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I nodded and took his little hand in mine. "okay harrison, should we go and get her then?" he nodded and we walked over to the woman. "excuse me madam, your little boy has been stung by a jellyfish, he needs medical attention." the woman turned around and her face relaxed when she saw my jumper stating lifeguard in bright red letters, contrasting to the yellow. "Oh thank god, im so sorry, its just that i have a 2 year old over there and a baby and my husband isnt going to be here for another 4 hours." i could tell the woman was panicking so i lightly placed my spare hand on her shoulder, taking notice of the toddler clinging to her leg and the baby hoisted on her hip. "dont worry madam, i can care for him up in the tower for a while until it gets better, just dont forget hes up with me." i replied, calming the woman down. "Oh youre a life saver!" she said, then chuckling at her unintended pun. The baby started crying and she rushed to grab a bottle, already dismissing harrison now that he was in my hand. I bent down to harrisons height and said, "hey harrison lets get you up to the tower." he nodded and stopped crying. His little hand gripped tightly to mine and i led him up to the tower, "theres someone up there id like you to meet harrison." he looked up at me with big, swollen red eyes, "reallyy?" he asked me. "yep, theres a lifeguard called harrison whos my friend and im sure hed love to meet a little boy as brave as you with his name!" Harrison instantly cheered up and practically dragged me up to the tower door. I pushed it open and he nervously walked in behind me, hiding. I led him up to the landing, "hey harrison, theres a little boy who wants to meet such a big, strong lifeguard like yourself." the tanned lifeguard instantly turned around, leaving deano and singlets to watch the water. His eyes met mine until he realised the little boy shyly standing next to me. "harrison, this is little harrison." The little boy looked in awe as the muscular lifeguard came over and crouched in front of him. "hey buddy, im harrison, nice to meet you!" harrison said, beaming at the smiling boy. "Im harrison too!" he exclaimed. I chuckled and big harrison stood up and smiled at my laugh. "Hes got a nasty sting on the back of his leg so were gonna go to the special chair and treat it arent we buddy?" Little harrison nodded, grabbing my hand again and beaming at big harrison. "You can come with us if you want big harrison!" the little boy said, making harrison smile widley. "okay, ill be right over." i led little harrison to the medical chair, lifting him up into it. "Right then harrison, lets get you all fixed up." I reached round to grab the medical box when i saw big harrison standing there holding it out for me. I smiled and gently took it from him, muttering a thankyou. I got out the sting spray and some cream. "big harrison i like your hat." the little boy said as i undid the cap on the spray. Harrison crouched down in front of him and said, "well how about you wear it then." He grabbed the hat and lightly placed it on the boys head. He beamed and giggled causing harrison to chuckle. Damn thats sexy i thought as i got the spray ready. "hey harrison this might hurt a little but itll make you better okay?" i asked as i got ready to spray the sting. "im a big boy like big harrison." the little guy said, smiling at me with gappy teeth. I sprayed him gently, and he winced a little but otherwise was fine. "thankyou cammie" he said and i patted his head but he pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back as harrison laughed at us. That was before little harrison pulled him in as well. Big harrison awkwardly hugged him back, trapping me in with him before the little boy squeezed even tighter causing me to stumble a little into the gorgoeus lifeguard in front of me. He looked at me shyly before engulfing me in the hug as well. I blushed and hugged them both back. "come on then harrison, do you wanna come spot some people with us?" the little boy nodded at me, "you can call me hazza, i like you." the boy excitedly clambered off the chair and ran to the front, waiting patiently for us to come. I looked over at harrison who was rubbing the back of his neck. Hes gorgoeus. