Oh Schist

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Percy's pov:

Why? Just why? Couldn't I have my peace? Hadn't I already suffered enough? Why was it always me?!

All these thoughts were running through my mind while I stared at my visitor.

"Percy Jackson, my blessings upon you! I am in need of your assistance."

I was quite sure that I couldn't hide my angry expression. I really wanted to punch him. Hadn't I already done enough?

But something seemed off. I couldn't suppress the following question. "Why on earth do you look like that?"

The brunette boy looked at me with a hurt expression. But my question was valid. In front of me stood a boy, a bit younger than me, with brown curls and a crooked and bruised nose. In general, he was dripping with trash-juice and was covered with suiting dirt and garbage: Brown stains and multiple different peels were scattered on his clothes.

The person opposite me instantly defended himself. It wouldn't be him if he didn't do that. "I had to save myself from street thugs."

That honestly surprised me.

"Rescue...," I scanned his battered face again. "You mean the 'beat-up teenager' look isn't just a disguise? Dude, what happened to you?"

"I may have mentioned the street thugs."

"But you're a god."

"About that... I was a god."

I blinked. I was sure I misheard. "You were a god?"

"Also," he said, "I'm dying of thirst."

I sighed. "Maybe you should come inside."

With the not-god in tow, I walked back inside the flat, where my mom was just turning off the mixer and stepped out from behind the buffet.

I coughed. "So, mom, that's Apollo. Apollo, that's my mom."

Mom smiled and shook hands with the ex-god of the sun. "Call me Sally." Then she squinted her eyes and took a closer look at Apollo's nose. "Oh goodness, that has to hurt. What happened?"

I saw how the ex-god of poetry (gods, I could do this all day!) opened his mouth, but wasn't able to bring himself to answer.

Mom apparently noticed as well, so she stroked the shoulder of the ex-god of the hunt (you see?!). "I have a suggestion. Percy can help you treat your wounds and clean yourself."

"Can I?"

Maybe one could think that Apollo's un-godly appearance would worry and concern me deeply, but to be honest, I just didn't want to think about the bad things his appearance could trigger in the world of demigods. I would just wait and see how he thought I could help. But one thing was certain: I wouldn't risk my life. I had made a promise to mom. And to Annabeth as well, whom I also promised to survive, while she was away because of some family trouble in Boston.

After my last question, mom looked at me warningly. "There's a first aid kit in the bathroom, sweetie." As if I didn't know that. "Apollo can shower and then you will lend him something to wear. You are around the same size."

Ow. "That," I said, "is truly depressing."

Mom ignored me. "I'll make some food while you're busy."


I left our visitor in the bathroom, after I had given him clothes and offered some nectar and ambrosia. Apollo thought about it and declined. Was perhaps the best decision. If he was actually mortal, I wasn't sure if he would survive the snack.

I sat down on my bed and waited for Apollo to finish. While staring into the room, bored, a trail of blood caught my eye. Apollo's nose had left a trail of blood on our carpet.

How many different meanings a nosebleed could have. For some it was a sign of mortality, for others the trigger of the apocalypse.

At this thought, my nose started to throb. I was so stupid. Deaths could have been prevented if only I had wiped my nose!!!

"I'm sorry," an ex-god of prophecies broke in on my thoughts.

I raised my hands. "Actually, I was just thinking about the last time I had a nosebleed."

The only thing the ex-god of music said, was: "Oh..."

"Where have you been the whole time, dude? The war ended in August. It's October now!"


"The last time I saw you, Zeus was keelhauling you on the Acropolis. Then -boom- he evaporated you. Nobody has heard or seen you for two months."

It was obvious that Apollo was thinking hard. "I don't know where I've been for so long," he finally admitted. "I've got some gaps in my memory."

I reluctantly flinched. "I hate gaps in memories. Last year I lost a whole semester, thanks to Hera."

That stupid cow goddess.

Apollo continued to think. "Your fault. Your punishment." He looked me in the eyes. "That's what father said to me, before he made me crash into the garbage dump."

Oh crap, that didn't sound good.

"Listen, I have no problem with helping where I can. But I can't be involved with another great prophecy or whatever. I made a promise to mom and Annabeth."

"Annabeth," Apollo tried to add a face to the name. "That's the frightening blonde?"

"Exactly. Above all, I promised to not get myself killed while she is away."


I pointed north. "She's in Boston for a few weeks. Some family crises."

Apollo nodded. "I think you chances of survival won't be lessened when it comes to me being here. I've done this whole 'turning-mortal' thing twice already."

"Yeah, I heard about that."

"But not voluntarily,"Apollo continued. "Anyhow, this time, I think I just have to learn how it is to be...," he shuddered slightly, "mortal. If it was something more serious, Zeus would've given me a guideline and made me the servant of a demigod."

I let his words sink in quickly. Apollo finding out what it was like to be a demigod, could turn out to be a real asset for us.

And the damp on his confidence wouldn't hurt him. That surly was part of what Zeus wanted to achieve with this whole thing as well. Because no matter how conceited the gods could be, Apollo definitely was the narcissistic-est of all.

"So you're saying, we let you live with us, you take part in my everyday life and that's it?," I asked hopefully. It couldn't be that easy.

But Apollo nodded. "Until I get a message that tells me otherwise, yes."

I sighed. That was gonna be a hoot.

I guess I had to enroll Apollo at school via mist.

How was I supposed to keep my cover with him as hanger-on!?

Oh gods.

But now I had to break the whole thing to mom first...

Disclaimer: Parts of the conversation are from "The trials of Apollo- the hidden oracle" by Rick Riordan and don't belong to me.
I'm sorry if I couldn't stay close to the original words they said, but I don't have the first Apollo book in English, so I had to translate it back myself.

I hope it doesn't bother you that Apollo is part of this story as well, but it is a sequel to Percy's life after all, and Zeus did promise a punishment for Apollo- whom's life  is a part of Percy's.

-hope you like it!

Stay happy!

xoxo, your Fangirl

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now