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I groggily walked into the tower, my sunglasses on and hoodie pulled tight around my head. Thank god im only working until lunchtime, I could really do with some sleep. I don't think Ill be drinking that much ever again with the boys. I could barely remember anything from last night and don't even remember who took me home. Just great. I walked up the stairs to 4 grinning faces. "Morning sunshine." Maxi said and I flipped him off, walking into the kitchen for some water. This caused a riot of laughter on the main desk and I reluctantly walked back out, wishing the boys would just be quiet and save me from embarassment of hearing my drunk escapades. I sat beside reidy, burying my face into my arms while i had the chance before the day started. "Someone's regretting last night." Reidy said, nudging me. I groaned and sat up, resting my head in my hands. "You and me both Cam." Jesse said and I frowned, slowly scrunching my face. "I can't even remember anything." Maxi chuckled and put the binos he was holding down, "im sure harrison would love to tell you." At this i widened my eyes and looked at Harrison, who was avoiding my gaze and blushing. "What did I do?" I ask, fearing the worst as he still refused to look at me. "Harrison!" I said, lifting my sunglasses to rest on my hair. "Oh um...y-you um might have erm..."

Maxi butted in and shrieked, "you tried to kiss him and chappo had to restrain you it was hilarious!" I sat there in horror as i gaped at Maxi. He suddenly realised my embarassment and his face drained, "oh shit cam sorry i didnt..." My eyes flicked over to Harrison who still wasn't looking at me but staring intently at his shoes. "Im just gonna get a drink." I said and stood up, interrupting Maxi and leaving an incredibly awkward atmosphere in the tower. I wanted to cry so bad. Harrison now hates me and can't even look me in the eyes he's so disgusted. Urgh i don't want to go back out there and I still have 5 hours left. Shit. I looked up from making a tea as Harrison came in, and I instantly looked back down. I heard him shift around a little before speaking, "Cam." I turned around slowly, avoiding his eyes and staring at his feet. "Cam please look at me." He said and I reluctantly looked up at him. Tears were threatening to spill out my eyes and I couldn't bear to feel so worthless. "Im sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable last night and i feel like an idiot cos I can't even remember." I said, looking back at his shoes again. 

I saw as he shuffled a little closer to me. "Cam, please." His hand touched my arm and I looked up into those gorgeous hazel eyes. "You didn't make me uncomfortable. I knew you wouldn't remember in the morning and that's why i urm, well thats why i didn't uh kiss you back." My eyes bulged as he said this, shock written across my face. "Oh." I said, not really sure what to do. Had he just said that he wanted to kiss me or was he just trying to make me feel better? "I didn't exactly want to tell you that this morning but Maxi kinda blurted it out." He continued and shyly smiled at me. "I really care about you Cam and I think urm that we j-just need some time to uh think stuff through." I nodded sadly, not really sure whether what he was saying was good or not. "Im sorry you feel upset." Harrison said and he pulled me into his arms, wrapping me into his comforting grip, "Hopefully this will make you feel better." I sighed into the warmth of his comfort and wrapped my arms around him, "thanks Harrison." He nodded and kissed the top of my head. I froze a little at the gesture but relaxed, trying to just ignore the overwhelming shadow of doubt and rejection looming in the back of my mind. 

I looked up as I heard a quiet cough and Harrison let go of me, turning to see Maxi standing sheepishly at the door. "I urm should probably head back out." Harrison said and walked out the room, leaving me awkwardly looking at Maxi. "Im really truly sorry Cam, I didn't mean to embarass you. I didn't think about what i was saying and now ive gone and hurt one of my best friends." Maxi looked at me sadly and i could see the regret and guilt in his eyes, making me reach for a hug. "It's okay Maxi, i forgive you." I said and he breathed a sigh of relief, "but i swear to god if you make it any more obvious i like harrison i will cut your balls off." Maxi chuckled and cheekily grinned, "i dont think you need much help with that." I playfully smacked him and he just side hugged me back, leading me back to the desk, tea in hand. 


A/N: sorry for the short chapter, i felt like this was a good place to stop. I am finally getting back into this story and have a lot of inspiration to write. 

Be warned, drama will be happening up ahead in the near future, and hopefully it won't be as crap as the past two chapters have been. 

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