Mistrust And Plans

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Percy's pov:

"Something wrong? You're staring at me weirdly." That question was directed to Peter, who'd been sneaking various suspicious glances at me.

"Nothing, I... am just thinking of the fact that I met Annabeth."

My face instantly lit up, although I was confused, too. "You have? Cool! But, when and how?"

"Yesterday, I was at your apartment to see how you were doing. Lester and some guy named Will let me in, and then Annabeth came out of your room, to tell us that you'd better be alone for a while. Don't take this personally or something, but she's quite... frightening."

At the end of that sentence he looked as if he'd just sent me a coded message. He looked at me attentively, as if to be sure that he'd not miss a reaction.

I decided to ignore that and answered amusedly. "Yeah, she's got this frightening aura, and her eyes almost pierce through you, huh? But don't worry; once you get to know her and not make her an enemy, she's really nice."

Peter nodded slightly and stroked his underarms, lost in thought.

Our conversation apparently was already done, because Peter turned his attention back to our English teacher.


Peter's pov:

"Hi Happy." I threw my backpack on the backseat and dropped myself onto the passenger seat. I seemed to have earned that privilege over time.

"Hey Kid," Happy replied, while waiting for me to buckle up. "Got some news?"

I quickly thought about it and shook my head. As much as I liked Happy, that was a topic I'd rather talk about with someone like me: Wanda.

Happy was quiet for a little while and I knew that he didn't believe me, but he nodded and started our car ride. "Alright. Pepper and I have to go to the conference building for a couple of hours today, so we can't take Morgan with us. You would have to babysit her, is that okay?"

A wide grin appeared on my face. "Sure! I love Morgan! But I also wanted to meet Wanda, I promised her."

"That's no problem, you can meet while keeping an eye the little one. We just didn't want to ask Wanda again, and you're the next best alternative."

"Okay, fine. If that's it, I'll do my homework now."

That was our routine. Whenever I was driven to the headquarters, I always did my homework and school stuff on the way there. The ride was long enough, so I could use it practically. Another point was, that it would be really stressful otherwise, when I went on patrouille in the evenings and still had homework to do.

I just finished my last exercise when Happy parked the car.

We got out of the limousine and I followed Happy into the big private building, in which the living quarters of the Avengers were located.

"Happy, Peter! Mommy, look who's here!!" A little girl with tousled brown hair ran towards us and hugged Happy first, then me.

"Hi Morgan!" I messed up her messy hair even more.

"Hello you two," Pepper entered the hall as well. "You're finally here! Happy, we've gotta go already!"

"'S it so late already?" Happy looked at his watch and grimaced. "Yep, we gotta go. Bye you two, have fun!"

Pepper scurried to us and hugged me first, then she pecked Morgan's forehead, who was already sitting on my shoulders. "Have fun, and thank you, Pete."

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now