Chapter Twenty-Three

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He'd been staring silently up at the ceiling for a while now. I knew he was lost in his thoughts and I didn't want to pry so I was content lying in his arms tracing the scars littered across his chest, waiting patiently until he was ready to talk. To be honest I was a little afraid of what he might say.

"I watched them tear into her flesh and drag her away, I tried my hardest to get to her but they tore me to within an inch of my life and when I finally woke up days later the bond was broken. I knew she was dead because a part of me was dead, I couldn't feel her and I never have since that day. She can't possibly be alive"

As the words tumbled from Romans mouth I was both unprepared and surprised. I'd never thought about the circumstances surrounding her death and I was too afraid to ask him about her myself. I was curious though and I guess now was a better time than ever to get answers.

"Was there no body?"

I asked cautiously and he simply shook his head

"There was blood and a lot of it, all hers. The pack searched for weeks on end for any sign of her but all that was found were her torn clothes and bits of flesh"

I felt my stomach turn as his words brought memories of the gruesome sights I'd witnessed in the prison mere hours before.

"I felt like someone had ripped my chest in half and was squeezing my heart in a vice grip, I couldn't feel her or hear her. There was no connection at all. I spent every wakng second scouring every inch of every state of our pack land and the surrounding areas for any trace of her scent but it all stopped where we'd found her clothes. I refused to believe she was gone although deep down I could feel it"

Surely she can't be alive, he'd have known. The bond between mates is unbreakable unless one of the pair dies so I couldn't find it in me to believe that she is still alive

"The rogue said something before I- Before I lost it"

I leaned up on my elbow and glanced down at my mate, extremely curious as to what was said

"He said she's coming back to claim what's rightfully hers. He said she's coming for my pack"

I froze in shock, she was coming for the pack?

"Surely the rogue was lying, it was probably just a way to get in your head and freak you out and quite frankly babe it's working. My guess is those rogues that attacked us are working for Alpha Randall and Corell"

It was the only logical explanation I could come up with. Suddenly a thought popped into my head, Alpha Randall! I hadn't even given a thought as to whether he was alive or not. He was in the prison when Roman went on a rampage and from what I saw briefly nothing or no one survived.

"Alpha Randall, is he?"

Roman glanced up at me before looking back at the ceiling

"He's dead. I finished him off after the rogue"

The cold harsh tone of his voice sent a shiver down my spine and I found myself snuggling into the side trying to wash the images from my mind.

"What I did down there, I never wanted you to have to see that. I lost control and I became the monster I've been trying to tame since I met you. I wasn't in control but I knew what I was doing, I enjoyed tearing Randall limb from limb. He gloated to my face about how he could have you killed in an instant, how he could rip everything away from me. I regret losing control like I did but I don't regret killing him"

I didn't really know how to react, the old me before I met Roman would have been absolutely horrified at what he was telling me but the new me, the Livaya that was deeply im love with this man and would move heaven and earth for him was proud. It may seem twisted but I was proud of how we stood up and defended me from what were probably empty threats.

"I hope you don't think any less of me Liv"

In comparison to the harsh steely tone he projected mere minutes ago Romans voice was now vulnerable and full of worry. I moved so my face was pressed against his and wrapped my arm around his neck

"Of course I don't think any less of you Ro. I love with every part of me and that's not going to change. Whatever happens I'll always be by your side"

I poured my emotions into my words opening our bond and letting him feel just how truthful I was being. Suddenly he pulled me into his arms and rolled over on top of me, he had a firm grip on one of my thighs and pulled it around his waist

"I love you baby girl. I promise I'll be by your side always. I don't want you to worry about anything okay, whatever may come our way I want you to know it's you and me"

The way he spoke made my heart soar but at the same time I couldn't help but think about his ex mate. Maybe he wasn't telling me everything about his encounter with the rogue but there was just something in his words that made it clear, he believed the rogue. He believed that Sienna was alive and coming for him.

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