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Peter's pov:


"You're a what?" I asked, although I was sure that I'd heard him right. It was more about what he'd said.

As if I'd believe that! Though... his face told me that I should.

"A demigod," Percy repeated without any trace of humor.

Slowly, I found my ability to speak again.

"You- are..."

Percy completed my sentence. "Half human and half god, like I said. I thought you were super smart?"

There was this splendid humor again.

"You?!?" I asked again.

Percy furrowed his eyebrows. "This is slowly getting really offensive."

I shook my head to sort my thoughts. "Sorry, I just mean.... a demigod? Like Thor? But you're built so differently - and if you're a demigod, why are you living on earth and do all of this dull human-stuff?"

The questions were really pouring out of me. I would have probably asked even more embarrassing questions, but Percy's amused grunt stopped me.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Percy shook his head, still trying to not laugh at me. "I'm just... very different from Thor. Before New York, I didn't even know he existed! Well, I didn't know of my own ancestors back then, too. So no, if I were from Asgard, I would have a much easier life and probably wouldn't even be here. I almost envy him, apart from the whole recent history of his family. But overall, for 1500 years of life he's had it reeeeally good."

"What are you talking about? Why aren't you like Thor?" I asked.

Percy sighed."Thor is a norse demigod, or a normal norse god, depending on which manifestation he chooses. He shows himself to us in his demigod-manifestation, because like that he can help the humans and the word actively and by himself. He can't do that as a god, that's an ancient law or something. And considering that Thor is an alien... I'm normal, in comparison. I was born a half-blood, or demigod. My mother is a normal mortal, which is why I live a normal, human life. Or, at least I'm trying to, and from time to time that actually works. Aside from the... demigodlyness, Thor and I have next to nothing in common."

"But if that's the case, how can you be a demigod?" I tried to follow his explanation.

Percy smirked. "Do you really think the norse gods are the only ones?"

Now that he said it, that did sound strange. Why, out of all mythologies, should only the norse one be real? What about the others?

"So you're not norse?"

"Gods, no!"

"What then? Don't let me force all the information out of you! You can't just say that you're not human without explaining further!"

The teenager opposite me let out a short laugh. "Okay, okay. Well, my name is Percy Jackson and I am a greek demigod. My father is Poseidon, the god of the sea. To be exact, he's also the god of much more, but that would take too long and I've honestly never been able to keep track of everything that's going on in greek mythology."

If I hadn't been so surprised, I probably would've laughed. But my brain couldn't cope with all this new information.

Percy was only half human, so technically he wasn't even human at all.

He was a demigod.

Half god!

One half of him was GOD- His father was the god of the sea!!!

Dammit Peter, what have you gotten yourself into again?


I blinked dizzily. "That... Is quite a lot to take in. Oh my god.- Y- You're part god, and a really powerful one at that! That is... awesome, dude!"

I seemed to have said something wrong, because Percy's expression instantly darkened.
"Not really," he said.

I waited for an explanation, and I didn't have to wait long.

"It's very dangerous to be a greek demigod. The more powerful your godly parent is, the more powerful you are, and the more you live in danger. I was told that we somehow smell like delicious buttered bread. That scent attracts various monsters from the ancient tales- because they are very real as well."

Percy looked at me with a moody expression. "Half-bloods rarely turn older than sixteen years, especially children of the big three, like me- I've been kinda lucky until now. But you can never be sure as a half-blood. A monster could barge in at any moment, one that is hungry and that I can't defeat."

"Suddenly, that doesn't sound so cool anymore," I admitted with a small voice.

Percy nodded, smiling sadly. "And you only know one half of the story! My ancestry has given me more problems than it's solved. Recently I even found out that- nevermind. I can't tell you that much yet. You have to process everything else first.
Anyhow, you don't have to worry: You're my friend and you can trust me. I've already saved your life quite often, without you even knowing!"

Now I was completely confused. I was the one with the superhero-alter-ego!

But he was right. Before I asked new questions, as many as I had, I should give myself more time. My brain already felt as if it had been but into a microwave. "O- Okay."

"Don't worry, Peter, I won't tell your secret. And you hopefully wont tell mine, too! I still have stuff to do today, but we will continue this conversation. As much as it may have surprised you that I am a half-blood, to find out that you're Spider-Man has surprised me just as much, dude! We really have to talk, okay?"

"Mmhm," was the only thing I managed to get out. The thoughts in my mind were still floating around aimlessly.

I was just turning around to leave, when Percy called after me. "You won't tell Ned and MJ either, understood? I want to tell them myself, when the time's right. Okay?"

Actually, I wanted to use my friends to sort my thoughts, but I understood where Percy was coming from. I nodded reluctantly.

"But that applies to you, too, yeah?"

Percy nodded. "Of course."

Again, I wanted to turn around, when I got another thought and hesitated.

"Hang on a sec," I said. "When you're a demigod and Lester is your cousin, and he obviously knows of the gods as well... What is he?"

Percy said nothing for a short time. Then- "That's not my story to tell, and, no offense, that's none of your business. His story is very complicated and he will talk about it whenever he feels ready to do so."

I couldn't hide my disappointment, but I respected Percy's honesty.

My questions would be answered over the course of time.

With a voice in my head still repeatedly screaming "He is half god! A HALF GOD!!!", I finally exited Percy's bedroom and made my way over to my apartment, where I could think about everything in peace.

When I was closing the apartment door of the Jackson's behind me, the last thing I heard was a quiet "Well, you soda cans. Let's see what you've got!!"

I hate geography. I really sucked at the exam, whelppp. Nvm. I just hope I will do better in my history exam on Friday.

Thank you all for reading!

Stay happy!

xoxo, your Fangirl

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