Chapter Twenty-Five

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"The guys are on their way home, they should be back by nightfall"

Dean informed me of my mates impending return as we worked out in the gym, I was more than happy to hear that my man would be back in my arms very soon. I'd been on edge for days with him away and with what Mama Grace had said about Sienna I had a feeling she would make an appearance very soon. Actually it wasn't just a feeling, I was positive she'd be showing her face any day now.

Baby where are you?

Romans voice in my head gave me a fright and I dropped the dumbbells I was holding only just missing Deans feet

"Oh my god Dean I'm so sorry"

I almost crushed Deans foot thanks to you babe. We're in the gym, what's up?

No sooner I'd replied I caught his scent and within seconds he appeared at the door of the gym, his eyes scanning wildly


I practically squealed as I raced towards my man. Without hesitating he caught me in his arms and proceeded to plant wet kisses all over my face before his soft lips finally settled on mine. I didn't hesitate to greedily kiss him as I clung to his muscular shoulders.

"I've missed you so much Liv"

I hummed in response before burying my face in his neck and inhaling his clean woody scent. All too soon he pulled away slightly so he could look into my eyes and a soon as he did I knew something was up.

"We found her"

My heart almost stopped in my chest an I couldn't help the worried feeling that was settling over me.

"On our way back about a half hour from the nearest border, she was beaten almost beyond recognition but I recognised her scent. It's definitely her"

Beaten? I had a million and one questions running through my mind but no idea where to start. Roman pulled me into his side and began to lead me to the pack house.

"She's being transported to the medical wing as we speak. I've got guards on her and as soon as she's well enough we'll have her questioned"

I almost couldn't believe how calm Roman was being about this situation. He'd showed barely a hint of emotion as soon as he began talking about Sienna.

"Babe are you okay? I mean this is a lot to take in. She's your ex mate and you've found her again after so long. I thought you'd be- I don't know, I guess I just wasn't expecting you to be this calm"

He stayed silent until we were back in our room an the door was locked behind us before he turned to me, his demeanour a lot more tense and serious

"I felt something Liv, when we found her. I knew it was her straight away because I felt a connection, I knew her scent and I felt a pull"

My whole body felt numb as I listened to what he was saying, it was something I was dreading since the moment I heard she may be alive. My fears were coming to fruition and I wasn't sure how to process it all.

"Baby girl look at me, listen to me"

I hadn't realised I had moved away from Roman until he pulled me back into his arms and pressed his forehead to mine

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