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head, heading over to 'hazza'. I sat on a chair, followed by harrison who grabbed a pair of binoculars and went back to watching the water. Hazza clambered onto my lap and grabbed my pair of binoculars, putting them up to his eyes and scanning the water. Bless him hes adorable. We stayed like this for a while, hazza entranced with the beach and me happy enough to watch the water without the binoculars. Jesse came in and saw hazza on my lap, swapping out with deano. "Hey cam, whos this little guy?" he asked, hi fiving haz. "this is harrison." jesse smiled and patted his head before sitting down. "cammieeee" haz said smiling up at me with his little mouth, "yes haz?" i asked and he said, "stop looking at big haz." he poked my cheek causing me to blush and harrison to shift in his seat, eyes still trained on the water. "i..i urm wasnt." i said back, looking over at harrisons gorgeous face. "yess you were, you are noww," haz said, leaning into me, "you go red when you look at him or he talks to you. Its funny." haz said causing me to go bright red and jesse to laugh. I glanced over at harrison who was blushing and i felt my face heat up even more. "i think someones a little jealous arent they bud?" jesse said causing haz to pout, "big haz got muscles, little haz got noo muscles." Jesse laughed, "youve got muscles too harrison." the little boy climbed off my lap, making his way over to jesse. Jesse hoisted him up and held him up. I grabbed my binoculars and focused on the water, listening to jesse and hazs conversation. "they kept on looking at each other." haz said and jesse whispered back, "yeah they do that a lot dont they, isnt it funny." haz continued, "yeah and then cammie goes red when big haz hugs her. " i blushed at this and harrison coughed slightly. "do you think they like each other?" little haz asked, whispering into jesses ear way too loud for it to be discreet. "yeah i think they do." jesse said chuckling. The radio came on through harrisons walkie and he ran out, going to help on a rescue. I sat there as jesse and haz continued to talk, "cammie if you like big haz you should tell him." the little boy said and i softly said back, "thanks haz but i dont like him." jesse raised his eyebrows at this causing the boy to laugh, "jesse thinks you do." at this i sighed and ignored jesses chuckles. "well you see little guy, cammie is a very special lifeguard because we dont often let the yellow and red lifeguards into the tower but we like cammie, and harrison realllyyy likes her so she can come in." jesse explained as the little boy nodded along, "aha, i know cammie likes big haz because she woudlnt stop looking at his tummy when he didnt have his jumper on" i blushed intensely at this and jesse snorted. "is that right cam?" he asked and i shook my head furiously,"nope."
I tried to ignore the further comments made by jesse and the little boy, focusing on the water. I managed to spot quite a few struggling people and report them to the boys on the sand, at least i wasnt useless because of my injuries.

Soon, it reached 4o'clock and the volunteer lifeguards are meant to sign off and go home. The beach was stil pretty busy but the boys in blue were handling it. Haz was sitting on my lap in the tower when there was a gentle knock on the door. I placed haz on the seat before heading towards the door. I pulled it open to reveal the little boys mum, a small child gripping to her hand and a baby slung on her hip. "hi again!" she beamed at me, "hey ive just come to get harrison, thankyou so much for looking after him, my husband finally arrived." i nodded and brought her over to haz who pouted slightly, "mummy i dont want to go yet, i want to stay with cammie and jesse and big harrison." I crouched down in front of the little boy and said, "you are welcome to come and say hello again harrison, but i think your mum would like you to go with her so be a good boy and make me proud yeah?" haz smiled widely before grabbing me for a tight hug. I chuckled before he ran up to jesse, "bye bye jesse!" he said and jesse gave him a hug, ruffling his hair. the little boy then stood in front of harrison who had put down his binoculars and was softly smiling at him. I loved that lazy smile, hes so kind and caring and i jsut want to kiss him. "bye big harrison, im gonna come back some day and show you how big and strong ive gotten!" harrison beamed at the excited little boy, "im sure you will, its been very nice meeting you." the little boy ran back to his mum, proudly bearing harrisons lifeguard cap he had given him. "bye bye everyone!" he said as the family walked out to the golden sand. I sighed as he left and turned back round to see harrison looking at me but he quickly looked away. I checked the time, i was the last volunteer lifeguard left but i didnt want to leave harrisons company yet. "you gonna leave cam?" jesse asked and i shrugged, "if you guys are all okay i guess, might go have a shower and soothe these stings." he chuckled and nodded, "alright ill see you tomorrow." i hugged him before facing harrison, "bye harrison, see you tomorrow." he instantly turned round and smiled at me, "bye cam." i grabbed my water and walked out, back along the pathway which led home. 

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