A (-thank the gods-) Not So Normal Monday

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Percy's pov:

I felt it again on Monday noon.

So much time had passed without me getting that feeling, and I honestly thought that I had gotten rid of that problem.

Wow, optimism was really inappropriate.

How could I assume that my problems would solve themselves just once?

They never did, and they most likely never will.

Because otherwise it wouldn't have felt as if my freshly-swallowed toast just kicked my insides very hard.

I groaned quietly and slightly bent over, in hopes of not getting noticed by the others.

"Percy, everything alright?" Peter apparently did notice. He sounded worried.

His voice barely reached my ears. The cafeteria started to spin and I clung onto the table in order to not stagger too much.

Crap crap crap crap not now!

"Percy?" MJ asked, but then I couldn't make out what the others were saying anymore. The ringing in my ears got too loud.

My stomached clenched and relaxed repeatedly, before it stayed clenched. I panted.

Suddenly, I couldn't hear anything at all. I just saw the blurred cafeteria and the confused expressions on my friends' faces.

Then, my head almost exploded. An incredibly loud roar hit me like a wave and made me fall off my chair.

I didn't even register how Michelle's glass of water shattered, I was too wrapped up in the pain and the roaring noises.

I heard drops with the volume of gunshots.
The running water of the water dispenser hissed loudly.
Every flush of any toilet in the whole building sounded like a lion's roar.

And I felt all of it.

I felt hot and cold at the same time, I was shivering like crazy and felt way too much water around me.

Way too much.

Water, water, water everywhere. Polluted water, chlorinated water, clean water, water that was contaminated by chemicals.

And with every passing second it got more.

Coke, Lemonade, Sprite...

Saliva, sweat...

Had the air always been so wet?

And there it was, louder than ever before, the noise I dreaded more than anything else.

Lead by pressure and a steady pumping, so much of it around me... blood.

Peter's pov:

"What the hell is wrong with him?" MJ asked franticly as she watched her glass of water explode.

I kneeled down and tried to get through to Percy through shaking him, careful at first, but stronger after it didn't work.

"Percy? Dude, man, what's wrong?"

He apparently didn't hear me.

"Lester? Do you know what's wrong with him?"

The teenager, whose eyes had been travelling back and forth between the twitching and panting Percy and Michelle's shattered glass, shook his head slowly without removing his eyes from his cousin.

When the next glass of water on the table next to us exploded as well, Lester jumped up as if he'd been stung, and hurried around the table to Percy.

With a "Let me do this", he softly pushed me away and kneeled down next to Percy.

MJ, Ned and I exchanged confused glances, before returning our gaze to the boy on the floor.

"Percy?" Lester's attention was instantly torn away from Percy when his glass of coke exploded. The brunette boy's eyes widened. "What- How?"

He stared at his cousin. "Perseus, hey!"
(Wait, Percy was short for Perseus?)

After Percy showed no reaction yet again, Lester closed his eyes for a brief moment. When he opened them, he inspected Percy's face first, before opening his mouth and looking inside. "Peter!" He addressed me. "Go to his backpack and get the see-through plastic bag, with a bar inside!"

Although I was doubting that a bar could help Percy, I ignored the next exploding glass and followed Lester's instructions. When I finally found the bag, Lester practically ripped it out of my hands, broke the bar in two and stuffed one half into Percy's mouth.

"Here's nothing to see," I tried to get rid of the slowly growing crowd of students watching us. It didn't work.

Well, at least only the closest tables around us were staring, and we were in a corner. We were relatively cut off and were drowned out by the other loud noises in the (to our luck) big canteen.

A stifled moan from Percy brought my attention back to him. What on earth was wrong with him?

Lester started to hum a quiet melody and laid his hands on Percy's temples. When nothing changed, he groaned annoyed and frustrated, "Oh, come on!"

Then he made a weird gesture with his hands: His fingers formed some sort of  bent fork and he pushed it away from Percy and himself.

I didn't know why he did that, but after Lester shoved the second half of Percy's bar into his mouth, Percy stopped twitching and his breathing returned to normal.

I could hear Lester letting out a relieved breath and an -even for me almost inaudible- murmured "Thank me".


Percy's eyes fluttered open and he stared at Lester, confused, then he saw our confused and shocked expressions.

"Oh gods," he breathed. "Please tell me no one kissed me!"

Relieved, MJ shook her head and grinned. She gave Percy her hand, pulled him onto his feet and immediately punched his arm. "Idiot. You scared us!"

"Sorry." Percy looked the same as always. Hadn't I known it better, I would have never assumed that something off had just happened. Lester gave Percy a curious, confused look. "Boy, really, you actually scared us!"
He bent forwards a murmured "Xiegaskop rebagf keon aras" or something. I'd almost forgotten that both of them spoke some weird foreign language.

Lester leant back again without loosing focus on Percy, who actively tried to avoid Lester's gaze.

Percy grinned at all of us. "Nah, no big deal, don't worry. I'm sorry that happened, but I guess I didn't drink enough today... that happens to me sometimes, and then I get a circulatory collapse."

The ringing of the bell signaled the start of the after lunch lessons and we left it at that explanation.
But I think that Percy knew just as much as we did, that be didn't believe him.

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now