The Tour Through Camp

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Peter's pov:

The camp was breathtaking, and I hadn't even seen half of it so far.
After Percy got up and was as good as new, we all went our separate ways and Percy gave me a tour, whilst Annabeth had to teach something and Nico and Will disappeared in the infirmary.

We had just walked on the beach and entered the arena, where some teenagers fought one another with swords, spears and daggers.

"You're fighting each other with actual weapons?" I gulped. All of it looked pretty extreme, but Percy smiled and nodded.
"Of course, how else are we supposed to learn it? And our healers can fix a few slashes and broken bones in no time."

I nervously looked at the fighting and panting teenagers- they were fighting a little too enthusiastically
"That's still really extreme," I murmured.

"Oh, but that's just the case with these guys. They are the year-rounds of the Ares cabin; children of the god of war.
Brutality is basically their second name and part of the family. Maiming is fun for them."

I hurried to take a step back.

Percy smirked and looked down at me. "No reason to panic. You're with me and they are busy."

"You mean they don't attack you?"

"Gods, no. They mainly attack me."

I gave the boy next to me an irritated look. He smiled, although he'd just told me that this whole group of enthusiastically fighting teenagers preferred to attack him.

"It's alright, I mean, they don't want to kill me. At this point, we just bicker for old time's sake."

"Mhm," I said sceptically.

"Hey Prissy!" A woman greeted, approaching us. Although my Spidey Sense didn't alarm me, my heartbeat sped up. I don't think I was very compatible with children of war.

"Hello Clarisse", Percy grinned.

"Long time no see, fish face."

"True." Percy didn't even look offended. The girl's - Clarisse's- gaze fell upon me. "New half-blood? He's pretty old."

Pretty depressing how half-bloods thought that older demigods were really extraordinary. The life expectancy had to be really crappy.

I was just about to contradict her, seeing as I wasn't a demigod, but Percy beat me to it. "Sort of. He's from New-Rome, a descendant of.... Hermes, soo..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but Clarisse nodded and I decided against asking any questions. I was sure that Percy had a reason to lie, and my questions would've just ruined everything.

"I'll continue to show him around, then. Was nice talking to you again."

Clarisse nodded briefly. "You too, Jackson. I still don't like you, though."

Percy let out a short laugh and nodded. "Of course."

Then he looked at me. "C'mon, let's go."

We stepped up our pace again and Percy shouted a last "bye" over his shoulder.

We were passing several cabins now, each with different design, and Percy answered my first question before I could even ask.
"That was Clarisse, head counselor of the Ares cabin. We've known us since my first day at camp, and built a hate/love relationship over the years: We respect each other in some way, but love to fight and hate the other."

He had a genuine smile on his face. Weird boy.

"What's New-Rome?" That was my next question.

Percy answered immediately. "That's basically our counterpart. We're Greek demigods with our camp in New York. There's another camp in California, but it's for Roman demigods. What's different from here is, that there is a city directly next to the camp, in which demigods can live relatively save.
Up until last year, we didn't even know it existed, because the gods had hidden us from one another because Romans and Greeks had never gotten along in history. But we were able to put the problems aside and became good friends. The campers can visit each other. I made you Roman because you would've been too old to be a new camper, and Clarisse would've asked too many questions. Mortals actually aren't allowed into the camp, so this whole thing here is basically illegal."

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