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Time skip to later

It was time for us all to head out and luckily the beach was empty except a couple walking along the sand. I was currently sitting with my feet in Harrisons lap, scrolling through my phone when I felt him pat my legs. He stood up and motioned his head for us to head out. "Come on cam time to go." I smiled and grabbed my stuff, excited to spend some time with the guys away from work.

I pulled my jacket on and watched as Mouse locked the door. They started walking in the direction of icebergs and I rambled alongside Harrison, chatting and laughing with him. He's such a sweet guy. We soon arrived and scanned the room until we found the rest of the guys sitting in a booth, already drinking. I rushed up to maxi and Jesse and pulled them into a hug, squeezing the life out of them. "Heyyy guysss you're favourite trainee just showed uppp." Maxi swatted my hand away and Jesse pushed me off, causing me to fall in the seat between them. I happily sidled so there was one on each side and watched as the rest of the boys made room.

"How was today?" Beardy asked and i groaned, resting my head back on the seat's back behind me. "That bad?" Jesse asked and I nodded, "was stuck with these losers all day and had to deal with a sexist pig." I had my eyes closed so when i sat up i realised the boys were looking kinda shocked and Harrison looked at me sadly. "Sorry Cam that's rough." Maxi said, nudging my shoulder with his. "Meh, im over it now it's time to partayyy!" I replied, shaking off any negative feelings. I just needed to enjoy the evening and make the most of the time with my new friends. Hoppo chuckled and sipped his beer, "might wanna go easy cam still got work tomorrow." I beamed and shrugged my shoulders, "Ill only have one or two." I looked over at Max Ayshford who was standing up to get drinks. He expectantly looked at me and i smirked, "surprise me." He nodded and winked, heading over to the bar. 

I relaxed in my seat and studied the boys around me, laughing at Chappo and Reidy squabbling. I turned my attention to Harrison to see he was already looking at me. He blushed when i caught him staring but didn't look away. I smiled at him cheerily, sticking my tongue out slightly. He narrowed his eyes and did the same, causing me to chuckle. Damn he's cute. Max came back a second later and placed a drink in front of me. "One fruity twist for m'lady." I grinned and pulled the drink towards me, "Thanks max! this looks amazing." He just smiled back and returned to his place alongside Jackson. I took the straw into my mouth and sipped a little bit, my eyes instantly widening at the delcious taste. "Damn this is really good!" I said causing Jesse and Maxi beside me to laugh as i continued to slurp on the drink. "Seriously! I can't believe it." They watched me as i finished the drink in a number of seconds. Taco laughed at my expression of shock as to how good the drink was. "Need to watch out though Cam those aren't just fruit." I giggled and shrugged, "i can handle it." 

A little while later, a few of the boys were drunk including Jesse and Maxi either side of me and a few of the others around the table. I was on probably my 4th fruit twist when Whippet noticed how many I had drunk. "Woah, slow down tiger!" He said, reaching across to pull the half full drink away from me. I pouted and furrowed my eyebrows, "theyre so yummy, they *hiccup* taste fruittyy *hiccup*." Harries burst out laughing and i grinned at him, turning to Jesse beside me and staring at him until he noticed me. "Woahhhhhh Cammie you look a lil bit drunk." He said, slightly tipsy himself. "No im not." I responded firmly but hicupped afterwards. Max looked at me when he realised i was drunkenly talking nonsense, "woah cam, you really went for it." I looked over at him and smiled, pointing my finger over in his direction. "Thankyou for introducing me to this delivious bev-er-age." I turned back to the rest of the lifeguards and waggled my finger at them, "You *hiccup* all are *hiccup* amazing." I then pointed my finger right in Harrison's face and poked his cheek. "Especially you." I whispered, causing Harrison to blush and the guys to laugh hysterically as i was now making baby grab hands towards my drink whippet had confiscated. I cocked my head and looked to Maxi beside me, leaning into him and trying to whisper, "whaats so funyy?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, a lot less drunk than I was and thoroughly enjoying my embarassing actions. "Nothing Cam, why dont you go and say hello to harrison, maybe give him a kiss, he looks lonely without you." I looked shocked up to Maxi, clasping a hand over my mouth, "Noooooooo." I said, looking around at the boys as if Maxi had just revealed a secret. I leant back over to him and failed to whisper, "Sshhh, I like Harrisoooonnn, dont tell him though I dont want him to know yet, he might tell Hoppo and then I can't get icecream." Maxi chuckled at my nonsense and the majority of the boys were now looking at me including Harrison who had a slight smirk on his face along with a slight blush. The tall aussie boy beside me leant down to my ear, "Harrison will buy you icecream if you give him a kiss." My eyes widened and a wide grin came across my mouth, "i cant kiss himmm maxiii, he doesnt like meeeee." I huffed and rolled my eyes as if maxi was being stupid and chewed on the straw in my empty water glass. Maxi leant towards me one last time, "go sit beside Chappo then, hes got something to tell you." Maxi said it a little louder and Chappo winked at me. I giggled and stood up, slightly wobbly. I soon plonked myself beside Chappo, poking his side, whispering, "whatcha want to tell mee?" He smirked and lifted me up and over to his other side where Harrison sat. I squidged between the pair and blushed when Harrison smiled at me. I leant closer to Chappo and whispered, "he's so cute." I giggled and Chappo snorted, pushing me off his side and towards Harrison, "tell that to him then he might finally ask you out mate." I frowned and looked at Harrison. "Theyre not being very nice." He chuckled and smiled at me, slightly shaking his head, "i think youre a little drunk love." He said and i gasped, looking at him open mouthed, "i am not, i am perfecly sober." Harrison raised his eyebrows, "whatever you say Cam." 

