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Percy's pov:

"Yes?" Annabeth echoed. "Why didn't you tell us? Or me!?" She sounded hurt.

I shrugged and returned my gaze to the floor. "Dunno. I didn't want you all to worry."

Annabeth sighed. "Amazing, Seaweed brain. So I'm just starting to worry now. Genius plan."

She was right. Now I felt guilty. "I mean, not everybody can be a child of Athena."

Thank the gods, there was that smile.

Will, who'd watched us quietly, spoke up. "And how often has that happened before?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, it happens now and then. But I didn't have problems for almost two months."

"But it was twice as big of a problem this time, am I right?"

My silence was answer enough.

Annabeth squeezed my hand and Will sighed. "How do they play out? Like, I mean, how do you feel when you get that sort of attack?"

The whole thing was really uncomfortable for me, so I took my time with answering.

"Well... I feel cold. But hot, too, if you know what I mean. And... ehm, I feel sick and dizzy. Sometimes my stomach clenches and..."

"And....?" Annabeth pried when I didn't finish my sentence.

"I..." I shook my head; I didn't want to admit all of that. But Annabeth turned my face in her direction and made me look at her. "Percy. What. Is. It?"
Her tone of voice made it clear that I'd better answer, but it wasn't that easy.

"Promise me you wont look at me differently, okay?" I said with a quiet voice and Annabeth's stormy grey eyes darkened.
"Why wo-"

"Promise! Promise me that you'll stay with me...," I interrupted her. My voice cracked and I looked at her desperately.

"Of course, Seaweed brain. I'll never leave you."

My gaze rested on her for a moment, then I confessed. "I... hear and sense all liquids around me. The bigger the attack, the bigger the pain and radius."

Annabeth's hand slipped out of mine, but I quickly grabbed it again, my heart dropping in fear. "You promised!"

Annabeth nodded with a confused expression and worried wrinkles on her forehead. "I know, don't worry. It's just... that's impossible!"

"It's not," Apollo chimed in. "Because otherwise his coke wouldn't have exploded."

Annabeth let out an audible breath. "Okay."

Will however furrowed his eyebrows. "When you say, you feel 'all liquids'... Is there something in particular we should worry about?"


Annabeth squeezed my hand a bit tighter.

"I... I.... Yes, and it... it scares me and.... something.... there's something wrong, I... I can't-"

"Percy, calm down. What is it?"

I almost refuse to admit it, but I was close to tears. "I'm scared..."

Annabeth looked at me pressingly.

"Blood," I finally admitted, and the dam broke. For the first time in -I don't even know how long, sometime in pre-school?- I burst into tears.

I turned away from Annabeth and the others, pulled my knees to my chest and tried to get my act together, but it didn't work. I mean, I wasn't full on crying, but tear after tear rolled down my cheeks and my breathing got fitful. The only thing missing was sobbing.

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now