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Percy's pov:

I couldn't help but feel helpless and lost. Here I stood, way too early for half-humanity, and waited alongside Peter for the tram that was supposed to get us to school.

The summer vacation ended way too early, and if you consider that my time off school was much longer than anyone else's, I was more unmotivated than it should be possible.

Sure, I finally had a normal life, because without an oracle there couldn't be any prophecies or wars (Boom!), and this first day of school had a special significance for me, but... Styx, I was scared, too.

I didn't know why.

But especially after Tartarus, normality was something that was ridiculously difficult for me. I'm not good at hiding stuff, as you may or may not know.

And what made normality even more difficult... Since Tartarus I've had these moments.

I did everything but like my new ability. Tartarus really messed me and my powers up.

Poseidon isn't the god of water, and even more so, not the god of liquids. I had an inherent affinity towards water and abilities over the sea, which, in a way, included rivers and water pipes, because in the end, every sort of water comes from the sea. But controlling the ocean and sea water had always been the easiest. And to make a glass of water bubble was of course easier than letting 7up float through the air (simply because I cannot do the latter, as my Dad isn't the god of liquids).

I had only been able to control Achlys' poison because everything was twisted and weird in Tartarus. But I feared that Tartarus had made me weird as well. I mean, weirder than I'd already been before.

And that's how we come to my moments.

I didn't tell anyone, which perhaps was a mistake, but I wanted to find out what was wrong with me myself.

Because something definitely was wrong. I could remember the cruel feeling of power and control that I'd had, and how scared Annabeth had been in that moment. And something that scared Annabeth scared me. Which means that my moments scared me.

I was scared of school because I didn't know what was wrong with me. Sometimes- thank the gods seldom- I sensed something.

I was sitting in the tram, next to Peter, and hoped to manage the school year without any unnatural complications.

I'd only met him once after he and his aunt came over for lunch, and that was to prepare the day ahead of me.

I didn't know how I should explain if everything suddenly got too loud and hot and cold at the same time. I would hear water run in its pipes, feel the dripping of drops of all kind, and the worst of all: On some days I sensed something that felt terribly much like blood.

But I hadn't had one of these moments for a week, so I was optimistic and decided to start a normal conversation with Peter. Because, like I said, he appeared to be good friend material. "Hey man."

Peter flinched and tore his gaze away from the window, in my direction. I'd already noticed that he was quite jumpy.

"Yes, Percy?"

"I have a confession to make."

He eyed me skeptically. "Go ahead?"

"I completely forgot the plan for today."

Whatever Peter expected, it apparently wasn't that. I was happy to hear that I got a quiet chuckle out of him.

"Well, you already managed the first half. We met in the hallway and walked to the tram station together. When we arrive at school, I'll show you the way to the secretariat and then you're on your own."

"Oh. Okay."

In my head, I was already planning to ask Peter to excuse me for arriving at class too late, but he was quicker. "That's our stop. We'll walk the rest."

I nodded and looked out of the window. The stop was next to a football pitch, behind which I could see the school. So it wasn't far anymore.

As we walked next to the pitch, I decided to continue my 'get-to-know-Peter' process. "We've known each other for a whole week and I know nothing about you. How about I start?
I'm Percy, just turned seventeen and will hopefully stay a student at the Midtown Tech High School for a while. My life's biggest success is ordering pizza in Italy, which is pretty sad, because the pizzas there aren't even as good as here.
So. That wasn't difficult at all. Your turn."

Peter glanced at me before answering hesitantly. "Peter Parker, sixteen years old, for five and a half years now, and a student at Midtown Tech since I was a Freshman. My trademark is bad luck and always being at the wrong place at the wrong time. What was the next one? Oh, my life's biggest success... I think, getting an internship at Stark Industries for the September foundation." He looked at the floor.

Maybe it wasn't so cool, considering he might have lost that job due to the not so recent events, but I didn't know what else to say. Judging by his behavior, that was a topic that Peter would like to drop.

To change the topic I asked the next thing that came to my mind. "Favorite movie?"

That seemed to have been the right thing to ask. He smiled. "Star Wars, I can't decide which one, though. You?"

"First of all, very good choice, and second of all, I sadly have to disagree. I love Star wars, but I say 'King of Sparta'."

He looked at me dumbfounded. "Are you serious? That trash with Tristan McLean? How can you like Star Wars and that?!" He almost looked disgusted.

I bit my lip to keep myself from bursting into laughter. "Oh, trust me, the story of the movie is terrible and cringy, but it's still my favorite movie."


"The circumstances. Firstly, my father is Greek and secondly, my friend Piper hates this movie because she's terribly embarrassed for her Dad. I like to tease her with it."

Peter smiled and shook his head. "Wow, you're really nice. If I did that with my girlfriend" He shuddered. "Why exactly is your friend so embarrassed?"

I smiled at the thought of Annabeth. "Oh, believe me, I couldn't do that with my girlfriend, but Piper is more chill. Her father is Tristan McLean and she thinks that this role is the worst one he ever played."

"I see where she's coming from," Peter said, still smiling.

I put my hand on my chest and gasped for air in mock outrage. "How can you say that about my favorite movie?!"

Peter laughed, and it didn't take long for me to join in.

After a short walk through the school, Peter stopped in front of a door. "So, we've arrived at your ultimate destination. That's the secretariat. Good luck, I'll see you in the cafeteria for lunch at the latest.

"Thanks, see you then."

With a final wave, Peter disappeared in the crowd and I was ready to face my fate. With a theatrical sigh, I pushed open the door.

The woman at the desk gave me a look of reproach. "Why yes, sure, come in."

I just smiled and closed the door behind me, ignoring her criticism.

After a bunch of uninteresting and boring organizational stuff, we came to the important part.

"Since you don't know your way around the halls, I assigned someone to show you around and answer your questions during your first week. She should be here soon."

After approximately half a minute, she actually came.

A tall, light skinned girl with brown curls entered the room and nodded at me.

"Come on, follow me, loser."

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now