He took a sip of his beer, chuckling at me as i lopsidedly gazed at him. He turned to face me again and we just looked at each other until he whispered, "youre cute when your drunk." I blushed heavily and rested my head on his shoulder, "youre cute all the time." Chappo rolled his eyes and fake puked and i elbowed him. "Thats rude, i want icecream." He chuckled and poked my cheek, "the only thing you need right now is to go home and sleep." I sighed and looked up at harrison, "i think ill sleep here." Harrison laughed, "you cant sleep on me Cam." I frowned and closed my eyes, inhaling deeply, "you smell really good." He brushed some hair behind my ear and I opened my eyes, staring directly at his lips. "I really want to kiss you right now." I said, breathing heavily. Harrison looked at me longingly, unbeknowest to me fighting the urge to kiss me as well. I leaned in closer and his eyes widened as I went from my cross legged postion on the bench to leaning over to straddle him. Harrison quickly realised what was going on and put his hands on my waist, forcing me back into my seat. I frowned and felt another pair of hands keep me firmly in my place. Chappo chuckled and kept his grip tight, "you dont want to be doing that right now love, wait until your sober." I frowned and leant my head back on the bench's back, mumbling inconherent words about Harrison and Chappo. 

Chappo released his grip on me and Harrison nudged me, "its alright Cam, i want to kiss you too but id rather do it when youll remember." I sighed and looked up at him through my eyelashes, admiring the sincere and kind look spread across his face. Whippet interrupted my thoughts when he spoke up, "right well i think its time some of us get home, thats enough drinking for today." Whippet gave me and Jesse a pointed look and we giggled at each other. The group started to stand up and I got up alongside Harrison, steadily walking out the bar and to the pavement. I shivered and pulled my jacket closer around me. A few of the boys were walking in the same direction as me so i said goodbye to the rest and walked alongside them. I found out Harrison and Maxi shared a flat and Max Ayshford and Reidy walked along with us as well. It was pretty late now and my flip flops were getting harder and harder to pick up as I wanted nothing more than to sleep. I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist and I looked up to see Harrison looking at me concerned. "I really shouldnt have let Max give you those drinks, you're going to be so hungover in the morning." He continued to walk beside me and i leant into him, enjoying the warmth radiating from his body. "Maxi and I will get you home okay?" He asked and I nodded, thanking him. We soon said goodbye to Max and Reidy and arrived at my apartment. I fumbled with the door and Maxi ended up unlocking it and Harrison pulled me in, leading me to my room. Whilst Maxi was in the kitchen grabbing a water and some tablets, Harrison sat me on the bed and pulled some clothes out from the drawers. "Come on cam, lets get you ready for bed." I sleepily nodded and started pulling my jacket off while Harrison looked for a tshirt. I was just about to pull my shorts off when Harrison turned round wide eyed, "woah woah cam, wait a second." He quickly placed the tshirt on my bed and scurried out the room, leaving me to take my bikini off and pull the shorts and shirt over my head. I layed down on the bed and Harrison poked his head in a minute later, "you done?" I was almost asleep and he silently made his way over to me, helping me under the covers and placing the water and tablets Maxi got on my bedside table. "Night Cam." He said and I smiled, snuggling into my pillow. Harrison seemed to wait a few seconds before he leaned down and kissed my cheek, brushing the hair off my forehead. He turned the light off and went out, leaving me to sleepily doze off, a warm feeling in my stomach.


A/N: Sorryyyyyy, I know im rubbish at updating and this chapter isn't that great. I am trying to write some more but its just hard when all i want to do is sleep lol. I hope you guys are all well and as before, dont forget to comment and vote! :)

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