Another authors update (sorry)

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Hiya everybody!

So i know that my last update said that I wasn't going to edit this story and complete it but I think I've changed my mind. I just edited chapter 1 and it took me over an hour so I reckon that this story is gonna slowly get edited whenever I have the chance or feel motivated to do so. I hope that this means I will finish the story because it gives me a chance to re-evaluate the plot and where I want this to go. However, knowing me don't get your hopes up!

If you want to read more of my work I do have a tumblr! My username is SunnyDaisy1. There is a bondi rescue imagine on there along with other people etc so yeah check it out, I am taking requests but I only write ones that give me inspiration or feel suited to my writing. 

This revamped story will be posted on my tumblr when a few more chapters are updated. I do still kinda want to rewrite this whole lifeguard concept into a tom holland series but it will most likely just be lifeguard!tom with no relevance to bondi rescue at all because my work so far on this story isn't easily transferrable to a different person or context. 

Anyway, thankyou for all your support and kind words!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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