I Spy With My Little- Oh, Forget It

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I planned to update yesterday but I didn't have enough time, sooo.... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY PERCY OMG I LOVE HIM SO MUUUCHHHHHHH

he'll always stay 12-17 for me, no matter how often I (mentally) celebrate his birthday xD

Also, happy Percabeth anniversary lol.

And happy Kronos - is-defeated-day!

And happy anniversary of many deaths 🙂
-okay, I know how to ruin the mood.


Percy's pov:

I jumped up to the sound of someone knocking on the apartment door. Annabeth looked alarmed as well, and we hurried to get the door. When I opened it, it was Peter.

"Hi Percy, Annabeth, we're ready. I've just seen Happy park his car."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay," I said, breathing out. "Then we better get going."

I turned around and shouted through the apartment. "Apollo! We're leaving!"

But with Lester Papadopoulos' culy haired head, the suspicious looking face of my mom appeared, too.
I gulped when I saw how she had her hands on her hip, and I knew that I shouldn't pull any jokes now.

"Perseus Jackson."

"Where are you going!? Not to camp for sure! You've just picked up Annabeth from there only yesterday! And why would Peter pick you up if that was the case? I'm sorry if I'm nosey, but since your last disappearance I've got every reason to be more careful!"

I nodded and walked towards my mother. Once I stood directly in front of her, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.
After a kiss on her cheek, I whispered in her ear. "Don't worry, mom, I won't disappear again. And Apollo, Peter and I are just working on a school project, together with MJ. We want Annabeth's help, and MJ wanted to meet Annabeth. Everything is completely fine and safe. I'll be back this evening."

I could sense her calming down and felt terrible for lying. But I wasn't directly involved in a life-threatening situation, so she wouldn't have had to worry in vain, had I told her that I'd train with the Avengers. Besides, it would've been suspicious if Peter and I randomly visited the Avengers without knowing them personally. I mean, we couldn't just reveal Peter's secret identity.
By lying, I did the best thing for everyone.

"Bye Sally," Peter waved and the rest of us said goodbye too, before letting the door fall shut behind us.

Peter was directly heading towards a black limousine, the one I'd already seen in front of the school quite often.
After quick eye contact with Annabeth, we followed him and sat down in the back row, one after another (Annabeth, me, Apollo).
The driver of the car, a quite chubby man with a grey beard and brown eyes, gave us suspicious glares through the rear-view mirrors.

"Erm, hello," I greeted him carefully. "Thanks for taking us with you, Sir. I'm Percy."

I didn't get an answer and bit my tongue to not say something wrong. Peter saved us from this weird silence.
"So, this is Happy Hogan, the person I always go to first when I've got Avengers-business. He was Tony Stark's head of security, and he still is for Stark Industries. Happy, Percy has already introduced himself, and these are his girlfriend Annabeth and his friend Lester. They all know about me and aren't normal themselves, which is why I thought that they could come train with me, but I've already told you that on the phone."

Happy finally tore his gaze away from the mirror and sceptically looked at Peter. "That's it? I thought that at least now you'd give me a little more information! Isn't that a little.... Little that we know about them? We all know that we have to be even more careful since Beck happened."

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now