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I was walking along the sandy pathway beside the shops to get to the tower when i heard a distinct laugh come from a coffee shop on my left. I swear to god that is cams laugh. I turned in quickly and squinted as my eyes adjusted to the inside of the shop. I spotted cam waiting for her coffee alongside maxi who was already drinking his and smiling cheekily at her. I lined up in the queue so not to be obvious but i kept a watch on them from the corner of my eye. I was 3 people away from ordering when i felt a tap on my left shoulder. I turned and looked to see cams glowing face, "fancy seeing you here then!" she chuckled and slurped her frozen coffee. I nodded and stepped forward in the line, "yeah thought id pop in for a coffee before heading to the tower." She slurped some more of her drink, her fingers twirling the drink with the straw, "maxi and i seemed to have the same idea." she smiled at me before turning to find that annoying boy. She slightly went on her tiptoes and searched the shops before locating him at the cafe notice board. She softly spoke, "oy maxi.... maxi.....urgh" she turned back around to me, "being deaf per usual." i chuckled and stepped forward as the girl behind the counter asked what i wanted. I just ordered a medium americano, not in the mood for anything fancy. I paid and walked to the waiting counter while the girl made my coffee. "how are you anyway cam?" i asked, leaning my back against the side. "hm? oh im good thanks." she said, still trying to get maxis attention. "good." i said and laughed at cam whisper shouting at the oblivious blonde boy. She gave up soon after and turned back to me smiling, "oh well." i smiled back at her, "so you gonna try and not get injured today at the beach yeah?" she chuckled and blushed a little, "yeah dont wanna have to stay with you in the tower again how boring." i gasped at her, faking my hurt as i put a hand on my chest. "excuse me, youre coffee is done." the girl behind the counter said, handing me my drink. She smiled at me for a little too long and i awkwardly turned around to see cam smirking. "What?!" i said, taking a sip of my warm drink to wake me up. "check your cup hun." she replied, stirring her drink as we walked to maxi. I saw a number written on the side along with a name written in swirly writing. I blushed immediately and looked at cam. she laughed, "always getting the ladies attention huh kiwi boy?" i sighed and blushed even harder, "nah. i wish."i replied thinking about cam. We reached maxi and he greeted me as we walked along to the tower. "i see so many girls eyeing you up on the beach harrison, the amount of times ive been asked about you is unreal." cam continued our previous conversation and i laughed, "never seem to come to me." she sighed and shook her head in amusement, "thats cos you ignore them." cam replied, nudgin maxi who was enthralled in finishing his smoothie. "shes right." maxi backed cam up and i blushed, choosing not to reply. Its not true, no girls ever come up to me and even if they did theres only one girl i want.

The three of us soon reached the tower and cam waved goodbye, heading over to the clubbie building. "man your whipped." maxi said to me nudging me. "and dont i bloody know it." i said, groaning as i made my way in. Luke, Jesse, Ryan and Reidy were all lazing around the room. "whys our favourite kiwi whining this morning?" reidy said and i ignored him, slumping into a chair and folding over my arms. "definitely cam, i can practically see the boner in his boardies." jesse said and i blushed but flipped him off, resting my chin on my chest. "poor little harrisons sad cos cammie doesnt love him back." luke teased and if my brow could furrow any more it did. "me and you are on south rhino today bud." jesse said and i looked up to him seeing his cheeky face smiling at me. Jesse and i are best mates and i know he'll cheer me up. I nodded and headed to the locker room to get changed.

As i walked into the clubbie hut i couldnt stop thinking about harrison. Hes so sweet, kind, funny and not to mention bloody fit as fuck. I swung round the side to see henry, nat, sam, ollie and mike sitting on the chairs. "morning everyone!" i said cheerily, skipping over to sit on nats legs. "why you in such a good mood then." sam asked chuckling at my happy state. "no reason." i replied, leaning back into nat. She tickled my side, saying, "sure its not to do with a certain lifeguard hm?" I blushed and crossed my arms over my chest. "no?" i replied, trying to sound convincing but ultimately failing. Nat and sam laughed and i huffed. "right guys, ollie and nat youre on north, mike is central with me, sam and cam youre at south." henry said, grabbing his sunglasses and walkie. I got up off of nats lap and pulled sam up from his chair, "come onnn." i moaned and he tossed me over his shoulder making me squeal. He walked me out of the hut, down to the beach before dropping me on the sand. "bitch." i said and brushed myself off. We started the long trek down to the north end.

Jesse and I were just reversing out the rhino, me sat in drivers seat. I carefully maneuvered out the garage and pulled round to drive to north bondi. "so mate, whats going on in that little head of yours then?" jesse said and i shrugged, narrowing my eyes underneath my sunglasses. "oh come on harrison, you need to talk about her at some point, you cant keep it all bottled up its not good for you." jesse responded and i deeply sighed. "i dont know jess, i really really like her and its infuriating cos i wanna be around her all the time but i cant. I get so nervous around her but shes so easy to talk to and makes me laugh so much. Shes perfect." i stopped rambling and looked up to see jesse smirking at me. "oh shut up" i said and continued to focus on the beach. "cant believe that once my best mate finally starts liking a girl she has to be a clubbie huh?" jess jeared at me and i chuckled, "guess so." We continued to drive along the 200m stretch left and laughed at some seagulls in the water. Once we arrived. i pulled the rhino to face the water and leaned back into my seat. There was only a few people on the beach due to the early time but i knew in about 30 minutes the beach would really start to crowd up. I was looking out to the water when i noticed two clubbies heading our way. I poked jesse and he turned to face them squinting. I faced back to the water and watched the rip. "mate, youre gonna be ecstatic." Jesse said. "wait what, why?" i said, looking at him. He pointed his finger to the clubbies who were nearing us and i instantly recognised cams brown hair. I turned back into my seat and hit jesse to sit properly, "mate dont be so obvious." i hissed and pateintly waited for the two to come over.

I was strolling alongside sam chatting about his mums recent trip to hawaii when he thumped my shoulder. This caused me to look up at him and see a wide smile on his face, "what?" i asked. "your loverboys over there." sam said and nodded his head towards the rhino. My heart sped up and i felt a smile coming to my face. "okay okay sam, act chill." i said as we kept walking. We soon reached about 10ft away from the rhino and i recognised jesse sitting in the passenger seat next to harrison. "hey guys!" i said causing the both of them to turn to face me. "oh hey cam." jesse said, waving at me. "hey." harrison said, smiling at me. Damn he looked fit in his sunglasses and his smile. fuck. "this is sam by the way." i said, tugging at sam and wrapping my arm around his waist.

"this is sam by the way." cam said and wrapped her arm around his waist, letting him lean into her. Wait what. Were they together, no surely not, cam would have mentioned it. But then again. Jesse pulled me out of my thoughts by speaking up, "hey im jesse." he said, going for a handshake. sam shook back, "nice to meet you." Sam turned to me and i put a smile on my face and stuck my hand out, "harrison." he nodded and turned back to cam. "right well nice to see you guys again, were just gonna go and set up over there." cam said, grabbing sams hand and yanking him away from us. Sam waved as they went off. "dude what the fuck." i said causing jesse to laugh. "what?" he asked and i threw my hands up in the air in exasperation, "jess, she literally leaned into his waist and held his hand. She likes him." i said, rubbing at my face. "it meant nothing harrison." jesse said but i ignored him, "didnt look like nothing." i said. 

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