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"hey are you okay?" i heard harrisons soothing voice ask me as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked up into his eyes and shook my head, feeling a heavy tear fall from my eye and roll down my cheek. My heart was thumping and i could see my hands shaking. I felt harrison wrap his arms round me and i let myself cuddle into his warm chest. I softly cried and sniffled as he pulled me away slightly, "lets get you back up to the tower." i nodded but couldn't really focus because my mind was still flashing with images of the man in the water. I saw harrison mumble something to beardy who nodded and shooed him off. We made our way back up to the tower, harrison grabbing my hand softly and leading me up. When we entered the tower i saw hoppo standing at the desk, binoculars in hand. "hey hoppo, is it okay if cam sits in here for a while?" harrison asked as i tried to wipe away the tears slowly falling. "of course," hoppo replied, coming closer to me, "your first resus is always difficult but you did a great job bringing him back cam, a few seconds longer and he might not have come back." i nodded as he walked out, going to find someone. I saw harrison look down at me and he gently led me to the desk, pulling a spare chair up next to his and deanos. Deano continued to watch the water but i wasnt paying attention to him, my eyes blurry with water. "hey cam come here." harrison said as he pointed at the chair. I thankfully took it, cradling my legs when i sat down. Harrison looked at me occasionally as i rested my head up on my legs but i knew he didnt want to force me to say anything and he still needed to watch the water. The tears subsided after a while and i watched harrisons face as he looked out across the water. My eyes trailed over his chiseled face, working from his hair, ruffled from the wind, to his lips and jaw, slightly clenched in concentration. His eyes flicked over to me and i quickly looked back to the water but a light blush still rose to my cheeks and i could see he looked a little flushed. I continued to stay like that for about an hour while harrison and deano continued to report struggling swimmers. I was just studying harrison again when I saw Henry walking up the stairs. "hey cam, yalright?" he asked, gently calling me over to the back of the room. "yeah I'm just a little shook up I guess." Henry nodded and patted my shoulder, "its tricky in those situations because theres so much pressure on your shoulders to save that victim. but cam, its never your fault for what the outcome and you did an amazing job today and I'm really proud of you. you handled the situation as if you had done 1000s before. if you ever need to talk about anything please do, you have so many lifeguards around you who care about you and my door is always open. It seems like you've made quite the friends here in the bluies and I'm sure they dont mind either." he pulled me in for a hug and said,"please cam if you need to talk, talk." I nodded and thanked him, "thanks henry, I guess I just didnt really expect for it to hit me like that." he nodded and hugged me again before letting me go back to Harrison and deano. As I sat down harrison smiled at me and I smiled back, my heart beating quicker at that dazzling smile.

"I'm really proud of cam today, she did an amazing job and because of her that man is alive. Not many new volunteers have the capability to perform like that and it just shows how amazing she is. I dont want her to feel like shes not performing to her best because she is and all of us found our first resus difficult to deal with and shes managed to deal with it in the best way she can. All we can do is support her and ensure she feels comfortable as a lifeguard."

"cam was brilliant. I am shocked that she managed to handle the situation that well. I know she was upset but she seemed to cheer up when she got into the tower." The camerman whispered something. "Aha yeah, i think it has got something to do with harrison, they seem to be getting along quite well and he wouldn't shut up about her."

She looked into the camera and shuffled around a bit before looking into the lens, "Today was a tough day, i didnt really expect my first resus to be like that. Im glad the man is okay now though and i just hope i didnt let any of the lifeguards down." she brightened up and blushed slightly as her eyes flicked away from the cameras focus, "the boys were all really kind to me and harrison was so sweet in the tower, im so glad to be surrounded by such supportive people who care for me even though ive not been here long."

BONDI RESCUE - HARRISON REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now