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the rest of the week sped by in a blur, i continued to rescue on the beach but henry seemed to lay off of me for a bit, still concerned about my emotional stability. I didnt see much of the boys in blue but i did catch harrison a few times and managed to wave at him and give him a smile which he seemed to return enthusiastically. It was now tuesday and tomorrow would be a week since i started as an official volunteer. It was half way through the day and i was just coming out of the toilet, my break ending in 10 minutes. I saw a familiar brown mop of hair and smiled inwardly. Harrisons friendly face appeared round the corner and he beamed at me as i shyly looked at him. "hey Harrison!" i said, stopping to talk to him briefly as we hadnt had a chance to chat all week. "hey cam," he replied cheerily, "urm henry said he wanted to talk to you and asked if i could bring you to him." I smiled and replied, "oh right thanks, he coudlnt have come got me himself?" i asked jokingly poking his side. Harrison blushed and looked me in the eyes before looking to the ground, "he said something about letting me check up on you." harrison mumbled and i laughed causing his freckled face to turn to face me and his lips pulled into a slight smile causing me to blush. He led me up into the tower and pointed to the medical bay. I thanked him and hugged him, cherishing the feeling of his muscular arms around me and heavenly cologne gracing my nose. I reluctanlty pulled away blushing, turning around to find henry.

As soon as cam left the room and i headed back to the main desk, jesse looked at me smirking. "what do you want?" i asked turning to face him. "what was that?" he asked, cheekily leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over. Beardy continued to watch the water but i knew he was smirking as his mouth was upturned slightly. "what was what?" i turned my gaze back onto jesse and his eyes were bright. "hugging cam like that." i looked at jesse blushing before grabbing a pair of binoculars and focusing back on the beach, "i dont know what your talking about." i said, straining my eyes along the soft waves. "i think you do," jesse continued, "all the boys have been talking about it. How little harrison played hero yesterday when cam was feeling upset. Seemed to enjoy her company quite a lot according to deano." i felt heat rapidly rising to my cheeks and i mumbled, "" jesse laughed at me and i sighed, putting the binoculars down. I folded my arms on the desk and plonked my head down on them groaning. "Oh god mate youve really got it bad." jesse laughed and i banged my head on the table. "I have no freaking clue what to doooo" i groaned, running a hand through my hair.

I found henry sitting at a desk in the back, filling out some sort of paperwork. It was strange seeing him in such a office like environment rather than on the beach or in the waves but i pushed the feeling aside as i asked him what was up. "hey henry, you asked for me?" He spun around in his chair and motioned for me to sit down. I took the only available space and lifted myslef onto the medical bed, letting my legs swing over the edge slightly. "yes, i just wanted to review your first week with you and see how youve been, you know standard protocal and all." i nodded as he continued, "ive discussed with hoppo your performance and we both agreed that it was outstanding." my lips instantly lifted up and i felt a smile coming at hearing praise from the person i so desperately needed it from. Henry continued, "we were so impressed by your skills at handling a wide range of situations and it seems unreal youve only been an offical volunteer for just under a week. I know how difficult you found the resus aftermath but that was to be expected and you picked up just fine afterwards so im sure when you have experienced more situations you will find a way to deal with the stress and emotions that come with rescues like that." he wrote down some notes and looked back up at me, "however, overall i personally am outstanded at your effort and commitment you have shown in your work and i think all the boys here, the rest of our team myself included cant wait to see what else you can do." my cheeks were aching from smiling so hard and i had to take a second to let all the comments about my work sink in, "thankyou so much henry, that means so much to me coming from you. I cant wait to continue here its been wonderful so far!" he nodded and wrote a few bits down, before dismissing me and shooing me out to get ready for my shift in a few minutes. I saw jesse laughing at harrison who seemed to be having a bit of a breakdown with his head in his hands. "hey yalright harrison?" i asked, tightening my water bottle lid, my brow furrowed in concern. His head whipped around when i said his name, and he instantly put his hands down and looked at me blushing, "oh.. urm im fine!" he said rushed causing jesse to snigger. I looked at him questioningly but he just turned back around, answering the phone conveniently ringing. I shook my head and continued out.

