Chapter Eighteen

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Pure bliss. That's exactly what I felt as I began to stir from my slumber. I could feel my mates body pressed against mine and his hand was tracing up and down my bare back.

"Good morning"

I murmured as I peaked an eye open at him. He was completely naked and his hair was hanging loosely across the pillow he was laying on. As he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him I leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Good morning beautiful. How are you feeling"

I stretched my body out and immediately felt my thighs ache from last nights activity. When we get back to the pack house the night before I woke up and found myself full of energy so Roman and I spent the rest of the night making love. He had me feeling like I'd never felt before and it was amazing

"I feel great, starving though"

Right on cue my stomach made a noise like a dying whale which made him laugh out loud and bury his face in the crook of my neck. It was the first time I'd ever heard him laugh and it was adorable.

"You should do that more often"

I murmured as I played with his hair, twisting the long strands between my fingers. He furrowed his eyebrows so I kissed them gently


He smiled and gave my thigh a gentle squeeze.

"Now that I have a reason to laugh and smile I will. Come on let's go get you breakfast"


"Well well the lovers have finally decided to grace us with their presence"

Mama Grace greeted us as soon as we walked into the kitchen then suddenly she rounded the counter and slapped Roman hard across his arm, I got a fright and almost jumped on the spot as her eyes narrowed at him

"Boy I practically raised you and you couldn't even come reassure me that you were okay. You almost died and I had to hear it from Cruella"

Her voice was angry but I could hear the worry and hurt she scolded him and to be honest I was surprised he hadn't lost his temper at her.

"I'm sorry Mama Grace, I got distracted"

He glanced in my direction and she followed his gaze, her eyes landed on me and i felt a little nervous.

"Mmhmm distracted alright, I can smell it all over the both of you"

I was a little confused at first until I inhaled deeply and caught the distinct smell of sex coming from the both of us. I guess I was on such a high I didn't even notice but now that I did I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"No need to be shy honey and it's too late to go shower now, I'm sure half the house has already got a whiff and breakfast is ready"

I swear my cheeks had to be a deep shade of red now as I trudged over and took a seat beside Roman burying my face in his shoulder

"It's nothing to be ashamed of Liv, sex is perfectly natural"

The more she talked the more I wanted to crawl into a hole. There had to be at least ten other pack members in the kitchen not to mention my mate who found it very amusing and she was talking about my sex life. I sat in near silence as I ate trying not to blush like a tomato whenever someone looked my way.

"I've got some things to take care of but it shouldn't take too long, will you be okay by yourself or I could get Seth to keep you company"

I practically spun in my seat as I faced my mate who had gotten to his feet beside me

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