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It was 11.50 which meant I had 10 minutes left of my shift before I could go home and relax. The beach wasn't busy at all due to a stormy cloud looming over the sand. Only a few surfers dotted the water and persistant tourists determined to make the most of their holiday. I took a sip of my water and continued to mindlessly watch the waves, thinking about Harrison. A poke to my cheek snapped me out of my miserable thoughts and I looked to my left to see a cheery Jesse. "Oh hey jess." I said, turning back to the grey beach. "Woah woah woah, whys my favourite lifeguard in a grump?" he asked and i heard Maxi shout something to do with hearing him making me chuckle. "No reason, I just wanna go home." I responded and Jesse nodded, sitting next to me and throwing an arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, feeling safe in his arms. "I understand." He said and sat silently next to me. "My shift ends when yours does. You could come over to my apartment and make a fort with me while eating food and watching disney movies?" Jesse questioned and I looked up at him, trying to surpress a smile. "I dont know Jess...." The small aussie boy looked pleadingly at me and gave me his best puppy dog eyes. "How could I resist that face?" I said and Jesse smiled triumphantly, pulling me into a hug. "Go and grab your stuff so we can leave soon." He said and I nodded, getting up and grabbing my few items i had brought with me today. 

Soon enough it was 12 and Jesse was waiting impatiently for me by the door. "Okay okay im coming!" I said, picking up my jacket. "Why do you take so longggg?" Jesse asked and I laughed, pushing him playfully. "I thought you wanted to make a fort with me?" I asked and he instantly pulled me closer, resting an arm on my shoulders. "Guess I've got to be nice to you then." I nodded and elbowed his side, causing him to fake double over in pain while i scooted off, running hysterically down the path. "OY COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BUGGER!" Jesse shouted and I just flipped him off before continuing to pelt it. I stopped when I saw Jesse throw his hands up in the hair, letting him jog slowly over to me. "Slow coach." I said, looking smugly forward. "Piss off." He replied, pulling his hood strings tighter. "Oy watch it." I said, poking him. "Oh yes sorry m'lday." I nodded, grinning, letting the blue eyed boy take all worry and stress out of my mind. 

We arrived at Jesse's apartment 20 minutes later, having taken our time messing around on the walk there. I was ready to just fall asleep as soon as I stepped in the door but he managed to persuade me to help him make a fort then bake cookies. I was currently holding up a blanket corner while jesse weighed it down with some books. "This is gonna fall off you know." I said, skeptical of Jesse's construction skills. "No it won't. Now hand me that book." I passed him the large book and he balanced it on top of the others, happily stepping back when he thought the tower was complete. "Okay, now go grab those pillows and shove them inside." He gestured to the immense pile of cushions scattered in the hallway and I nodded, saluting him, "Yes Sir." He busied himself with the final adjustments of our fort's roof and by the time I came back, arms full with padding for the floor, he was standing proudly at the entrance. "Not too shabby if I do say so myslef Cam." I nodded, "im proud." He took the pillows from me and we clambered inside, spreading them out on the floor. This process of retreiving pillows and then placing them down repeated a few more times before we finally lay in our fort, admiring our handywork. 

I looked over at Jesse who had a childish grin on his face. He soon noticed me and looked back at me, furrowing his brows at me cheeky smile. I wiggled my eyebrows and said, "cookie time." Jesse's face lit up and he scrambled out the den, pulling me with him. He dragged me to the kitchen where we grabbed out ingredients, putting them on the smooth side. Soon, we had a good mix which just needed some chocolate chips in. "Hey Jess can you pass me the chips?" I asked. I waited expectantly for the bag of chocolate to be placed in my hand. When I felt nothing, I turned around to see Jesse in the cupboard, shoving chips into his mouth. "Oy!" I said, grabbing the bag and seeing how much was left. "You nearly ate them all you greedy pig!" Jesse smiled at me, mouth full. "They jusht tashte sho goodhs!" He said, causing me to slap his arm. "Jess, now there's gonna be none left for the cookies!" 

I glared at him but he smiled back unashamedly. I rolled my eyes and sneaked my hand back into the flour bag behind us. When i managed to grab a fistful of flour, I brought my hand out and threw it straight at Jesse's face. He blinked his eyes open in surprise, face white with flour. "You did not just do that cam!" He yelled, already picking some flour up. "Im sorry, Im sorry! Please don't throw it!" I giggled, cowering into the corner as Jesse walked closer to me. Not a second later I stood there in shock as I wiped flour out of my face. "ITS SO ON!" I yelled, grabbing more ammo and chucking it at him. He did the same, tossing handfuls of powdery flour at me. 5 minutes later, we were both covered in it and so was the kitchen. "Maxi's gonna be so mad." Jesse said laughing. I chuckled, "we can give him a cookie and he'll forgive us." Jesse nodded and looked at me. "Your absolutely covered." I laughed and pointed back at him, "so are you." We laughed at each other before brushing ourselves off as best we could. 

Once we were sat back down in the fort, a plate of cookies between us and a disney movie playing on Jesse's laptop, I snuggled into the pillows and blankets, loving the warmth and comfort i had beside one of my best friends. We were half way through our second movie lion king when i heard our fort blanket door open and two heads pop through. "What have you two done to the kitchen?" Maxi asked, chuckling at our bodies buried in cushions. "It's Jesse's fault he ate the chocolate chips." I said, pointing at the wide-eyed boy next to me. "No it's not," he said, glaring at me, "Cam threw the first handful." I shook my head, a grin spreading across both our faces. "Cookie to make up for it?" I asked, extending the plate to Maxi. Harrison beside him grabbed one and took a bite, beaming at me. "Urgh fine then." Maxi said, grabbing a cookie and coming to sit between us. Harrison followed suit and soon we were all cramped in the space between the sofas, made tighter by the excessive pillows. 

"There was enough room until you two fattys showed up." Jesse said groaning, shifting slightly to find a better position. "Shut up and watch Simba." I said, making the boys laugh. I felt Harrison's eyes on me from his position laying beside me. I watched the screen intently, whispering to him, "what is it?" He chuckled softly, causing me to look up at him. "Youve got flour on your cheek here." He said, brushing my cheek with his fingers. I instantly felt my face flair up and was glad for the lack of light. "Oh right thanks." I said, looking back at the screen. "No problem love." Harrison responded causing my heart to skip a beat. I could tell he was still watching me so I nudged his side, whispering, "watch the movie dufus." He grinned and turned his attention to the film, making a small smile escape my lips. 

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