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When Harrison and I reached my apartment it was 6 o'clock and I was pretty hungry. I unlocked the door and turned the lights on, letting him walk in. I closed the door and took my thongs off, putting my keys in the bowl. "You've got a lovely apartment cam." Harrison said and I beamed. He took his thongs off and we made our way into the open living room and kitchen. "You can put your stuff down there if you want." I said and he nodded, emptying his arms onto the table. "Urm I haven't got anything planned for dinner so I was just gonna order Chinese if that's okay with you?" Harrison grinned and nodded as I reached for my phone and dialled the Chinese place. I ordered the food and watched as Harrison looked at the photos I had layed out on my shelves. I put my phone down and walked over to him. "I was gonna take a shower and get changed. I have some of my brother's clothes if you want to wear them?" I asked, not wanting Harrison to feel uncomfortable in his salty shorts and top. "Thanks cam." He said and I nodded. He followed me into my room and intently watched me as I reached through the wardrobe to get some boxes from the back. They had some of my older brothers clothes in them from when he stayed here and left them accidentally. "Urm I think he's like your size." I said and heaved the box onto my bed. He left A LOT of stuff. I pulled out a pair of grey joggers and a white t-shirt. I rummaged around and found a red hoodie and threw that into the pile as well. I held up the items closing one eye to see if they would fit him and he chuckled, putting his hands on mine and bringing them down. "They'll be perfect." I smiled and blushed at him.

I watched as cam held the clothes up to me and laughed. She was so cute trying to make me more comfortable and I loved the way she frowned as she tried to find the right stuff. "They'll be perfect." I told cam and pushed her hands back down with mine. She packed the stuff I didn't need back in the box when a look of realisation came across her face, "wait won't you need urm...uh urm b boxers?" She asked and I blushed slightly as did she. "Oh uh urm I can just keep my boardies on." Cam shook her head, "nah that would ruin the whole outfit." She grinned at me cheekily and I smiled back. She rummaged through the box again and sheepishly pulled out a few pairs of boxers. "Urm right well uh here you go." She said and I took the clothes along with the pants. I rubbed the back of my neck embarassed now.

"Urm you can watch some TV while I get showered, I won't be 10 minutes." Cam said and I nodded, "thanks cam, oh and thanks for the clothes." She nodded and I walked out leaving her to get washed. I placed the clothes beside me on the couch and pulled the boxers out to see which I should wear. I decided on the black ones and made a note to put the other back when I went to shower.

Soon, I heard the shower turn off and a door close so I assumed cam was done. I picked up the clothes and went back to where her room was, walking through the door. I looked up to see cam standing there wrapped in a towel wide eyed. I blushed and tried my hardest to stay focused on her face. "Uh I'm so sorry cam I urm thought you were done and I came back to put these away." She blushed and took the boxers from my hand. "Oh right thanks." I nodded and went to walk out, ever so interested in the carpet. "waist Harrison youlld need a towel hang on." I halted and looked back to cam as she walked past me into the hall. She opened a small cupboard and reached up to grab a towel. I averted my eyes from her, trying to not look at how short that towel was. She handed me the white towel and chuckled, "here you go Harrison." I blushed, "oh urm thanks." I walked past her room into the bathroom and locked the door. I placed my clothes on the toilet and put the towel on top. I quickly undressed from my salt water covered body and turned the shower on. I stepped in and quickly let the water run over my body. I scanned the rows of bottles on cams shelf. How did one person have so much stuff for showering? I picked out a bottle labelled "strawberry delight" and decided that would have to do. I squirted a bit in my hand before replacing it and scrubbing my body with it. I let the water run through my hair and washed the soap suds off. Not too long after, I turned the shower off and stepped out, not wanting to take too long. I dried myself off and pulled on the boxers and joggers. I ruffled my hair with the towel and held it in one hand with the tshirt and hoodie in the other. I unlocked the door and walked out, soon finding cams room.

I was laying on my bed, waiting for Harrison to come out the shower so we could choose a movie to watch before the chinese arrived. I scrolled mindlessly through Instagram, occasionally liking a post. "Hey cam where do you want me to put this towel?" I looked up and my eyes widened. Harrison was standing in front of me with joggers riding dangerously low on his hips and hair gorgeously wet. My eyes ran over his chest and my heart quickened as I took in his abs and chest, looking to his defined v line which trailed down into the joggers. I quickly looked up to see Harrison smirking. Why the fuck would he have this effect on me. I see him shirtless everyday. "Oh uh right urm I'll take it." I quickly got up and took the towel from Harrison, putting it in the washing machine. I turned back around to see Harrison sliding the shirt over his head along with the hoodie. I looked longingly at his abs before they disappeared under the cotton. "Urm let's choose a movie." I said, plopping myself down on the sofa. Harrison sat on the other end and I opened up Netflix, scrolling through. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked and he shrugged, smiling. "Don't mind you choose." I nodded and put on the proposal, one of my favourite movies and not just because god damn Ryan Reynolds was in it.

I pulled a blanket over my legs and placed them on top of Harrison lap absent mindedly as the film started. He chuckled and I suddenly realised what I had done. "Oh sorry." I said and went to pull my feet off but he placed a hand on top, stopping me. "It's fine don't worry." I blushed but beamed at him and turned my attention back to the movie. It wasn't long in when I heard the doorbell ring and before I could stand up to get it, Harrison was on his feet and by the door. "what no what are you doing?" I asked, standing up. "Getting the food." He said and I shook my head. "No youre not paying I am." He shook his head, "nope. Youve already done so much just let me pay." I wasn't having any of it. I poked his chest and shook my head, "no." He smirked and opened the door. He handed the bloke some cash before I could stop him and I huffed. "Too late." He said and poked my cheek as he thanked the man and shut the door. "Not fair." I said and he smirked, "tough for you." He started to unpack the food and pulled out the two boxes. He brought them to me and we sat down on the sofa, next to each other this time. Harrison handed me a pair of chopsticks and I breathed in the smell of the delicious food. Yum.

Once Harrison and I had finished the food, I was full and tired and his chest looked like a really cosy pillow. I decided against the nervousness I felt and rested my head on his shoulder, scooching closer to him. My legs were tucked up beside me and he grinned, moving so I was laying beside him. We were now laying next to each other on the sofa and I yawned, tiredness taking over my clear thinking. I placed an arm over Harrisons chest and layed my head down, scooting closer to him. He wrapped an arm around me and moved me even closer. I closed my eyes and breathed in. "Mmm." I said, the scent of strawberries wafting up my nose. "What?" Harrison asked and I mumbled, "you smell like strawberries." He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. I lay in shock as he went back to watching the movie, arm still draped over my stomach. His fingers traced patterns on my waist over my hoodie as he subconsciously cuddled me. I wanted nothing more to clamber onto his waist at that moment and kiss the shit out of that boy. Instead, I let myself relax and enjoy the warmth Harrison radiated.

The movie finished and I looked down to cam and saw she was fast asleep, cuddling into my chest. I smiled down at her adoringly and turned the TV off. I pulled the blanket over us fully and closed my eyes, thinking I'd just cuddle for 10 more minutes and then leave.

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