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Sam and i sat down on our boards, "harrison seems nice." he said and i put my head in my hands, "he is." i replied, sidelooking at the kiwi boy in the rhino. We continued to chat for while as the beach started to fill up with people. It was around 12 oclock and sam had just come back from his 3rd rescue. He grabbed his water and took a long sip, shaking his head, "i just dont get people sometimes. If youre not a strong swimmer, stay in the shallows." i nodded in agreement, myslef taking a sip from my water. I let sam get his breath back, watching the water. I was just briefly looking over at harrison for like the 80th time when i spotted a few heads bobbing in and out of the water. "shit." i said and stood up to get a closer look. They were definitely struggling and i grabbed my board, "sam i think im gonna need help." he nodded and belted it down to the water, jesse was also grabbing his board and heading out with us, obviously having spotted the struggling swimmers too. I pushed through the water, gliding over the rolling waves as hard as i could. I pulled myslef towards the struggling people. I turned to look for the worst affected when i saw another 3 people waving for help. I noticed jesse and sam heading towards them and reached to help the first person. "PLEASE GET ONTO THE BOARD!" i screamed at the man but he just frantically held onto the side. By this time the other 2 swimmers had also grabbed the board and were relying on it to stay afloat. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me. "YOU NEED TO GET ONTO THE BOARD" i yelled at the man again but he just looked at me before looking out to the water. I tried to pull him on until i felt the board rise and all of a sudden it was wrenched from underneath me. A wave had crashed over us, throwing my small body about. I kicked to the surface and found the swimmers gasping for air. My board was nowhere to be seen but i had to keep these people above water until backup arrived. I swam to the group, yelling at them to stay calm. As soon as the man saw me he yelled and clung to me, pushing me down slightly. I tried to push him off and get him floating into the right postion but two more weights pushed at me. I gasped for air as the swimmers unknowingly forced my under the waves, drowning me. I could hear my heart beating and was kicking frantically but they kept pushing me down.

I watched as jesse succesfully retrieved two swimmers, taking them back inshore. I looked to find cam but couldnt see her anywhere. My attention was caught when i spotted a yellow board drifting by itself. I felt my heart beat quicker as i searched the water frantically. I saw the water splashing and my heart dropped when i saw three swimmers clinging to cam, pushing her under. "JESSE CAM IS DROWINING!" i screamed through the megaphone, "TO YOUR LEFT!" jesse instantly turned round and paddled towards her, rapidly reaching the group. I wanted nothing mroe than to take my own board out and rescue them but i knew i had to stay on the sand. I watched jesse pull two people onto his board as a surfer came over and took a man and a woman. I rushed the buggy a few metres behind the waters edge, jesse paddling furiously inwards, only one person on his board. The other must have gotten off. I squinted as hard as i could, trying to make out if the figure was cam. As jesse came in closer I saw it wasnt cams body. Thankgod. I ran my fingers through my hair, immensely relieved that cam wasn't injured. I sat back down on the rhino as jesse waved off the exhausted swimmer. He trailed the board behind him and slowly walked back towards me, tired from the intense rescue. He finally plopped himself into the seat beside me, leaning back for some rest. "mate that was full on." jesse said and i nodded. "i was so worried, could have ended up with a drowning." i replied. "yeah, thankgod cam kept them above water long enough." jesse said, shaking his hair. "yeah." i said absentmindedly as i spotted the mentioned clubbie across from us, finally walking out of the water after jesse had dropped her off. I continued to watch her and nudged jesse, "jess, cam looks really pale." i said and jesse turned to face her. Instantly the colour drained from his face and we both continued to watch cam. Suddenly, she clutched her stomach and threw up. Within an instant i was running towards her, my feet pounding across the warm sand. Jesse remained in the rhino, reluctantly watching the beach.

BONDI RESCUE - HARRISON REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now