Help, This Girl Is Creepy!

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Percy's pov:


"I swear it's true, do I look as if I'd lie?"

I thought about it. "No."


"How far away is my locker, again?" I tried to ease the strange atmosphere. Which was a bit difficult when the only person to talk to was continuously talking about subjects like slavery and homicide.

"Not far.
Over there, in the psychology classroom, a student is rumored to have dislocated a teacher's arm."

Oh gods, not again.

She actually seemed to be really nice; she was a pretty girl without any traces of make up on her face, and chocolate brown eyes. But her weird preference for violence of any kind was a little disturbing.

"So, here's our first stop. That's your locker. Code is 1808."

I immediately liked it. It was blue.

I put my stuff into the locker, closed it again and looked at Michelle expectantly, ready to be led to my first class.

Her eyes widened for a split second and she started to talk again. "If you're interested, statistics show that here, right in front of your locker, the most students get beaten up."

I smiled insecurely. "Cool?"

She cleared her throat. "Yeah."



"Who collects statistics about that?"

"Me, of course." Michelle looked at me as if I a was a cyclops.

Of course she collected statistics about topics like that. Honestly, this girl was creeping me out.

"So, you gotta go to physics. Me too."

I just nodded and followed her through the many confusing halls, in the direction of my first period of doom.

When we walked parallel to the sports field, she looked outside. "Over there, where the mascot's running around, they killed the second major in the civil war."

Help, not again. Where did one even learn stuff like that?!

She sighed and cleared her throat once more. "I'm sorry."


She smiled in embarrassment. "I tend to tell abhorrent stories when I'm insecure. Which often is the case with new students. To be honest, I don't even know why they still let me loose on new students, after a Freshman threw up in the principal's office after I'd given him a tour. I can see that I'm scarring you."

"Nah, I've heard worse. And you know so much about the school- Aside from the partly disturbing information, your tour was super interesting."

Michelle smiled at me with a grateful expression and opened a door in front of us. I didn't even realize that we'd already arrived at the class room.

With a final wave I sat down at a desk in the back corner, while Michelle took a seat close to the center of the room.

I smiled. I still thought that she was quite scary, but very cool, too. I don't know how that's possible, but it was.

~~Thank Chronos for this time skip~~

"My goodness, Peter, how many creepy facts can a single person know?," I asked him while putting my lunch on the table in front of us.

He smirked. "I take it you've met MJ already?"

"You know her?"

"I like to think so," he cleared his throat awkwardly. "She's my girlfriend."

"Naw, seriously? I'm sure you're so cute together! I think you make a great couple," I tried to embarrass him. It worked; he blushed and didn't meet my eyes, which is why I was laughing my head off inwardly.

"Can we please change the subject?"

"No way!" A plump boy with dark hair sat down next to Peter. "Ned Leeds. You must be Percy, the son of Sally and Paul."

"Stepson of Paul, but yes. How do you know my parents?"

"I visit Peter quite often, and your Mom frequently brought cookies over. Can you maybe tell us why they're blue?"

I tried to hide the pain. My Mom painfully reminded me of Ms. Castellan; grieving because of her missing son and waiting for his return, while baking way too many cookies. With the difference that my Mom wasn't able to bake bad cookies.

And that Luke had never come home....

I put on a convincing smile, that was almost fooling myself. Almost.

"Insider. But it just makes them even better."

"That's true," Peter agreed with a dreamy smile on his face. "Your Mom's baking and cooking is divine."

My smile was real this time. "You're so right. So, Peter. What's with you and MJ?"

Peter's smile was wiped of his face immediately, but a voice behind us saved him.

"What about me?" MJ had apparently joined us without anyone noticing and gave us a questioning look.

Ned opened his mouth to answer, but Peter jumped on his feet and beat him to it. "Nothing!"

He pecked her on the cheek. "I've almost never been so relieved to see you."

She looked at him expressionlessly. "Ouch?"

I would've gone in defensive mode and started to apologize like no other, but Peter just smiled at her with a new glint in his eyes. She obviously meant a lot to him.

"That's not what I meant."

"I was just messing with you."

I didn't have a clue about what the Hades was going on there, and Ned, judging by his expression, didn't either, but it was kind of cute. The two really made a great couple and I started to miss Annabeth even more.

The couple smiled at each other, until Michelle eyed Peter worriedly and pulled him into an embrace. She whispered something in his ear that I couldn't understand, and he responded inaudibly, until he let go of her with a "really".

"Eew, Parker, PDA! Some of us want to keep their eyes!"

MJ rolled her eyes and turned to face the boy who talked. "Seriously, Bratt. That's not cool. Just admit it, you're jealous." She spoke in her usual bored tone, but had a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Whatever she meant with that, it worked. Bratt blushed and turned away with a snort.

"Whatever that was, please teach me!" I begged her.

"Maybe one day," MJ winked at me.

Peter curiously looked back and forth between MJ and me. "You get along well," he pointed out.

"No schist," I responded and MJ added: "He's cool, I guess. Not like you losers."

Peter stared at her incredulously. "Are you kidding me? What else am I supposed to do to get rid of that name?!"

MJ grinned, and I could almost see little devil horns poking out of her curls. "Nothing. Because you will never lose that name."

Ned and I burst into laughter, but MJ looked at Peter's best friend and squinted her eyes. "No reason to laugh, Loser, you won't either!"

I continued to chuckle, whereas Ned smiled sheepishly.

I couldn't help but notice how this girl  had the two boys under control.
Like Annabeth.

I liked it.

And I knew that, for the first time in my life, I had made very good, completely normal, mortal friends.

If only I knew how wrong I'd been...

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