A Camp For Demigods

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Peter's pov:

It was quiet for a long time. Which was really awkward. I think noone knew how to behave around the others.

But thank god (-the gods?), the uncomfortable silence was broken by Will.

"So you're Spider-Man? I mean, I knew that he had to be young, but I didn't think he was around your age. How old are you? 17?"

"16," I corrected.

"And you blipped away?"

I bit my lip. I still didn't like to talk about that. "Yes," I got out.

"Will," said the black haired boy in a warning tone of voice, but the Blond's face lightened and he already breathed in to ask a next question.
"And?? How was it?"
After realizing that this question could be understood the wrong way, he clarified.
"Well, how did it feel? Where you simply gone? Did you still sense things, how did it feel to turn to dust? I..... I'm just asking because of medical interests!"
He smiled embarrassedly and I tried to give him an answer.

"Well, I was.... Simply gone, I guess."
I felt sweat appear on my forehead. That really wasn't a good topic for small talk.

"And before that?" Will continued to ask, probably too interested to notice my discomfort.

Mr Stark? I... I don't feel so good...

"Will," the pale boy said in the same warning tone of voice. "I thought you're the doctor. Don't you see that he's panicking?"

Will looked at the boy first, then at me, who tried to smile as if I heard nothing.
"Ohh, sorry. PTSD?"

"Erm, what?"
Sure, I knew what PTSD was. But I just had a small trauma because of that incident. "No! It's just.... It awakens bad memories."

"It's not bad to have a post traumatic stress disorder," Will still continued. "Many half-bloods have it, too."

"Gods, Will, I know you're nervous, but would you please shut up now? It's slowly getting embarrassing, and not just for you!"
That was the dark haired boy again.

I unconsciously smiled, thankful for the excuse to change topics. "We haven't met yet, have we?"

Now, the boy looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He looked around, as if to make sure that I was talking to him.

"Peter Parker," I introduced myself.

The boy gave me a timid smile. "Nico di Angelo."

"Pleasure to meet you. And who are all of you? Or, your parents?"
I had really tried to keep my curiosity at bay, but at one point it had gotten the better of me.

Annabeth, watching Will check Percy's pulse, was the first to answer. "I mean, I practically already told you, but Athena. Goddess of wisdom, craftsmanship and war strategy."

I nodded enthusiastically. That sounded pretty awesome.

When I turned to Will, he kept staring at Percy in a very concentrated manner.
"Will, if you don't want to answer, that's fine."

Will glanced at Apollo. "I know, it's just..."

Apollo interrupted him with a sigh. "Now don't pretend I'm embarrassing you."

My eyes widened. "What, Apollo is your-"

"Yes, my father is the mortal teenager over there. Disgusting thought, right? That's why we usually don't want to talk about it in his company..."

"I mean, I'm sorry that I have to do so much with you, if that makes you feel uncomfortable. But now that I lost all of my abilities" - that sentence and an angry glare were directed at the sky - "you're most likely the best healer on earth."

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now