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I was making myself a slice of toast and smoothie when I heard my phone ding. I opened it up to see a text message from nat
Natty: hey Cammie, wanna go shopping today I could do with some girly time.

Cam: yep of course, wanna meet at campbell parade in 30 minutes?

Natty: sounds perfect see you there X

I grabbed my finished smoothie and walked over to the breakfast bar, plopping down on one of the stools to finish my meal. I scrolled through Instagram, liking some of the lifeguards posts. When I had taken the last bite of toast, I put my phone down and headed over to the sink, placing my plate in for later.

I headed to my bedroom, checking the time- 20 minutes until I had to be at campbell parade. I quickly went to my wardrobe, pulling out a pair of black shorts and a white crop top to wear. I rushed to the shower, pulling off my oversized shirt and shorts as I went, turning the water on and tying my hair up in a quick bun. I hopped in the shower, yelping as it was cold before it started to warm up and I quickly grabbed some soap, washing my body.

Once I had showered, I dried myself off and hurried back to my room, throwing on the shorts and tshirt and brushing my hair out. I grabbed my mascara and quickly applied a few coats. I checked myself once over in the mirror, satisfied I took my phone and purse and scurried out the door, locking it behind me. Perfect 10 minutes to get to Campbell parade. I started the walk, admiring the sunny day and beautiful blue sky up above me, void of any lingering clouds.

I soon reached Campbell and spotted Nats blonde hair. I quickly walked over as she found me and we embraced in a short hug before beginning to walk along the street. "So, cam how has your first few weeks of being an official volunteer lifeguard been?" Nat said jokingly and I laughed, "challenging but I've enjoyed it." Nat nodded and continued, "yeah you really seem to have a natural talent for lifeguarding and I know for one that all the team is really impressed with your skills despite all the trouble you've gotten into." I chuckled at that one and said, "yeah I'm not exactly the luckiest person am I?" Nat shook her head, "not at all!" We continued to talk about lifeguarding as we entered in and out of surfing shops and clothing stores, our arms slowly becoming weighed down by bags. We had been shopping for around 3 hours when we spotted one of our favourite cafes and immediately headed towards it. We scooted on a small table, having ordered a blueberry muffin and smoothie for me while nat ordered a banana bread and tea. As I took a sip of my delicious cold smoothie nat said, "so we've talked about every single thing to do with lifeguarding but we managed to miss out an important part." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I looked at her questioningly, "what?" She smirked and said, "Harrison." I choked a little bit on my muffin causing me to cough violently. "Uhum, sorry what about him?" I said, my face red from coughing and thoughts of Harrison. "Come onnn tell meeee!" Nat said excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat, "I see you two constantly flirting so there's no point in trying to deny it." I sighed and blushed as she squealed a little. "I don't know nat, I mean yeah I do like him." Nat let out a high pitched squeak at that and clasped her hands together as I chuckled at her. "But he obviously doesn't like me back and I don't know what to do because being around him is so nice and he's so gorgoeus and funny and lovely but hes not interested." I looked up from my muffin to see nat beaming widely. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked, my eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Becaussee you loveeee him and he loveesss youu!" Nat exclaimed but I just shook my head."he doesn't nat. And I don't love him. I just really really like him." It was Nats turn to sigh and she looked at me, "cam hun, that boy does like you and I don't know what it's gonna take for you to see it but he does." I shook my head and finished my smoothie, "he does not. Can we stop talking about him now?" Nat smiled and said, "fine but I'm going to prove it to you." She took the last bite of her banana bread and we stood up, gathering our stuff before heading out. We continued to walk along the street, occasionally dipping into stores that caught our eye. We came to a stop by the path which led down to the beach and nat said, "it's 3 o'clock, I better head back to my apartment, my mum and dad are coming over and I need to organise the mess that is my life." I chuckled at her and hugged her, "okay, well I'll see you tomorrow. I might drop these off at the club house and go for a stroll along the beach." She nodded and waved goodbye as she walked off to her apartment. I looked over to the club house and started the short walk over there, my bags knocking each toehr on the way. I soon reached the building and opened the large doors, walking into the cooler air. I spotted Cory, one of the lifesavers and headed over to him. He was having a break on one of the chairs and sipping some water, "hey Cory, just here to drop off these bags, didn't wanna go walk along the beach with them all." He looked up and chuckled at me, "alright well have fun! See you later." He smiled at me and I smiled back, saying bye and heading back out into the Bondi sun. I quickly made my way down to the beach and took my shoes off, wiggling my toes in the grainy warm sand. I started the walk along the long stretch, taking in and admiring the beautiful landscape in front of me.

