're very good at physics, aren't you, Pete?"

I answered mildly confused. "Yeah, I guess, why do you ask?"

He smiled sheepishly. "We're writing a test on Monday and I have to be good at this, but I don't really understand it yet. I want to improve at school, because I want to go to a certain private college, and I think I could really use your help for that."

I smiled, happy that I could help. "Sure! When do you want to meet?"

The seventeen yearold quickly thought about it. "Are you free today? That way I still have time if I don't understand everything straight away. You can come over directly after school."

I nodded. "Okay, sure."

"Great, you're a lifesaver, man."

I chuckled. "No problem."


"Hi, Mrs. Jackson!"

"Hello Peter. And how often do you want to hear it, I'm Sally! Hello, Percy. I didn't know you would bring visitors."

Her son walked towards her, kissed her cheek while stealing from the freshly made cookie dough behind Mrs. Jackson, and answered. "It was spontaneously. Peter's giving me tuition."

Sally nodded and smiled at me thankfully. "That's really nice of you."

"It's my pleasure," I assured. It really was; I was always happy to help.

"Come on, Peter." Percy took my arm and pulled me into the direction in which I assumed his bedroom was. "This way."

Arriving in his bedroom, I looked around. It was painted in a calming shade of blue, with sea green highlights in the corners of the room, and the sun was shining through a big window on my left.

His bed was made, but the rest of his room was quite messy, with different clothes scattered on the floor. Percy wasn't bothered and waved me towards him while throwing a shirt off the second chair in front of his desk. "Sit down."

I sat down, and immediately caught sight of a small framed picture, which was standing alone on Percy's empty desk. A young blond girl with curly hair had a younger version of Percy in a headlock, while smiling brightly into the camera. What was noticeable about her were her irritating stormy gray eyes.

Percy, who followed my gaze, spoke up. "That's Annabeth," he said with a happy smile on his face.

"Aaah," I said. Percy had mentioned her a couple of times. It was quite obvious that he was considerably much infatuated. As far as I knew, they'd been dating for over a year now. "How old are you there?"

He thought for a second. "Thirteen."

"You've known each other for a long time, then?"

"Since we were twelve. Been best friends for a very long time, then we became a couple."

I nodded, until I remembered what I actually came here for. "What's your topic in physics?"

He quickly shook his head, as if he was getting rid of some memories, and answered my question. "Dynamics and... similar stuff."

I nodded again and we started our work. Percy wasn't a bad learner, you just had to find the right ways to explain it to him. He had weird train of thoughts.

We were making good progress when we got interrupted by the ringing of the bell.

Confused, Percy stood up. "Mom, are you expecting someone?" He opened his bedroom door and walked towards his mother, who was already on the intercom. The door fell shut again and I tried my best not to eavesdrop- in the end, I still heard bits and snippets of the conversation when I wasn't actively trying to distract myself.

Percy and Mrs. Jackson exchanged hushed words, as if they didn't want anyone to find out what they were talking about.

I heard how Sally asked whether she should let him in, and Percy sounded confused and worried.

It was quiet for a short time, then Percy rushed towards me, pulled me onto my feet and out of his room, into the direction of the apartment door. "You have to go now, thank you very much for your help, really! Bye!"

Everything happened so fast that I couldn't even answer before the door slammed shut in front of me. What the fuck had just happened?

I turned around and opened my own apartment door, which was on the other side of the hall.

When the door was opened I turned around one last time to look at the Jackson's door, and saw a teenager, filthy and a little bloody, who got the door opened by Percy, who asked a single, annoyed sounding "Why?"

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now