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I walked along the path down to bondi beach before i spotted a blue top peeking out of a car. A tall figure stepped out and i recognised it as maxi. He turned around and saw me smiling, "hey clubbie!" maxi said and i groaned at the name, "is that all you think of me maxi, a pathetic volunteer lifeguard who will never be as good as your blue shirt self?" He nodded and laughed, walking towards me "pretty much." I playfully punched him and he stumbled onto the sand. We continued to walk side by side until we reached the tower where we saw the bondi lifeguard head hoppo talking to henry. "Oh hi cameron, we were just talking about you!" henry said, pulling me towards the two men as maxi walked into the tower. "all good things I hope!" I beamed as I looked nervously at hoppo. "definitely I've heard about what a good job you did yesterday!" hoppo smiled st me and I thanked him. "how about you go into the tower and see if any of the boys need help cam, henry and I still need to talk for a little bit." hoppo said and I nodded, heading in and up the stairs. Maxi sat in a chair along with deano and boxy who i recognised from yesterday but there were two more lifeguards who i didnt. Deano and box waved at me and said hi before turning back to their conversation. This caused confused looks from the other two boys in blue and i chuckled at their expressions before sticking my hand out. "Hi im cam, im a new volunteer here at bondi i dont think ive met you yet?" i said as the more tanned younger one took my hand and lightly shook it. "oh your the clubbie they were talking about then, well im harrison!" the lifeguard said. "im beardy" the gruffer man said, also shaking my hand. I laughed at his nickname and harrison spoke up, "so how was your first day then?"
"oh it was good thanks, urm it was quite full on but im sure ill get used to it." i replied and fiddled with the cap on my bottle. He nodded, "yeah, all the boys seemed to think youd done a really good job yesterday, i guess ill see these amazing skills today then huh?"
"aha, yeah i guess." i chuckled and blushed as harrison cheekily smiled at me, my eyes continued to scan his face, picking up his white teeth and hazely eyes. He had a spatter of freckles across his cheeks and his sunglasses adorned his brunette hair streaked with gold, "wait, your accent, are you from new zealand?" i asked suddenly snapping back into reality. Harrison blushed and laughed, "yeah yeah i am." i nodded and heard maxi call me. "Oy cam, wanna help set up the rhino?" i said goodbye to harrison and beardy before walking to the back to see a beaming maxi. "yep!" he guided me down and i helped him load all the necessary equipment into the back and sides.

"she seems nice." i said as cam left to find maxi, turning round to face the ocean again. "yeah she does, shes quite pretty too isnt she?" beardy said and i could see him watching me from the side. I ignored his stare and adjusted my walkie. "yeah she is." i replied, trying not to blush. "hmm." beardy said and smirked at me. I turned to face him. "what does hmm mean?" i said narrowing my eyes. "nothinnn" beardy said swinging round in his chair and getting up to find hoppo. I shrugged off his comment and got my phone out, scrolling through instagram a bit since we werent on duty for another 10 minutes.

I had finished helping maxi and was walking along to the left of the lifeguard tower to find nat, another female volunteer. "hey cam!" she said cheerily, lying some yellow boards out. "hey nat, yalright?" i replied, going to help her. "yep, you?" she asked and i nodded, "im okay, excited for today."
"yeah, its meant to be even busier than yesterday so good luck!" she chuckled and i agreed. "i was just meeting the bluies and they seemed alright." i nonchantly said, thinking directly about harrisons cute smile. "oh yeah, theres a few handsome ones arent there?" she wiggled her eyebrows at me and i blushed, lightly nudging her playfully.

We stayed together the rest of the day, patrolling our area of the beach. I hadn't done any major rescues yet, more just telling little kids to stay in the shallows and telling some ignorant adults to swim between the flags. I was currently standing next to nat as my eyes scanned the water, searching for anyone in need of help.

I was looking through the binoculars, flicking my eyes over the water when i spotted a familiar figure standing a little distance from the tower. I looked a little closer before bringing my eyes back to the water. It was cam standing next to another clubbie. I blushed slightly at the thought of her smile, she was adorable. I focused back on the water, keeping my eyes trained on the blue throughout the waves. Suddenly i saw cam rush out to the water and my eyes followed her line of direction she was paddling in. The other clubbie seemed to be shouting at her and she continued to paddle furiously. I watched as she reached someone and seemed to struggle to pull them onto the board. I continued to focus, my heart beating faster at the scene unfolding. I saw cam look up and pull her arm down three times, signalling a resus. I quickly yelled, "GUYS CAMS GOT A RESUS! QUICK WE NEED A DEFIBRILATOR DOWN IN FRONT NOW!" Deano continued to stay fixed on the water as beardy grabbed a green pack and hurtled down the stairs. I watched him run across the sand as cam arrived at the shore line. "harrison, you better go, they look like theyll need back up." i ran out of the tower without thinking, throwing myself down the stairs and to the group of people already forming around the lifeless body. "MOVE OUT THE WAY!" i yelled as i pushed through the croud, instantly helping cam, beardy and another clubbie to lift the heavy body to teh dry sand. As soon as it was down, beardy started compressions, and cam rapidly undid the green bag, setting up the defibrillator. "28,29,30!" beardy yelled, breathing into the mans mouth through the guard. He went back to compressions, "if you need to stop, tell me." i said and he nodded, continuing to pump on the mans chest. "its ready" cam said, having placed the patches on the man. A monotone voice spoke out, "please step away from the body." we all moved back slightly as the machine analysed the man. "Shock advised. 3, 2, 1" the body lightly moved, and the machine spoke out again, "continue CPR." This time, i took over, interlacing my fingures and pressing down on the mans chest in a consistent rythm. A sudden splutter came through and a large amount of water came out, erupting from the mans mouth. We turned his head to the side, preventing him from choking. A sudden yell came through as the paramedics arrived and we lifted the man across the beach and into the ambulance, where the paramedics swarmed him, providing him with the necassary care. I breathed a sigh of relief and felt my heart pounding erratically in my chest. My eyes scanned the area until i spotted cam, shaking slightly. I quickly walked over to her and said, "hey are you okay?" 

BONDI RESCUE - HARRISON REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now