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Once Jesse had dropped me home last night after we finished watching the movie (me watching through my eyelids), I had ended up going to sleep on the sofa, not bothering to actually return to my bed because i was exhausted. I woke up the following morning in the most awkward and uncomfortable postion- my head resting at a horrible angle against the arm of the couch and my legs cramped.  I groaned, regretting my lazy decision and carefully got up, trying to loosen my painful muscles. I checked my phone and sighed when i realised i must have slept through 2 of my alarms and now i only had 20 minutes to be at the tower. I rushed tiredly to my room, throwing on a clean sports bikini and a fresh lifeguard top. I yanked my shorts and jacket on as i headed out the apartment, locking the door as i realised i still had a toothbrush in my mouth. I groaned and just decided to swallow the minty foam in my mouth. I had no where to put the brush though, my pockets a little sandy. I sighed for the 1000th time that morning and just held it in my hand, briskly walking to the tower. I hoped there might be a breakfast bar someone had forgotten about lying around the kitchen which could provide me with breakfast. This was not the case.

Once i had arrived at the tower I had already scanned the room and looked through the kitchen for food but none had been left and unfortunately the guy's lunches for today were too risky to take. I grumbled and sat down on a chair beside Beardy, putting my toothbrush on the desk in front. He raised his eyebrows at me from over his phone as I leaned back into the chair and pulled my legs up. "Whyve you got a toothbrush?" I looked at Beardy and sighed, "i was in a rush this morning and forgot to put it away before i locked the house." He burst out laughing and a small smile lifted my face. Beardy's chuckles attracted Maxi and Harrison's attention, who stood by Jake. The trio came over to us and i could tell no one would let me live this down. "Oy whats so funny Beards?" Maxi asked and I shuffled down into my seat a bit more. "Cam left the house with her toothbrush this morning!" Beardy said, laughter escaping as looked at my miserable expression. This caused the boys to laugh and I sat up, grumbling. "I didn't know where to put it, my pocket has sand in it and i didn't have time to unlock my apartment again." I said, resulting in Harrison beaming down at me out of amusement and affection for my clumsiness. "You could give it to me, Ill look after it and I washed my jacket last night so it hasn't got sand in it." Maxi said and I eyed him suspiciously. "I dont know maxi...." The aussie boy grinned at me and picked up my toothbrush, shoving it in his pocket. "Hey!" I said, reaching to grab it back. "Trust me Cam, ill look after it and your precious toothbrush will be returned to you unscathed at the end of the day." I narrowed my eyes at him and turned to Harrison, "I blame you if he loses it." Harrison held a hand to his chest, mock shock on his face, "hows that fair?" I poked a finger on his chest, "because youre in the buggy with him today." Harrison nodded and cheekily grinned at me, causing my heart to flutter. He grabbed my hand and crossed our pinkies, making me blush. "Pinkie Promise." I shook my head and sighed, making harrisons grin even wider. I turned to Maxi and put two fingers to my eyes and back at him, motioning that I was watching him. I sat back down alongside Beardy as a loud rumbled echoed from my stomach throughout the room. "Sorry guys, im just hungry." I said, putting my hand over my tummy to try stop the grumbling. 

"Oh I have a breakfast bar in my pocket if you want it Cam." Harrison said and pulled out a fruity bar. "Youre a legend Hutz." I said, taking the bar, our hands brushing slightly as i did so. I unwrapped it and took a bite, smiling up at him through a mouth of glorious food. Maxi playfully punched Harrison's shoulder, "aww look Harrison's blushing cos a girl touched his hand." At this statement Harrison's face blushed even darker and he pushed Maxi away, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Meanwhile, I glared at Maxi and flipped him off, turning around to talk to Beardy who was watching us in amusement. 

A few moments later, Hoppo walked through the door, coming to lean on the banister. "Gdmoring guys, right I just wanted to say that Ive just been informed that we will be having a member from the council to come check on us for some of next week, just routine checks to make sure we're doing our job and that Maxi hasn't burnt the place down." We all chuckled at that but quietened down when Hoppo spoke again. "They'll be coming on Monday and will most likely just sit in the tower and watch you guys operate or sit in a buggy. Not quite sure yet. Anyway, thats all so unless you've got any questions I need to head back to my office." We all shook our heads and waved goodbye to Hoppo. I sat beside Jake at the desk as the rest of the boys headed off to patrol the beach in the buggys, Corey joining Beardy on his way down. "Fancy fancy having an inspector here." Jake said and I nodded, grabbing some binos. "Yeah, have to be on your best behaviour." I said, raising my eyebrows at Jake. He chuckled, "don't know what your'e talking about Cameron, I'm always on my best behaviour." I rolled my eyes and chuckled before focusing on  the water. 

