Chapter Twelve

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I held the phone away from my sensitive ear as Caressa screamed through it, I knew she was going to go off when I called her and I couldn't help smile a little at how dramatic she was

"Ress I'm sorry okay my phone wouldn't work here, some security measure. I promise It wasn't on purpose"

I was surprised she could hear me over her shouting but when she went silent I knew she had

"Ugh Liv you have no idea how much I've missed you and it's only been two days, I sat in your room and cried while I was packing your things"

I could imagine her sitting amongst my stuff a blubbering mess

"You better not have gotten snot on my stuff Caressa or so help me I'll beat your ass"

I growled jokingly, I could hear her snort through the phone

"Ha please Liv, I'll hand you your ass on a platter. Anyway when can I come visit?"

I guess I'd have to sort that with my mate, it would be great to see her

"I'll ask Roman when he's done with his meeting but I'm sure you could come asap"

She was silent on the other end and I knew immediately there was something on her mind

"What is it? Spit it out Ress"

I could hear her clicking her tongue, something she did when she was nervous

"Is he really how they say he is? Are the stories true?"

Oh that's what had her worried, I thought about it and though I hadn't really seen anything too bad I'd felt his power and sometimes anger when he interacted with others

"I don't know Ress, I mean we had a few hiccups when we first met but that's understandable considering our situation but he's been an absolute sweetheart to me. He's accepted me so quickly and he is amazing"

I was practically gushing as I spoke about him and I could hear Caressa giggling through the phone

"That's not to say the stories aren't true, I can feel the raw power when I'm with him and the way his pack respect him I'd say most are true"

She seemed to think it over for a bit before I heard her sigh and she changed the subject, an obvious sign that she was satisfied that Roman wouldn't hurt me

"So what else has happened? Kicked anyone's ass yet?"

I chuckled and proceeded to tell her about Layla, with the occasional curse word and threats of violence towards my new foe Caressa had me in stitches as we spoke.

We got so carried away talking that I didn't notice Roman enter the room until I spotted his feet in front of my face then I realised I was laying upside down on the sofa with my head hanging close to the floor.

"You okay there?"

He chuckled as he looked down at me

"Liv is that him? Ask him when I can come quickly"

Caressa shouted through the phone but I was too distracted by my mates presence to pay attention to her

"Ress I'll call you back okay"

I vaguely heard her shouting as I hung up and sat up properly.

"Uh hey, how was your meeting?

All the confidence I had seemed to slip from me and I felt like a shy giddy teenager with a crush, all because of him

"It was fine, actually I need to talk to you about something. I have to leave for a while"

I stood up in shock at his revelation, he was leaving?

"Where are you going? How long will you be gone?"

I felt slightly panicked, my wolf wasn't happy with the idea of our mate leaving us and neither was I. He pulled me closer cupping my face in his large hands.

"Hey I'll only be gone a week at the most, there are a few problems with another pack that need to be sorted"

His words didn't help the feeling of dread filling my stomach and I knew he could sense it when he pulled me against him wrapping his arms around my body

"I promise I'll get back to you as fast as possible"

He tilted my face up and pressed his lips gently against mine, I clung to the thin material of his shirt as I held myself against him eager to feel as much of his body as possible. He pulled away and smiled down at me making sure to keep me close.

"I'll have Dean stay behind to look after you, he'll keep you company"

That reminded me about my previous phone call

"Actually I was wondering if it would be okay for Caressa to come visit, she wants to bring the rest of my stuff from my old pack house and I've really missed her"

I was flustered as I rushed to ask about Caressa, I was a little afraid he would refuse my request but when he smiled I had hope

"Of course baby, I'll organise it now so she'll arrive before I leave"

To say I was surprised would be an understatement, I expected some kind of resistance.

"Don't look so surprised Livaya, there will be some strict rules and conditions but having her here won't be a problem"

I practically squealed at his words jumping up and wrapping arms around his neck

"Thank you so much Ro this means alot to me"

He suddenly tensed in my arms and pulled me away, his hands were gripping my waist tightly and he had a pained expression on his face

"I'm sorry did I do something?"

I whispered as I reached up to touch his cheek, he squeezed his eyes shut and sighed deeply. Something was troubling him and I had a feeling of what it might be.

"I'm sorry Liv, it's still a little hard for me. She used to call me Ro"

My feeling was correct and now that I stopped to think about it I didn't even know her name, his first mate. Since I'd met him she was just referred to as her.

"What was her name?"

My voice was small and timid, I was a little shy about asking. After a few tense seconds he pulled me against him and kissed my forehead

"Her name was Sienna, but that's nothing you need to worry about. How about we go call your dad and organize this visit?"

I smiled and pressed my lips to his. I knew when he was ready he'd open up more about Sienna but right now my focus was on Caressa.

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