Cam once again walked out the door and i looked at the clock, seeing how long i had before i left. It was roughly 20 minutes until 5 meaning i had just under half an hour. I picked me binoculars back up, the beach had died down over lunchtime meaning there hadnt been much going on the past few hours. I saw jesse place down the phone, wiggle his eyebrows at me and then exit the tower, going who know where.

he sat there smirking at the camera, "yeah all the boys are really impressed with cam so far, shes been great. Harrison is especially fond of her." He wiggled his eyebrows, "hes gonna kill me if cam ever sees this." the young man chuckled, "anyway, im gonna go see if cam needs any help and try and get her to walk home with harrison." the camermans voice could be heard saying why so jesse laughed, "being the brilliant wing man i am i found out that cam and harrison live one street away from each other and i am determined to get them together." a familiar short man came sliding into view, "Me too, were having a recruitment meeting tomorrow at icebergs to get more of the guys in on it." beardys cheeky grin appeared and walked off again, as the camera cut out to a pan of bondi.

I was just packing away some of the clubbie equipment when i saw jesse heading over to me, "hey jess!" i said quickly, distracted by the board not tying up to the trolley. "hey cam, im heading out, want any help?" jesse asked, already holding the board up so i could wrap the rope around. "thanks." i said, tying the rope to the trolley. "wanna walk up to the tower with me?" he asked and i nodded, grabbing my stuff. We walked up to the tower where i said goodbye to henry and thanked him again. Jesse was leaning against the banister, a lifeguard jacket folded over one arm. "bye guys!" i said, going to walk down the steps when i heard jesses voice haulting me. "hey cam i think harrisons just about to leave you can walk with him." i looked up to see harrisons head look at jesse, his hands were still in his bag, packing a shirt in there. His eyes flicked to me quickly before going back to jesse, widening slightly as if he was communicating something. Jesse nodded over to me and harrison looked back over at me, zipping up his bag. "yeah i dont mind if you want to harrison?" i asked, tugging on the string of my hoodie. "yeah course." he replied, coming over to me. I waved goodbye to the remaining boys and then headed out the door. Harrison and i walked along the sand scattered path, our arms brushing slightly now and again. "So clubbie, how was your day?" harrison asked, looking at me with that beautiful face and charming smile. "it was good, henry gave me some really nice feedback, what bout you kiwi?" i grinned, using the new nickname i had come up with for him. "ohh kiwi is it now?" he beamed back, cheekily looking at me. "yep!" i said giggling, "you call me clubbie!" he stuck his bottom lip out adorably, pouting and giving me puppy dog eyes, "but you are a clubbieee." he dragged out the e and nudged me with his arm. I looked at him and said in a baby voice, "and youre a kiwi" i smiled triumphantly as he huffed. "i already get teased by the boys enough about my accent." harrison grumbled, walking closer next to me. "aww tough luck kiwi, guess youll have to put up with me teasing you about your accent." i said accent in a new zealand accent, mocking his tone. he looked at me again and chuckled, "youre annoying clubbie." i pretended to be hurt and placed a hand over my heart, "ouch kiwi, that hurt." he laughed and just pulled me towards him, engulfing me in his arms, "what can i say clubbie, i speak the truth." i stuck my tongue out at him and ran off slightly to which he chased after me, soon reaching me with his longer legs. He picked me up around my waist and threw me over his shoulder. My heart beated faster as i felt his arms around me and skin pressing against me. I lightly hit his back, yelling "PUT ME DOWN HARRISON, I SWEAR TO GOD!" He just chuckled and continued to hold me in place. I jsut flopped and rested my head in my hands, possibly admiring his bum. I felt him gently place me down and ruffle my hair, smiling cutely. I flipped him off and he gasped before chuckling. We continued to walk in comfortable silence until i realised we had been walking in the same direction for ages, "harrison, are you just following me orr...?" i asked and the kiwi boy blushed, "no i live up here." i was embarassed now and avoided his hazel gaze. We continued to walk for a few more mintues occasionally pointing out things which made us laugh. We soon reached my apartment, "well this is me." i said, sadly shuffling my feet outside my door. "oh okay, well i guess ill see you tomorrow cam." harrison said, rubbing the back of his head. I nodded and waved as i unlocked my door, "bye harrison." "bye cam." i stepped inside my door and shut it, instantly dropping my bag and peeking through the peephole. I saw harrison turn cheerily around and a wide beam came across his face as he glanced back at my now closed door. I could feel my heart fluttering as i pressed myself agaisnt the door. That boy was doing stuff to me and i was falling hard.

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