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Once Maxi had finally stopped being a wimp and climbed back into the buggy next to me, I glared at him and he cowered back a little, still frightened I was going to beat him up. "You owe me a new toothbrush." I said, crossing my arms and watching the waves roll towards us. "Fair enough." Maxi said, resting his feet on the dashboard. The cool breeze picked up a little, giving a welcome relief from the sun that was now beating down on us. The weather had really picked up these past hours, a sign summer was coming. Our radio crackled and Corey's voice came through. "Central to south buggy, theres a few swimmers in front that are struggling a little, you might have to go in." Maxi grabbed the radio, "copy that." He grabbed the megaphone and spoke through it, trying to direct the swimmers onto a nearby sandbank. That failed so he stripped off his shirt and sunglasses, throwing them on his seat and rushing out to them with a board. I watched intently, waiting to see if he needed my help. A few minutes later, the two young boys were back to safety on the beach as Maxi walked towards me. "Show off." I said as Maxi beamed and wiped his wet hands down my cheeks. "Gross, get off me you idiot." He chuckled and sat back down in his seat, moving his shirt to the middle. 

The next few hours passed by quickly, maxi and i sitting enjoying the warm air and salty breeze. I did two rescues which went smoothly and it was 4o'clock when Beardy radioed down for us to switch with him and Jake. I started the buggy and drove carefully back up to the tower. We climbed out as Jake and Beardy came down, commenting on the warmer weather. I opened up the door and walked up the steps to the main desk, Corey and Harrison chatting and watching the water. I plonked myself down in the seat beside Harrison and the pair stopped talking. I looked over at them and saw them both smirking. "I hate you all." I said, making everyone laugh. "Im gathering you found out then." Harrison said. I nodded, "yeah so much for promising to look after it for me." I crossed my arms over my chest and pushed my chair away from him so he was a metre away. Harrison pouted and his eyes smiled with mischief. "What can I say, i think the buggy looks so much better now." I narrowed my eyes and scrunched my nose. "Aw come on Cam, you can't hate me forever you already forgave Maxi and he's the one who tied it up there." Harrison pleaded, fiddling with his radio as he beamed at me. I turned to him and looked at him, trying to stay cross. "Who said I had forgiven Maxi." Harrison laughed and reached out to tug my chair back but i scooted back from the desk. "Oh come on Camm." He said and i shook my head. Harrison sighed and turned back to Corey, facing the sea again but I could see a smile on his lips. 

I got up from my chair to grab my water from the fridge, also curious as to where Maxi had gone on his break. I reached the kitchen and got my water, looking around a bit before sitting back in my chair, pulling myself next to Harrison again. "Hey where'd Maxi go?" I asked the pair. Corey spoke up, "He went to grab something from the shops." I nodded, he'd probably just got hungry again, that boy was obsessed with food. I took a sip of my water and watched the water, seeing people enjoy the beach made me happy. "Forgiven me yet?" Harrison said, breaking my thoughts. I looked at him but he still had the binos held to his face, looking out across the beach. "Not sure you deserve it." I replied, nonchalantly fiddling with the lid of my bottle. "What have I got to do to deserve your highnesses forgiveness then huh?" Harrison asked, making a small smile break across my face. I pretended to think for a little bit, making Harrison look at me. "Hmm, I fancy a strawberry icecream." I grinned and Harrison shook his head, chuckling. "Alright then, Ill grab you one on my break in 15 minutes." I nodded and Harrison rolled his eyes at my childish antics. 

Maxi returned not long later, walking through the door with a bag from the local supplies store. "Hey max, whatd you get?" I asked, curious why he was gone for his whole break. "Oh just some food." He held up a bag of mixed nuts and fruit and I nodded. It was 5 minutes from 5'oclock meaning Harrison went on his break in 5 minutes. I was really craving ice cream. I sighed and grabbed some binos, putting my attention onto the north corner. I sat watching there for a few minutes until I spotted a woman swimming furiously. I grabbed my radio, "Central to buggy, theres a woman in north corner, mid way out, a little past the sandbank." I instantly got a reply from Jake, "Copy that." I sat back in my chair and watched the woman as i saw the buggy coming into my bino's view. Beardy went out to grab her and came back in quickly, staying with the woman for a little, probably to calm her down as she looked really panicked. I felt someone move beside me and saw Harrison getting out of his chair. I celebrated in my head, maybe I should act annoyed more if i get ice cream. He walked out the tower and I decided to move to the seat next to Corey. "Hey cam, how you doing?" He asked and I smiled. "Alright, the weather is so nice today, I just want to go out and surf." Corey nodded, "Yeah, only got a few more hours though." I nodded, "yeah, how about you?" 

"Im good, my wife has ribs planned for dinner tonight." Corey replied, his eyes lit up at the thought. I laughed, "ooo bet you can't wait to get home for that." He nodded and licked his lips, "yeah, counting down the seconds." He glanced at the clock before looking back at me, "how've you been finding lifeguarding?" "Its great, i thought it was gonna be a certain way and it turned out completely different. Everything is just so much better than I could have ever imagined." I replied and Corey nodded, "Bondi really has a way of surprising you when you least expect it." 

We continued to chat for 10 minutes until I felt a body lean over the back of my chair and an arm extend out over me. I smiled at once as I saw a glistening strawberry icecream. I reached my hand out to grab it but the arm pulled it away, straightening back up. I turned around, beaming and extending my hand for my payment. Harrison cheekily grinned at me and drew back further so I could no longer reach the delicious treat in front of me. I frowned and scooted slightly further forward but Harrison just pulled it away. "Oy." I said, frowning at his annoying self. "Say please." He replied, enjoying my frustration. "Pleaasseeee." I said, making grabby hands at the enticing frozen dessert. "Well done. Here you go." Harrison said, and handed me my strawberry icecream. I at once started eating it, licking at the refreshing coolness. Harrison handed an icecream to Corey as well and sat down beside me. I grinned at him and licked my icecream, making him smirk and shake his head. "You're really easy to please Cam." Harrison said, licking his own mango sorbet. "I know." I smiled, going back to my icecream. Man i loved strawberry. 

A/N: Hey guyssss, Im backkkk. School has been keeping me really busy lately and I actually went back in for my last few days of this year which is really sad. I hope you guys are all keeping safe, and thankyou for the comments on my previous chapter, it really inspires me to keep writing knowing you are enjoying it! 

-Fun fact: Strawberry icecream is acc my favourite flavour.-

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