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Peter's pov:

"May, I'm home! I brought someone with me."

"Hello Peter, glad that you're back. And hello Lovely... I know you from somewhere, right?" My aunt eyed my friend with her usual smile.

"Yes, Mrs. Parker. I'm Wanda Maximoff, I know Peter through the Avengers. I told him that I needed some change in scenery and wanted to get away from my life at the headquarters for a bit, so he offered me to come with him. I hope you don't mind."

Wanda smiled and offered May a hand to shake, which May did.

"But of course not, nice to meet you. And please, call me May."


I clapped my hands together. "So, after this introduction, I'll show you where you can sleep, Wanda, yeah?"

She just nodded, and so I led her though our small apartment, which Wanda looked at, smiling. We stopped at the open door to the small guest room. There was a tidily made bed standing at the far away wall, at its head end on the painted green wall was a tiny cupboard, and opposite it a little desk.

"Well, I'm afraid it isn't the biggest room in the apartment, but I doubt that my aunt would like it if you slept in my top bunk bed," I smiled a little embarrassed.

"It's perfect, Peter. I'm used to smaller rooms, from back in the day, so I feel very comfortable here," she reassured with a happy smile. "Really."

I nodded. "Alright then, make yourself comfortable and feel at home. I'll help May with dinner, and after eating we can discuss our plan further, okay?"

She nodded at me and entered the room, whereas I turned around to help aunt May, so that she wouldn't poison another cooking experiment of her's.


We spent the whole Friday evening and Saturday with thinking about how we could get into the Jackson's flat and look around while Sally was still there. Because that was the only problem we couldn't influence. Sure, Wanda could influence Sally's mind, so that she would just want to leave her apartment for a few hours, but we didn't know who or what we were dealing with, which was why we agreed to be careful.
Maybe Sally had powers, too, or her knowledge of Percy's powers gave her some immunity over other superpowers?

We simply didn't know and racked our brains over that topic, but then the problem unexpectedly solved itself (-Maths could never).

Wanda and I were sitting on the couch when the bell rang. Because it was safe to assume that it would make our neighbors suspicious if they saw an Avenger in our flat, Wanda quickly sprinted into my room while I was going to open the door. I saw Sally standing there, embarrassedly stepping from one foot onto the other.

"Oh, hi Sally?"

"Hello Pete, I'm sorry that I'm coming over just like that and bid you to do this, but I just got a call from a publisher and have to go immediately. Paul is gone because of some course and I can't leave the apartment alone, because the kitchen items are in their self-purification mode right now. I can't turn them off but I can't really leave them alone either... Again, I'm sorry to ask this, but are you or May free right now, so that maybe one of you could keep an eye on the kitchen tools?"

She looked at me through pleading eyes, and I really had to restrain myself from jumping into her arms in relief. I tried to keep cool.

"No problem, I can do that. Don't mention it."

Sally let out a relieved breath and pulled me into a quick hug. "Thank you so much, Peter, you're an angel!"

I felt guilty for a brief moment, because I was taking advantage of her desperate situation- but I did that to help!

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now