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I was sitting on one of the rhinos with glick when i saw a little girl screaming in the water. I ran over to her as no one seemed to be helping her. As i neared her and bent down i saw a slimy tentacle wrapped around her leg. I instantly pulled it off and spoke to her, "hey, hey youre alright." she sniffled and continued to cry, a little less ferociously but still incredbily loud. All of a sudden a woman ran up to me and said, "is she okay, oh my goodness what happened?" i looked at the woman, "she got stung by a bluebottle, are you her mother?" the woman shook her head, "no, im her aunt!" i nodded and told them to head up to the tower, where they would find some spray to help calm the irratation but that they should head home and give her a warm bath to take the toxins out quicker. The woman thanked me before rushing up, clinging to the crying girl. As i walked back up to glick, i radioed the boys up in the central tower. "Guys, a little girls jsut been stung by a bluebottle, ive sent her up with her aunt but keep an eye out." I heard a crackle of acknowledgment back before sitting next to glick again.

I was watching the water, my hair softly being blowed around by the wind. Nat had gone to help a mother find her son when i saw a struggling woman. She was seriously panicking and throwing her arms around in a frenzy. I quickly yanked my jumper off, grabbing a board and heading out. I pushed past the rolling waves, dragging my hands through the water as quick as i could. I thought i felt something brush my hand lightly but shook it off, focused on saving the woman. I soon reached her and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards me. I suddenly saw another man and woman come swimming towards me frantically. They grabbed my board and pulled at it, trying to get out of the water. "STOP, YOURE GOING TO PULL US OVER!" i yelled but they continued to tug at it. I tried to communicate again until the board suddenly rolled over, causing me and the patient to go into the tumbling waves. The water rushed around my arms and legs, dragging me around. I kicked and pushed myslef to the surface until i cried out as an excruciating pain shot through my leg. I grabbed the board, just as the same pain erupted from my arm and chest. The water was churning at this point and i saw the flailing patients struggling. I swam to grab them, pain shooting through my every move, a searing pain shot across my neck and my right calf. I looked down this time, my hand reaching for my leg. I felt a slither of a slimy rope and realsied it was a tentacle. I quickly climbed on top of the board, brushing off the toxic pieces. I paddled to the 3 patients, 1 of them had reached a sandbank and a surfer had got them onto their board and was bringing them in. I hauled both the patients onto the board, knowing i would struggle to bring them in but better than being stuck in the water with the bluebottles. As soon as they were both secure on, i grabbed my radio and radioed to the central tower, "BLUE BOTTLE ATTACK< THERES LOADS IN THE WATER EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET OUT!" I heard a crackle back through from deano and the shark alarm sounded, causing people to scramble out the water. I paddled us back inland, taking the passengers to safety. No one was in the water at this point, a few people standing in the shallows but not far enough out for bluebottles to hit them yet. The couple thanked me before rushing off somewhere. I dragged my board back as white pain shot through me. I saw Nat rush over to me as i could tell i was staggering. "Omg, cam what happened youve got stung everywhere!" i dropped the board and almost collapsed from the pain, "they..they just came suddenly." Nat nodded before radioing the central tower i was coming up.

I was walking back from the waters edge after telling people to get out when i heard a crackle through the radio, "Nat to bondi central, cam is coming up she got stung by bluebottles pretty bad." i instantly ran back to the rhino where glick was smirking at me. I grabbed my jumper and tied it round my neck before running to the tower in hope of finding cam.

I staggered into the tower, instantly catching the attention of luke and jesse. "shit cam, quick come over here." i couldnt really see properly, my eyes blurry with pain. I felt jesse and luke grab my sides and lift me over to the medical bed in the main tower. I saw jesse tell luke to grab something but was lying in so much pain i couldnt tell.

I rushed into the tower, surprising luke who was rapidly grabbing some antiseptic and sting spray from the cupboard. I heard a moan and looked into the corner to see cam lying on her back, groaning in pain. I instantly rushed over causing jesse to look at me smirking but quickly change when cam groaned again. She had big welts on her legs and arms, one going right across her stomach and neck. They were vibrant red and throbbing. Luke rushed back over, trying to calm cam down as he applied the cream and spray.

I opened my eyes slightly as i felt luke put sting spray on my welts. To my surprise harrison stood there, his brow furrowed deep with a concerned look across my face. When luke touched a particularly painful part on my leg i yelped and grabbed harrisons hand, clenching it tight. He held it back, another hand reaching for my head where he gently stroked my hair. It calmed me down a lot feeling his touch and i could see jesse looking at me with a shine in his eyes. "Cam, thats the best we can do im so sorry." luke said as he put the cap back on the cream. "okay, thanks luke, thanks jess." I said, putting my head back on the pillow. "Harrison i can swap with you if you want?" luke asked and harrison vigorously nodded. His eyes flicked back to mine and i looked at his beautiful face and hair, my focus trailing down to his lips. He lightly stroked my hand, "Cam, i need to watch the beach but im here." Harrison said as he sadly looked down at me. I nodded, biting my lip slightly, "its okay, ill be alright." i said through gritted teeth. I saw him nod and stroke my hair one last time, squeezing my hand before heading over to the chair enxt to deano. I watched him go, my eyes never leaving his body.

I continued to lay there for 5 minutes as the pain died down a little due to the pain relief medicine. There was a knock on the door and i opened my eyes to see harrison heading over to it, casting a worried look in my direction. He pulled it open to reveal a man standing there, a nasty sting on his arm. He quickly took him to the chair next to me, spraying some sting spray on it. The man looked at me chuckling, "damn you really got it bad!" He was american and i slightly chuckled, "yeah!" As soon as that man left, a few more people showed up who had gotten stung in the water before the alarm went off. Soon, the tower was overflowing with people stung. I was standing next to harrison, giving out advice on how to care for them and trying to spray all the stings. It was manic. Little childrens crying and people's moaning filled the air and we were frantically trying to treat everyone. It was tough work. I went back inside to grab a new pack of sting sprays when i felt harrison grab my wrist, "be careful." I laughed, "im just going to grab some more spray, you worried bout me kiwi boy?" he slightly smiled at the nickname, about to say something when a woman impatiently tapped him. I turned awya and headed inside, quickly grabbing the new box of sprays. I wonder what he was about to say. I came outside quickly, handing harrison some more ammo and our hands brushed lightly causing me to blush. After about another hour there was only a few stragglers coming up and harrison and i were finally able to take a rest. The last boy had left after we treated a mild sting across the leg. I was packing away the sprays when i felt harrison behind me, "you alright there clubbie?" he asked, helping me put the box back. "yeah still hurts a lil bit but i think ill survive." I replied. He smiled, "well clubbie if you need any help just shout." i nodded, "thanks harrison." He flushed and walked away back to deano. I went to walk back to nat, to tell her ill jsut have to stay on watch when i saw a little boy probably around 5 years old crying. I walked up to him and crouched down. "Hey buddy, whats the matter?" i asked, putting my sunglasses on top of my head. "my.." he sniffled, "my leg really hurts, its all red and puffy." I gently touched his leg so i could see the hurt area. There was a pretty bad sting across the back of it and i winced at the pain the little boy was going through, still having a weakened amount of that pain corsing through my blood. "okay little guy, whats your name?" he looked up at me, "Harrison." I laughed at his name, thinking back to my harrison up in the tower. Wait no, not my harrison just a harrison but he is still mine, no hes not urgh nevermind. "okay harrison, how about we get you up to the tower to help you, wheres your mummy?" i asked, concerned about taking a little boy without the parent knowing. "shes over there." his chubby finger pointed over to a woman talking with a man. 

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