Chapter Nineteen

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I was really looking forward to seeing my folks and also Nia, even though she's only been there a couple days I was interested to see how she was fitting in. As I glanced over at mate who was driving the large SUV we were in I noticed that he looked troubled, he was deep in thought and whatever it was he was thinking about was troubling him

"You okay Roman?"

I asked as I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. When he looked over at me his face softened

"I'm fine baby, just not sure what to expect thats all"

We'd just entered pack land and I could feel him growing anxious, just then my cellphone ringing drew my attention away from my mate. It was Anne calling from the Bayview

"Hey Anne, we just got in. Heading to the packhouse now"

The Bayview hotel as well as a lot of other successful businesses in the small city and nearby communities nearest the main pack house was run by my dads pack, our territory which stretched over 1 and a half states was inhabited 40 percent by wolves and the other 60 percent humans. Although tricky we managed to co-exist with the humans without letting them know just what we were. The vast expanse of land that the main pack house and smaller surrounding community sat on was labelled private property and to most humans it was just considered an exclusive gated community for rich people.

"Hi Liv, yeah I just heard. I was wondering if you could swing by the hotel and pick up the property of the guy you had me detain yesterday. There isn't much but your father wanted it moved to the pack house"

Roman could hear the conversation so he immediately took the next turn off in the direction of the city.

"Sure we'll be by shortly"

The drive to the hotel was quick and as Roman and I walked hand in hand through the lobby we were met with quite a few stares, some wolves obviously recognised my mate and while some looked a little scared others looked downright mad.

Anne met us at the front desk and after a quick greeting she had one of her staff carry a large duffel bag and a briefcase to our vehicle. By now Seth and Dean had arrived and were parked behind us, I couldn't help chuckle at the pair both dressed head to toe in black with dark glasses shielding their eyes.

"Who are you guys supposed to be? The men in black"

Seth smiled and gave me the fingers while Dean slicked his hair back flat on his head

"We look good don't we"

Roman loaded the stuff into the back of the SUV before signalling Dean

"I want to give the room he was in a once over in case they missed anything, Seth you stay here with Liv"

I was surprised but didn't press the matter simply waving as Roman and Dean headed back into the hotel

"I guess it's just you and I Rollins"

I smiled as I leaned back against the side of his vehicle. He did the same taking off his sunglasses and tossing them through the open window.

"Hey that was pretty badass what you did yesterday"

He said as he turned to face me, I gave him a grin as I realized what he was talking about

"You had that bozo crapping himself when you told him you knew where he was, it was-"

Suddenly he froze, his eyes darkened and he raised his nose slightly. He'd caught the scent of something or someone and whatever it was had his attention


As soon as the word slipped his mouth my eyes widened in shock and I began looking around

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