Camp Half-Blood

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Percy's pov:

I was sitting in the infirmary, with Annabeth and Apollo beside me. Will had just taken a blood sample from me, to find the reason for these attacks. There was an uncomfortable silence, but no one was in the mood to talk.

The last time I'd been lucky, because I hadn't had to say very much before we had dropped the topic. But I knew that this was why Will- and actually everybody else- was so determined to get some answers out of me this time.

Once Will returned, he sat down on the camp bed in front of me and broke the silence.

"Well, uninhibited this time: You get some attacks from time to time, during which you feel sick and collapse, and have spasms sometimes. You sense all of your surrounding waters, but that's not all; everything that's got to do with water. Was that a correct summary?"

I nodded. To my luck, the infirmary was as good as empty and the only occupied beds were on the other end of the room.

Apollo spoke up. "Annabeth, the last time, you said that you think it has something to do with the pit?"

She nodded, and I was really surprised. "How'd you know??"

Annabeth smiled at me, but without humor or amusement in her eyes. "Now I know."

"If that's really the case," Will said and stood up, "I'm getting our underworld-expert."

With those words he disappeared and Annabeth and I were left alone with a confused looking ex-god.

"Why do we need the Hades-spawn?"

Annabeth glared at him. "First of all, his name isn't 'Hades-spawn', and second of all: What do you think? He knows the most about Tartarus."

Now Apollo really looked infinitely confused. "Tartarus? What does that have to do with everything?"

Annabeth and I both stared at him in disbelief. "Tartarus. You know, the hell of Greek mythology? Since we've been in there, Percy's powers have changed, as we've hinted at already!"

Apollo looked surprised. "You were in Tartarus? But no mortal has ever been! At least no one who survived it!"

That statement really left the daughter of Athena speechless, and I took over. "You honestly didn't know that?!"

Apollo shook his head, dead serious, and Annabeth apparently found her words again. She jumped onto her feet and glared down at Apollo, who was sitting on a chair next to the camp bed. He was almost shrinking under her gaze.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? Typical god!"

I contemplated about holding her back, but quickly decided against it. I was as angry at the gods and Apollo as Annabeth.

"Everything we demigods did to save YOUR miserable godly asses went by completely unnoticed by you!?!"

"Not everything, especially th-," Apollo tried to defend him, but Annabeth was really going off.

"Do you even APPROXIMATELY know which hell halfbloods have to go through, just because you can't keep it in your pants?! That is so typical of gods! You're up there, enjoying your lives, while your CHILDREN are fighting to survive every single day! We literally went through HELL to help YOU, and you don't even care!?! You immortal GODS don't even go down there, and then demigods do and you don't even notice??!!"

"WHAT is going on here!?" Will and Nico had returned to the infirmary and looked at the scene in front of them. A scared Apollo, a grim looking me and a furious Annabeth.

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