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I pulled my phone out of my bag to check the time as I reached the tower. 6.30. Perfect timing. I was told yesterday that Maxi would be showing me how to set the tower up so I walked round to the door and peaked my head in to see if he was in there. The tower was in darkness but the door was unlocked so I knew he would be around. I stayed there for a few seconds more, my eyes scanning the dark interior when I heard a voice behind me say, "what're we looking for?" I jumped and spun around, ready to attack. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw maxis grinning face laughing at me. "Jeez Maxi you scared the shit out of me." The blonde boy laughed and nudged me, "come on then, let's get to it." I nodded and walked into the tower with him, letting my eyes adjust to the bright light when he turned the switch on. "Okay so we need to do the shutters first." Maxi said and I nodded as he passed me the stick thingy which I should probably learn the name of to open the shutters. We walked round to the front again and he showed me how to do one, I followed his example and opened up two more. "Excellent job Cameron." Maxi said poshly and I laughed, "why thank you kind sir." We walked back inside and grabbed some stuff that needed to go in the garage before heading down there to set up the flags.

I was walking along the sandy path to the tower, admiring the peacefulness of the early morning. I had decided to get up a little earlier today than usual so I would reach the tower 10 minutes early. I was planning on going and getting a coffee or something until I spotted maxi and Cameron laughing as she struggled to carry the heavy flags. All thoughts of caffeine left my head and I walked a little quicker, my heart beating faster as I neared the pair. I carefully lobbed my stuff on a chair and jogged down to the pair below in the garage.

I looked up as a pair of footsteps approached us and turned to see Harrison smiling. "Oh hey Harrison!" I said as he walked up to me. "Hey cam, you guys need any help." He pulled me into a hug and I beamed, breathing in the scent of his cologne. All too soon he pulled away and turned to maxi, doing some sort of bro hug slap thing. Idk they're weird. "yeah could do. Cams not quite worked out the flags yet and I need to check on the rhino." Harrison nodded and turned to me. To be fair the flags were really heavy and maxi had basically thrust them upon me and left me to hold them while he set up the rhino. Harrison gently took one of the flags from me and chuckled, looking into my eyes. I blushed and quickly looked down, leaning back on the bench behind me. Harrison came and leant beside me, standing ever so close. I tried to control my breathing but I swear he would be able to hear my heart thumping. "Have a good sleep?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah tired from yesterday!" I responded, trying to avoid looking into his hazel eyes again which I know were looking at me as I could see him in the corner of my eye. "I bet." I chuckled and whispered to him, "does maxi always take this long or is he having a nap over there." Harrison laughed and leaned closer to me, whispering back, "think he's getting tired from his old age." I nudged Harrison and looked up at him, narrowing my eyes, "you're only 3 years apart Harrison." The kiwi boy chuckled but kept eye contact with me, "don't know what you're talking about I'm in my prime." This caused me to chuckle and Harrison beamed.

I beamed at Cam as she giggled, loving the way her laugh sounded. I looked back down at her as she watched maxi contentedly, admiring the way she looked so effortlessly beautiful even standing there. I turned my attention back to Maxi as he walked over. He eyed the pair of us and raised his eyebrows, "why you too standing so close together." I immediately realised how close cam and I were, our shoulders touching and hands almost overlapping. I shuffled slightly as did cam and blushed, glancing over to see her cheeks also tinged pink. I coughed slightly, "um, urgh let's put the flags up." Maxi smirked at me and I shot him a look that could only be described as bugger off. That just made the smug look on his face widen and I rolled my eyes. Cam and I layed the flags on the back of the rhino, before she clambered in to the front, awaiting her driver. We chuckled at her. I looked at maxi and lunged to the front, wanting to sit next to cam but he beat me there and slided in to the drivers seat. I huffed and walked out of the garage, back up to the stairs. Maxi grinned at me and I made a mocking face. The pair drove off to put the flags up and I sighed, making my way back to the top. It was 6.50 and Chappo and arrived. "Morning." I said as I walked in, going to sit at a chair and watch cam. "Morning Harrison. Yalright?" He asked and I nodded, "you?" Chappo chuckled, "not bad. Yaknow if you just asked her out you wouldn't have to sit there in a grump." I rolled my eyes making him laugh, "piss off Chappo." He sat beside me as we chatted a little more.

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