Today was a pretty relaxed day, although there was a lot of people on the beach they were managing to stay in between the flags and not too many rescues had happened. I was sat in North Bondi tower along with glick and we were watching the water from our binoculars. We had been chatting for a while about glicks training and if I had any tips when he nudged me and said, "isn't that cam?" I instantly looked over to where he was pointing and spotted her strolling along the beach, a contented smile on her face. "Yeah." I said, trying to force my eyes back to the water. My radio crackled and maxis voice came through, "lover boy there's your girl." I frowned and responded, "maxi shut up." A chuckle came through and this time it was Jesse talking, "why are you being a chicken, go and talk to her." I blushed at this and didn't respond, thinking over what would happen if I did. Jesse, maxi and a few of the other boys continued to mock me until hoppos voice came through, "Harrison, i think we've got enough boys on duty, go talk to her so this incessant teasing will go away, I'm trying to work. But once your done, come up to my office I need to talk to you." At this I practically fell out the tower on my way to cam, trying to get there quickly but not like I was being a creep. I slowed my jog down when I was closer to her and called out her name. She turned around in my direction, frowning until she spotted me and her eyes lit up as she put a hand up to shield her eyes from the sun. I slowed my jog down when I was next to her and smiled. "Hey Harrison!" She said cheerily. "Hey cam, just thought I'd say hello since your down here." She chuckled at this and looked at me with those big brown eyes, "I'm practically here every day hwrrison." I felt myself blush at this cam laughed looking down at her feet. "Right yeah well why you down here then today, your meant to be off? Was it the thought of seeing my handsome face that brought you back?" I winked cheekily at her and I swear she flushed slightly. "Oh um well I was shopping with nat but she had to go back as her parents were coming over so I thought I'd come take a walk along here after I'd dropped my bags off at the club house." She said, looking back into my eyes. "Oh nice, well I better not keep you then." I said, not wanting to stop her from her walk. "Aha thanks," she chuckled but was interrupted by my radio crackling, "hey cammieeee!" Maxis voice droned through and cam laughed, waving up to the tower where the annoying lifeguard sat. "Harrison asked you out yet?" At this my face fell and my heart sped up but cam just laughed and looked at me. I smiled back slightly and said, "sorry about him." She smiled and said, "well I guess I'll see you later Harrison." I nodded and waved goodbye as we both turned away walking in different directions. I started walking in the direction of hoppos office, radioing through to the tower, "maxi you prick, thanks for ruining my chance to talk to her." A loud laugh came through as maxi repsonded, "not my fault you haven't got the balls to ask her out." I blushed and frowned at this, "piss off." I reached the path and headed towards hoppos office, knocking on the door before I entered.

"Hey harrison, " Hoppo said, "take a seat." I plopped myself down into the cushioned chair opposite the head lifeguard, looking to him nervously. "So, i just wanted to pull you in here today for a quick chat about the future." I nodded slowly, anxious as to where this was going. "So, i just wanted to confirm that if cameron was around you all day, every day you wouldn't get distracted?" I was confused how this question was relevant to the future, but answered anyway, "yeah, i wouldnt get distracted, why?" Hoppo smiled warmly at me, "No reason, i just needed proof for something." I nodded and put my hands on the edge of the chair, ready to leave. "Oh okay, is that all?" Hoppo nodded and placed some pieces of paper down looking up at me, "Yep, see you later harrison." I went to walk out, "thanks hoppo, see you later." I was just about to close the door behind me when i heard hoppos voice again, "oh and by the way harrison, grow a pair and ask her out." He chuckled, causing me to shake my head as i continued on my way back down to the north tower.

BONDI RESCUE - HARRISON REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now