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I was looking out across the long stretch of Bondi sand, admiring the way the light dazzled against the water, creating a ripple of glimmering sun. The air slightly ruffled my hair, cold compared to the warmer gaze of the sun. I was heading towards the clubbie building, ready to start my day when I got a buzz on my phone from hoppo. 'Hey cam, would you mind popping in to see me before work. -H ' I replied back quickly saying I was on my way before changing to head to hoppos office. I soon reached the wooden door and knocked a few times before the familiar voice beckoned me in. I smiled as I sat down in the chair opposite Hoppo. "Yalright?" He asked and I nodded before he continued, "right well I just wanted to talk to you about your current position as a volunteer lifeguard." Oh dear I thought, he's gonna tell me that I've not been good enough and they're firing me and I can't be a lifeguard anymore. Hoppo must have sensed my worry as he quickly continued, "don't worry it's nothing bad." I felt slightly reassured but still anxious as to what he had to say. "Currently there is two new positions for trainees here at Bondi as full time lifeguards. Henry and I have been discussing your past few weeks and think that you are the best candidate for one of the traineeships. We know you are capable of exceeding at this job and the boys already love you. We haven't told the boys yet but want to surprise them later so don't tell anyone. You can spend the rest of today continuing volunteering but from tomorrow if you'll accept you will be a trainee with us." I sat there with eyes wide, astounded and shocked by what hoppo had just told me. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and will let me have a future right here doing what I love. I instantly replied, "thankyou so much hoppo I would love to this means the world to me." He beamed at me, "good, now off you go don't wanna keep the beach waiting." I nodded and got up, "thanks hoppo, I can't wait!" As soon as the door closed I squealed with excitement and jumped a little, ecstatic from the news. I was gonna be a full time trainee at Bondi! I tried to calm my heart rate down by taking some deep breaths but it only worked a little, the excitement still coursing through my veins. I quickly realised Henry would be expecting me at the clubbie hut soon so fast walked there, a large smile spread across my face.

The young lifeguard stood there beaming, her face full of excitement and enthusiasm. "I'm really happy that hoppo and Henry think I'm capable of being a trainee. I can't wait to start tomorrow, it's gonna be so nice to work with the team and push myself!"

The boys and I were all sitting on the chairs in the tower, waiting for hoppo to come in and tell us the news that he was so excited about. I was leaning next to Jesse, maxi and Jake on the counter, discussing our surfentag strategy and raft. (A/N: if you do not know what surfentag is watch the video on YouTube) We had been planning our raft for ages and had spent the last week building and perfecting it. I was really pumped to compete in the competition and couldn't wait to see boxy and harries raft as apparently they had really gone all out. Jake was telling us a joke when hoppo came in beaming. "G'day everyone!" He said cheerily, addressing all the lifeguards. "As you know today is the surfentag competition. I know you are all excited and ready to show off your hard work which is why I'm choosing our new trainee to host it." I looked around confused, we haven't had a new trainee in ages. The boys were all showing similar signs of puzzlement so hoppo continued, "a new trainee will be joining us tomorrow. You all know her really well and so... The new trainee and lifeguard who will be hosting the surfentag competition is Cameron!" I stood there in shock as did many of the other guys. Wait what? Cam was gonna become a lifeguard? Jesse instantly hugged me and ruffled my hair, "mate, Cameron's gonna be a lifeguard!" I felt a smile come to my face and gripped Jesse back before walking to hoppo and tightly embracing him. "okay, okay, right work hard today boys, surfentag starts at 6." Hoppo walked out and I grabbed my sunglasses from the desk, a wide smile now filling my face. I can't wait to work with cam.

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