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I opened my eyes as an alarm sounded from my phone beside me. I realised I must have fallen asleep on the coach and went to grab my phone when I suddenly remembered. I looked to my left to see Harrison sleeping softly,  his arm loose over me. I smiled and brushed the hair out of his face. He looked bloody gorgeous. I wanted to stay there and watch him for the rest of the morning but I knew that the tower awaited me and he had to get up too. I turned the alarm off and brushed his forehead and hair softly. "Harrison. Harrison wake up." I whispered and he didn't move. I continued my actions and shuffled slightly, "Harrison wake up." I whispered again and my tiny movements must have disturbed him as he sleepily mumbled. "I don't want to go to work." I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair, "yes you do come on." I went to get up but was stopped as he wrapped his arm tighter, refusing to let me go. "Don't leave me I want cuddles." He said. My heart melted and he took advantage of my silence, laying his head on my chest and wrapping his other arm around me, pulling me closer to him. "Harrison come on. We have to be at the tower in 40 minutes." The kiwi boy beside me sighed. "I don't want to. Tell hoppo we're just going to cuddle all day." I chuckled at his morning sleepiness but my heart sped up at his deeper morning voice. How could he be so adorable and sexy at the same time?

When I had finally managed to get Harrison off of me and the couch, we made our way to the tower, after getting changed back into our uniforms. I opened the door, shuffling in from the wind that was relentlessly whipping my sides. I looked up to see Chappo grinning at me alongside Reidy. Mouse was slightly behind them, a cup of tea in hand and a wide smirk on his face. I avoided their gaze and shrugged my coat off of me. By the time I had made my way up the stairs and to the desk the three of them were already discussing something else. Harrison was laughing alongside them and I walked behind Chappo, hugging his head as i stopped behind him. "Gerrof me." He mumbled through my hoodie sleeves and I chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Goodmorning boys." Mouse turned to me, his feet resting on the desktop, "why you so cheery this morning cameron, get yourself a piece of kiwi did you?" I blushed and mouse triumphantly beamed at me, earning the roaring laughter of Chappo and Reidy. I avoided Harrison's eyes knowing he was also embarassed by Mouse. "No. Now shove off of my space." I pushed his feet away playfully and scooted my chair alongside them. "oOooOOo." Reidy said, teasing me for being sassy. I stuck my tongue out at him and grabbed a pair of binos, actually monitoring the water rather than harrison this time. 

It soon reached midday and the morning had been extremely uneventful, mostly the boys and I teasing each other and listening to the radio. The beach had a few people on it, mostly surfers or tourists who still seemed to want to swim in the miserable conditions. I still had another 6 hours yet of my shift and was hoping to escape to a nearby cafe to grab some lunch in 30 minutes. I looked over to the south end and noticed a man standing up in the shallows. He seemed fine so i moved my watch back over to some surfers. It was only a few seconds later that my gaze found its way back to the man and he had somehow swum out 30m. I could feel my heart beating quicker as I studied him closer, checking to see if he was struggling. "Oy boys, see that man over there at south end?" My sudden voice caused the four of them to turn to where i was indicating. Reidy spoke up, "yeah, why's he so far out?" I shook my head, "dunno, he doesn't look like he's struggling though?" He nodded but we continued to watch the man, and I had a nagging feeling in my mind that it would just be better to bring him to the flags. I stood up out of my seat and pulled my jacket on. "I might just head down and direct him to the flags." They nodded and i turned before i felt a hand on my arm, "do you want me to come with?" Harrison asked and i shook my head, "nah it's okay ill only be a second." He nodded and let go of me, turning back to listen to Reidy recount some stupid thing he saw Maxi do. I headed down to the door, and quickly opened it and shut it again, wincing at the lashing air. 

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