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The cameraman asked her about what she was expecting in the future, causing the young clubbie to think for a little before a smile spread across her freckled face. "Well, Im not really sure. Lifeguarding has always just been that goal i guess and i never thought about what else i wanted apart from that. I just finished my sports science degree and my plan after that was to finish my volunteering traineeship here and then become an official volunteer lifesaver but i guess now that ive done that im not sure. I have considered looking at applying for lifeguard positions in Melbourne or near Canberra but theyre pretty far away and i dont really wanna have to find a new apartment. I worked for quite a while before and during uni to save up money for that sorta stuff but i dont think im ready to leave bondi yet. Other than that i guess ill have to wait and see."


I was scanning the smooth but crowded waves on the beach, my eyes protected behind sunglasses. The beach wasn't absolutley packed but it was busy, down to the summer sun shining across the blue sky. I was focusing my attention on a few children swimming a little further out then they should be. They weren't in any particular form of distress but i knew that they could tire quickly and start to struggle. I waited a little while, my eyes drifitng back to the kids every few seconds. It was after about the 20th check when i could see one of the littler kids struggling. I immediately grabbed my yellow board and ran across the sand, dodging the relaxing families. As soon as i hit the water, i started paddling, smoothly weaving up and over the waves, reaching the group of 4 children. "Hey guys, you alright?" I said softly, but loud enough so they could hear. All 4 pairs of hands grabbed onto the board and the smallest one i had spotted struggling earlier rested his cheek on the board. They continued to rest there until i decided it was time to get them into shore. "Okay, i want you to take turns to get on the board with your tummy down and head facing away from me." I held onto the largest kid first and helped them to slide back, then the next largest, all the way down until the littlest child was on the front. "Hold on tight!" I said as i started the easy paddle back in, taking my time over the waves so the kids didn't fall off. We soon reached the shallows and they plopped off, thanking me before running off to their family. I smiled at the happy reunion before heading back to my spot, slipping my sunglasses back on and continuing to watch the water.

It had been a few hours since my last rescue and the beach was starting to quieten down, the end of the day drawing nearer. The boys in blue seemed to be doing a fine job at rescues and keeping the beach under control as there had been no calls on the radio for a while now. I still continued to monitor the water though, aware of how easy it could be to miss one bobbing head. I was looking out to backpackers when a man waved from the shallows of the water. Although he wasn't struggling in any way he looked to be signalling for help so i ran over, dragging my board beside me. When i reached him i noticed he was holding his arm close to him, cradling it gently. I spoke to him, "are you okay?" He walked over to me, pointing at his hurt arm, "I uh fink i have uh hurt mis arm." I nodded and directed the foreign man to the tower, walking alongside him as my shift ended at 4 anyway. "how did you hurt it?" i asked, trying to make conversation. "I vas valking back from aving a svim and a uh stone in my path, fell over." I nodded, "Okay, well we have called an ambulance so ill take you into the tower where you can have some pain relief and then you can go to hospital." He nodded as we made our way to the base of the steps leading up to the tower, "zankyou very much, you are very elpful madame." I opened the door for him as he stepped in. It took a little time for my eyes to adjust to the darker lighting of the tower but i quickly got used to it and walked the man over to a chair as jesse came next to me. "I think hes fractured his arm." i told jesse and the blue eyed boy nodded, inspecting the mans arm lightly. "I thought we could give him a green whistle until the ambo arrives." Jesse agreed and walked off to grab one of the pain relief tools. He quickly came back and handed the older man the whistle, "Put it in your mouth and breathe in and out deeply, it will help with the pain." The foreigner nodded and inhaled extensively, his chest rising. Jesse and I watched in amusement as the injured man became more and more relaxed with every intake of the methoxyflurane. Soon, the man was out of it and gazing dazily around the room, not a care in the world. "Its a shame harrison isnt up here." Jesse stated a cheeky smirk lightening his face as he continued to watch the patient. "And whys that Jess?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "Oh you know just thought you might have wanted to see him considering your huge crush on him." I blushed profusely at this, my face temperature heating up, "I do not uh have a crush on harrison." I lied, obviously not well enough as jesse just continued to smirk at me, wiggling his eyebrows. I elbowed him, "Shut up." He chuckled but was interrupted when a paramedic came through the door. "Hey, norm." jesse said and i greeted the familiar man as well. "Hello you two," he quickly dismissed us as he turned his attention to the smiling patient, "follow me sir, we have an ambulance outside for you ready to take you to the hospital." The injured foreigner stood up, waved at me cheerily before heading out. As soon as the door was closed i burst out into laughter, "what a funny man!" Jesse chuckled. I glanced up at the time and realised it was 4.45. Better head home. "Well, ill see you later jess, gotta head home." The young lifeguard nodded, "Bye cam, see you." I walked out, pulling my sunglasses from my head and back to my nose, covering my eyes once more. I started the journey to the clubbie building, ready to head home and have a shower.


I made my way back up to the tower as i was swapping over with yatesy. I opened the door to be greeted by the cool wash of air conditioning. I sighed contently before heading over to the desk, sitting next to jesse. He turned towards me and grinned, "Harrison mate, youre gonna be pissed." I frowned at my best friend and raised an eyebrow, "Why?" He beamed at me before smugly replying, "you literally just missed cam by 5 minutes." I sighed at this news, thinking about how i had been longing to see her all day and hoping i would catch her at some point but never did. "urgh." Jesse nodded before he got called out to do a rescue since the others were occupied with another patient.



The two men are standing with the sand in the background, looking into the camera. The cameraman asks their opinion on cam. Hoppo starts, "Cam is one of the most talented and hard working lifesavers i have ever seen, shes confident, passionate, caring, clever, yeah shes perfect as a lifeguard." Boxy continues, "Its actually pretty funny mate cos i dont think the lads have ever particularly liked the clubbies that much but theyve taken a real liking to cam." Hoppo chuckled, "Yeah one more than others." The two men chuckled at this before the cameraman asked them about harrison and cam. "That kid has got it bad for her, its hilarious, he follows her round and he only talks about her." Boxy said, hoppo adding on, "and whenever shes in the tower, he just seems to magically be there, chatting her up."

BONDI RESCUE - HARRISON REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now