Chapter One

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Today was like any other day, the sun was shining a cool breeze was blowing but something felt off. Every fibre in my body was telling me to stay alert and my Wolf was on edge as well.

"Liv what's wrong? You look distant"

I turned to face my best friend Caressa as we sat by the lake on our pack lands.

"Yeah I just feel like somethings off, I don't know its hard to explain"

She gave me a puzzled look and went to open her mouth when a loud howl cut her off. Something was wrong

"Come in Ressa let's go"

I took her by the hand and got to my feet pulling her up with me. We began to walk in the direction of the pack house keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

Livaya I need you to run, take whoever is with you and head to the safe house. Stay out of sight and stay safe NOW

My dads voice filled my head and I began to panic, he was our packs Alpha so immediately I began to worry that he was in danger

Daddy what's happening, where are you?

I tried to get more information but he wouldn't let up

Livaya just go, we're under attack. Get to the safe house, your moms on her way there with with some of the pack

As much as I wanted to listen to my dad the more determined side of me wanted to help him. I had to help my pack

"Caressa you need to head to the safe house okay. Any of our pack you see on the way you need to take them with you. Keep quiet and out of sight, don't stop until you get there"

She looked at me wide eyed and panicked

"Liv what going on? Where are you going?"

She held my hands tight waiting for an explanation

"We're under attack and I need to help my dad so please just go and promise me you'll stay safe"

She simply nodded and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. When she pulled away she was shaking her head

"Screw that I'm coming with you. We're stronger as a team Liv and you know it now let's go"

I was hesitant at first but gave in, she was right we were stronger together. We grew up together and as soon as we were old enough we began training to fight. It was usually frowned upon for young female wolves to train amongst the warrior wolves so at first we would practice sparring with each other and have running and climbing races against each other. Eventually her older brothers Kai & Ryker found out what we were doing and agreed to help train us. They would push us to our limits physically and mentally, by the time we were sixteen my brother Ryker had convinced my dad and the pack trainer to let us train with the guys. On our first day of training we knew we weren't going to be taken seriously but we both proved ourselves by taking down wolves twice our size. After that day we were treated with a lot more respect.

We could hear howls coming from the South so we headed in that direction making sure to stay low and out of sight. We hadn't shifted yet instead opting to stay in human form so we were quieter. The sound of fighting got louder when I glanced over at Caressa and spotted a large grey wolve heading straight for her. It didn't smell like pack so I quickly got on the offensive

"Ressa get down"

I screamed, without hesitation she dropped flat on the ground and I leapt over her and the wolf just as it snapped its jaws shut. It got confused at the blur of motion in front of it and turned to look at me but stumbled over Caressas body. She leapt to her feet as it slid face first in the dirt, within seconds it was back on its feet and turning to charge at us. We both ran at it head on, she went low sliding along the ground and I jumped over grabbing onto its back as caressa took out its legs. I had it in a headlock and was two seconds away from snapping its neck when an almighty roar ripped through the trees startling me. The raw alpha power that emanated from the roar had me on edge but I never once let go of the wolf in my arms and it had stopped struggling.

"Let him go"

The command dripped with power, the power of an alpha but unfortunately for him it had no affect on me being an alphas daughter. I tightened my grip ready to twist

"Let him go NOW!"

My eyes shot to the tall hulking figure emerging from the trees and immediately I froze, an intoxicating scent filled my nostrils and my eyes widened when I realized it was coming from him


My wolf was howling in my head and immediately I let go of the grey wolf beneath me and back away. The wolf leapt to its feet and rounded on me snarling in anger.


My mate growled, reluctantly the grey wolf turned and walked away coming to a halt behind him. He stood there silently, his grey eyes piercing into mine as if he were staring into the very centre of my soul


The word slipped from my lips and I heard Caressa gasp beside me. Then suddenly I realised just who he was, no he couldn't be? How is this even possible?

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