Getting to know everyone

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Percys pov:

Thank the gods, we didn't have to wait long. I couldn't have stayed in this weird silence any longer.

"Hey Sam, what's up?"
Three guys entered the room and waved their hands at everyone as a greeting, before their gazes got caught on the unusual amount of people.

One of them had an apparatus on his legs, which was why I assumed that it was Rhodey. Another one of them had long hair and a metal arm, that was easy to spot with the tanktop he was wearing - definitely the Winter Soldier.
The third one looked pretty normal, skinniny and with short dark brown hair. My guess was Ant-Man, because if Clint, so Hawkeye, was at home, this was the obvious conclusion.

And another creature entered the hall- and I'm saying creature because it wasn't human. It was the Hulk in all his green and muscly glory, but he looked tame and was wearing everyday clothes.

They were quiet as their little troop was approaching us, which I obviously didn't like. "Hi."

The Winter-Soldier gave me a grim expression.
Okay then.
Ant-Man looked a little confused and War Machine scrutinized me suspiciously.
Oh joy, this should be good.

"Hi guys," Peter looked at everyone. "As you've already seen, I've brought us some company. But I think it'll only make sense to tell the story once Wanda is with us, too."

The humanized Hulk nodded. "That makes sense. Is some of Steve's lemonade left?"

Whereas Sam replied and Hulk made his way to the cupboard, my chin dropped. The Hulk was speaking totally normal, too!

Annabeth seemed to be as surprised as I was, but of course she manged to express herself much better.
"Oh, wow! You've managed to merge your molecular structure with the Gamma-cells and were able to keep the best from both? How did you do that!? That must've taken insanely much research and work!"

Whereas I was trying to make sense of whatever she'd just said, the green guy whirled around with a giant grin on his face. "Yes, I've indeed managed to do that. It took three years of intense work, but it was worth it."

"Amazing," my girlfriend mumbled baffled. "I have to tell Will and Malcolm!"

I patted her knee reassuringly, but she slapped my hand away. Rude.

After another short silence I realized that everyone had witnessed this weird exchange between Annabeth and me and was now looking at us either amused or very confused.

How embarrassing.
I blushed.

But I was redeemed when the door to the training hall opened again and a pretty girl with red hair entered the room.
It looked as if she'd tried to hide her red and puffy eyes. She'd cried.

Peter next to me seemed to have noticed that as well, because I could feel how he tensed.

When the young woman walked towards us and saw me, her eyes widened for a split second and she gave Peter a knowing look, who nodded.

"Good morning, Wanda," Sam said.

The girl stuck out her tongue at him. "Hello," she then said to everyone.

Sam spoke up. I guessed he was sort of the leader here.
"You all better sit down. Peter has brought visitors, and I've got a feeling that the introduction will take a little longer."

"I think so, too," Peter agreed quietly.

Slowly but surely, I was getting nervous. Things were getting serious now.
I would have taken Annabeth's hand, but after the incident earlier I was scared of another snub, which would throw attention on our weird relationship again.

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now