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After I had finished my tea, I walked back to the kitchen and rinsed it out before placing it on the draining board. I walked back to the main desk, my eyes searching for Harrisons mop of hair and locating him in the corner talking to whippet. I walked back to my seat, as much as I wanted to go to Harrison I didn't want him to think I was obsessed with him. I plonked myslef back down in my seat and grabbed some binos, watching some surfers. Something caught my eye and I noticed a man swimming a little far out. I looked closely to see if he was struggling. I could tell he was swimming hard but I didn't move yet just incase. I continued to monitor him until I definitely saw his hand shoot up for help. In an instant, I tugged Harrisons hoodie and my shirt off, leaving me in just my swim bikini and shorts. The boys all looked at me like I was crazy as I stood half naked in front of them. I ran past them, shouting out, "man in the middle too far out." Instantly, the tower shot into action and I grabbed a board from the rhino and ran to the shore. I quickly pulled myself through the waves, my eyes trained on the struggling man.

The cold wind was biting at my skin and the salty spray felt like sand paper on my body. I continued to paddle to the man, ferociously pushing water past me. I reached the man and pulled him onto the board. "Hey hey it's alright." I said and he let his face rest on the board. I allowed us to float as the main regained his breath. "Tha..thanks." he managed to breathe out. I nodded and sat up fully looking back to shore to see a few figures standing by the tower. "What's your name?" I asked the man, trying to help him relax a little. "Sam." He said and I nodded, "I'm cam." I said back and the man nodded. He looked the same age as Harrison and was actually pretty cute. He had blonde hair and brown eyes with dark eyebrows. I started to paddle us back to shore when he was calm again and it took a while as the waves were pretty strong.

Once we reached the shore, Sam slid off the board and stood up, walking in with me. "Thankyou so much cam." He said, going for a hug. I gladly accepted and stepped back, still holding the board. "I felt myself drifting out and I thought that I could swim back if I tried hard enough but I guess the waves got too much." Sam said and I nodded, "yeah the water can turn on you just like that sometimes." Sam nodded and you rubbed your arm slightly. "Do you wanna come up to the tower and dry off?" I asked, feeling bad that Sam probably needed a rest after struggling to swim, "I can make you a cup of tea?" He nodded enthusiastically and grinned, "that would be lovely thank you."

I was standing in the tower, intently watching cam rescue the man. "Why are they just standing there having a chat?" I asked annoyed as the pair stood in the windy wet conditions. "She's literally talking to him... Wait why are they walking back together. Why's she bringing him to the tower?" I asked making the boys laugh. "Dude chill out, he probably left his stuff near here." Jesse said, clapping my back. We continued to watch the pair and they made their way all the way up. "She's literally putting the board on the rhino and he's watching her. Why's he still there?" I asked and this time harries spoke up. "Think she's bringing him up here mate." He said and I huffed. "Why'd she do that?" I replied, crossing my arms. I normally wouldn't mind if someone needed to sit in the tower for a bit on a quiet day like this but the fact that cam was bringing him up annoyed me. We continued to watch them make their way up the stairs and soon enough cam came through the door. "Hey guys, this is Sam." She said causing the boys to turn to the stranger- well apart from whippet who still kept his eye in the water. A blonde man stepped into the room, carrying a t-shirt and towel. He sheepishly waved and the boys smiled at him. I frowned. His hair was dirty blonde and he had brown eyes. I continued to size him up, slowly feeling worse and worse as I realised Sam was literally a perfect specimen of a man. He had a golden tan, washboard abs and a good face. What the fuck. I looked over at cam who was smiling at him while shivering. I grumbled and went to grab her a towel, picking up my hoodie along the way. When I came back in, Sam had his towel around his shoulders and was laughing at something cam said. I narrowed my eyes and walked over to the smiling girl. "Here." I said and handed her a towel. She smiled at me and took it, "thanks." She dried herself off and I handed her my hoodie. "You can put this on if you want." Cam took it and pulled it over her head, finally stopping Sam from looking at her chest and body. Sam looked over at me and I looked at him. Jesse coughed beside us, sensing the tension, "urm Sam do you want a tea?" The blondie nodded and Jesse smiled at him before grabbing my arm and dragging me with him to the kitchen. "Whyd she fucking bring him up here?" I asked groaning as Jesse put the kettle on. "Obviously she was trying to be a nice person and let him rest for a bit from the cold." My best friend replied and I shook my head, "he's literally checking her out every fucking second." Jesse chuckled, "sounds like your jealous." I immediately shook my head, "I'm not fucking jealous I just don't understand why she's brought him here." Jesse raised his eyebrows at me and I sighed. "Harrison chill out mate it's not like their making out." I looked at him and frowned. "Not yet." Jesse chuckled, "come on let's go back out there, he'll be gone in a bit just let the poor lad be Harrison." I sighed and rolled my eyes, making my way back outside. Sam was now sitting in a chair beside cam. They were way too close. I wanted to sit in between them but I felt maxis hand on my shoulder, warning me not to.

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