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My heart thumped slightly as i walked up towards the lifeguard tower, my thongs flopping lightly on the paved path. Today was my first day as a trainee and I'm not going to lie but I'm really nervous. It's my dream to be able to do lifeguarding full time and now that ive got an opportunity to do it, I don't wanna mess it up. Hopefully all the boys will like me and hoppo will be impressed with my skills. I finally reached the blue door and took a deep breath in to steady myself before knocking loudly. I stepped in to see maxi and Jesse chatting animatedly to each other by the desk. They must have set the tower up. As soon as they saw my face, they both leaped up and rushed towards me, smothering me in a warm tanned hug. I laughed and tried to wiggle out from them, causing them to grip me even tighter. When they eventually let me go, I was blushing from warmth and adrenaline. "You ready for the first day of your future?" Maxi asked and I giggled. "Wow maxi, no need to sound so poetic, I'm just working with you smelly old men." Jesse laughed, his bright eyes lighting up, "hey, we're not old and smelly. Maybe yatesy is but not us, we're tanned and muscular." I chuckled and shook my head, patting Jesse's small arm. "You keep telling yourself that Jess." I heard the door open again and soon felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I smiled and turned around to see Harrisons beaming face. "Hey Harrison!" I said cheerily, pulling him into a hug before stepping back. "Gdmorning. You ready for your first day, gonna be a scorcher." He replied, putting his sunglasses on top of his head and winking at me. I blushed and smiled back, "nothing I shouldn't be able to handle." Harrison nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me over to the desk, "that's what I like to hear."

He plopped me down in one of the seats before taking the chair next to me. This was all very much to maxi and Jesse's amusement who were sitting there gleefully, smirking smugly at us. I stuck my tongue out at them, and turned to continue to chat with Harrison about his surfentag fail.

Soon, more and more of the lifeguards were filing in until there was Reidy, Whippet, Yatesy, Harries, Chappo, Beardy, Boxy, Jesse, Maxi and Harrison all standing around me, laughing and chatting to me about rescue fails and funny events. I heard the door open again and looked over to see Hoppo walking through, a large beam on his face. I noticed he had a small bag in his hand as he came over to us, and I was instantly curious. The boys soon noticed his presence and hushed, excitedly awaiting their bosses words. "Goodday everyone. As you can all see we have a new trainee in our midst. Cammie if you would please." He motioned for me to stand beside him and I curiously made my way over. When I was standing next to him, he winked and continued, "it is with deep pride and greatest pleasure I present to you the one and only Bondi lifeguard shirt." Instant applause echoed round as hoppo withdrew a small blue top from the bag, handing it to me gently. I took it from his hands, my cheeks aching from smiling so wide. "Go on, put it on!" Jesse called out and I tightly held the shirt between my legs as I pulled my top off, slipping my new lifeguard uniform on. Louder applause ensued and I blushed, embarassed with the cheering and whooping rippling throughout the small group. "Looks better on you than it does on anyone else." Boxy said causing everyone to laugh. I shook my head as I chuckled, "nah I think harries looks the best. Really pulls off the whole tanned god look." I winked at the smiling lifeguard who wiggled his eyebrows back and made a noise of agreement. "Oy what about me?" Maxi asked and I shook my head. "Just haven't quite got the Bondi factor sorry maxi." This caused the boys to laughs and Harrison beamed down at me, glad I was comfortable with the boys.

"The boys all love Cam which is great and I can see she's really gonna get along great here. I can't wait to see what she brings to rescuing and I'm sure she's gonna be an amazing addition to the team."

I was currently sitting in a rhino at the North end of the beach, chatting to beardy about my degree. The conversation was very intermittent as we had both been hopping in and out of the buggy to pull struggling swimmers out of the rip and back into safety. I spotted another swimmer panicking and I grabbed my board, running to the waters edge. I quickly reached the swimmer and lifted her onto the board, letting her slide backwards. It was an easy rescue, only made harder by having to weave in and out of the crowds of beach goers seemingly unaware of their surroundings in the water. I reached beardy again fairly soon, and plonked back into my seat, pulling my new shirt around my shoulders to cover up a little from the scorching sun as I only had on my sports swim bikini and water shorts.

We continued to perform rescues and help people until Yatesy radioed from the tower to come up for lunch. Beardy started the rhino and we made our way up, thankful for a quick break from the sun. When we finally sat down in our chairs by the desk, Reidy and maxi had taken out spot on North Bondi and were continuing to monitor the area. I had gotten my cheese sandwich out from the fridge along with a bottle of water, an apple and a granola bar. I quickly munched down the sandwich and was enjoying the crisp and fresh juice of my apple when I heard a chair scrape as it was pulled up alongside mine. "Hellooo." The voice said as it plonked itself next to me and I recognised it as Jesse. I turned to face him and beamed, before taking another bite into my rosy apple. "You know if you weren't back for lunch before me, I mighta stolen your cheese sandwich, it looked really good." I chuckled and swallowed, "good thing you weren't here before me then." Jesse nodded and took a mouthful of the plain salad he had in front of him. I shook my head gently, and turned back to the water, enjoying watching the crowds have fun and enjoy the warm sun. Jesse and I continued to converse about everything and anything for half an hour, him causing me to spurt water out my mouth at one point over a hilarious story about them playing a prank on maxi where they pretended he burnt the chicken kerrboxs mum had gotten them.

All too soon, my lunch break had ended and I waved goodbye to Jesse as I made my way with whippet to the left of the red and yellow flags, we would be patrolling the beach on foot for a bit and all rhinos were currently being used. The heat was really beating down on us now and I could tell it would be hard to stay concentrated on the water.

The next hour passed and I did manage to stay focused and perform a few rescues, saving one particular man who had been struggling out back that maxi had radioed to us. I was really proud of my work today and I only had two hours left until my day ended. I was heading back up to watch from the tower now as hoppo had decided patrolling on foot for more than an hour put us at risk. I pushed open the doors when I reached the tower, and sighed contentedly, thankful for air conditioning. I walked over to the bench and sat down next to beardy on one side and harries on the other. Due to it being a busy and hot day, we were constantly reporting rescues and had little time to talk as it took all concentration to monitor the waves.

Before I knew it, it had reached 6 o'clock and it was time for me to leave, a few of the boys were staying until half 6 as hoppo decided the crowds hadn't died down enough yet. I gathered my stuff together and waved goodbye to everyone, hugging Harrison tightly as he was on his way into the tower to take over for the last thirty minutes. I blushed when I realised he had no shirt on and quickly walked away along the path to not embarass myself with my excessive blushing. Not a bad day at all and Harrison shirtless is just the cherry on top.

"Today was a really good day. Im excited to continue working here and it's amazing to think about how much the future holds. Can't wait to come back tomorrow and do it all again!

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A/N: sorry, it's me again. Just wanted to say thank you for reading this book, it means a lot to know people appreciate my work! Sorry for not updating more, im in the process of developing the chapters I have planned so dont worry new chapters will be coming this week.
Don't forget to comment and vote, im really greatful for any feedback on the book!

I've also published the first few chapters of my new Fred weasley X reader book so check that out on my account as well.


BONDI RESCUE - HARRISON REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now