Chapter Twenty-Two

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Explicit version over in Restricted Chapters. Enjoy!

"So many things could have gone wrong Liv"

My mate growled against my skin as he presses me harder into the elevator wall, his hands holding my thighs firmly around his waist.

"But they didn't, im perfectly fine"

My answer seemed to irritate him and his affection became more aggressive. It was like he was purposely trying to get angry, to get rougher with me. He tangled his hand into my hair and with a firm tug pulled my hair back so I was looking up at the ceiling. His eyes were glowing red and his canines were extended, leaning down he began to scrape them along my exposed neck until he reached my ear sending the most amazing shockwaves through my body.

"You will do as I say Livaya, or you will be sorry"

The tone of his voice was serious but I could hear the underlying lust, he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him and he wanted to be in control

"Well I guess you'll have to punish me then because I won't listen"


As we lay in bed in what could only be described as a state of bliss I couldn't help wonder how the rogues that tried to attack us got through the borders, I knew Roman would not be kind to whoever failed to keep them out.

"What you thinking about baby girl? You're tense as hell, I thought I worked that all out of you"

He moved so he was hovering over me and began to kiss down my neck and as per usual every coherent thought seemed to fly out of my head.

"I can't think straight when you do that"

I tried to sound annoyed but it came out as more of a whimper which earned a throaty laugh from my mate

"That's the point baby girl. I want you to relax and stop thinking for the rest of the night, close your eyes and sleep"

As if his words were a tranquilizer I felt my eyes begin to droop. Roman rolled over and pulled me against his body letting me snuggle into his side.

"Sleep baby, I'll take care of everything"

His words were the last thing I heard before I finally gave into fatigue and drifted off to sleep.


I woke to the overwhelming feeling of rage pulsing through me and as I felt frantically for Roman I realised he wasn't in our bed. Jumping out of bed I pulled on some clothes and made a beeline for the door, as I jogged downstairs I tried to mind link him knowing he was the source of the rage I was feeling but as much as I tried it was like he'd put a wall up and I just couldn't get through.

Seth? Dean? Guys where is he?

Surely they would be with him it was just a matter of getting through

We're at the prison, I think it's best if you stay there for now. He's out of control

I couldn't help but growl at Seth as his voice filled my head. Damn it he should know better than to tell me to stay away. Without a second thought I took off into the trees stripping as I went, in one swift move I put my clothes in my mouth and shifted. It was the fastest way to the prison and if Roman was out of control I needed to get there fast.

Roman, baby I'm on my way

A few minutes was all it took to reach the prison and once I was dressed it was straight for the prison doors only to be met with a very worried looking Seth and Dean. I didn't understand what was bothering them until an almighty growl boomed through the prisons main door and that worried me like hell since the place was meant to be soundproof

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