The morning sped by fairly quickly and by lunch, the boys had already completed 15 rescues. Corey had offered to patrol with me at south end to give Maxi and Harrison a break so they could come up to the tower and I accepted, climbing into the buggy with him. 


When Maxi and I had driven to south end once Hoppo had left, Maxi pulled out Cam's toothbrush from his pocket and climbed out of the rhino. "Wait what are you doing with that?" I asked, half worried to see what Maxi would do and half amused. "Im gonna tie it up here so I don't lose it." Maxi said and I laughed as he pulled some string out and set about tying Cam's toothbrush to the frame of the buggy. "She's gonna kill you when she finds out." I said and Maxi shook his head, grinning. "No she won't, she'll be too busy goggling at you to even notice." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "When are you gonna ask her out?" Maxi asked, finishing tying up the toothbrush and climbing back inside. "Soon. I just want it to be the right time and I just don't feel ready yet." Maxi nodded, sighing, "Need to ask her soon though or she'll think your not interested." I nodded, "yeah yeah I know." 

We sat together for the rest of the morning, chatting and doing a few rescues. At lunchtime i noticed one of the buggy's driving towards us and grinned when I saw Cam's figure in the passenger seat. I turned back to the water though, not wanting to look creepy for watching her all the way. As she neared I waved and she giggled, waving back slightly. They pulled up alongisde us. "We were wondering if you guys wanted to head up for lunch yet?" Corey asked. Maxi shrugged, "I'm okay thanks." I snorted, "yeah only cos you've been snacking all morning." Maxi smiled and scrunched his nose, trying to act nonchalant. "Ill come up." I said and Corey nodded. "Ill stay with Max." Cam spoke up and Maxi suddenly looked at me wide eyed. I chuckled as I remembered the toothbrush strapped to the front of the rhino cam was about to sit in. "Good luck mate." I said and scooted out, taking Cam's place beside Corey. We waved goodbye as we drove off back to the tower.


As i sat down in the seat beside Maxi i could tell he was hiding something from the cheeky but also sheepish look he had on his face. "What have you done?" I asked, looking out to the ocean and sipping my water bottle. "Nothing." Maxi replied causing me to look at him. I raised my eyebrows expectantly. "Maxi." He just smiled and shook his head. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the water, enjoying the salty breeze. We sat in silence for 5 minutes before I scanned the waves a bit further to the left and noticed something purple sticking out from the buggy frame. I leaned forward slightly and I soon realised what had been strapped there. I turned to Maxi, anger in my face. "What the fuck is my toothbrush doing tied to the buggy Maxi?" At once, Maxi's face drained of colour, "Oh um i put it there so i wouldn't lose it." I shoved Maxi's side, angryly glaring at him. "MAXI ITS GONNA BE COVERED IN SALT WATER AND THE SAND FROM THE WIND YOU IDIOT!" I yelled, my eyebrows furrowed. "Sorry sorry im sorry please don't kill me." Maxi said, curling away from my furious state. "What were you thinking?!" I asked. "I...I thought that you would be too distracted drooling over Harrison to notice." My eyes widened and I practically felt myself redden with anger. "Oh shit." Maxi said and I nodded, scrambling out the buggy as Maxi took off down the beach in fear. I chased after him, sand flying away from my feet. "YOU DICK!" I yelled, thankfully not many people were sitting close by so no one noticed. Maxi tripped over a small pile of sand and landed face down in the sand, trying to scramble up before I caught him. He had no luck and I pinned him down, starting to laugh at the state we were in. "Im Sorry IM SORRY!" Maxi said and he put his hand in front of his face. "Yeah you better be." I said and flicked his head, climbing off of him. He opened his eye fearfully but soon beamed when he saw me standing there with my hands on my hips. "You're a real nob sometimes Maxi." I said, making him grin. "You love me anyway." He replied and I shook my head, trying to stop a smile from escaping. 

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